I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 929: Playing aircraft carrier

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This time flickered, and twenty-five days passed. During these twenty-five days, He Chenguang and others experienced various trainings. To say that this is the most relaxing, I am afraid it will be the rest of their lives.

During training for the rest of his life, Jin Jiao and the others were all horrified to discover that this kid was not a person at all.

Because of their daily training in various subjects, the results of the rest of their lives were even better than them, which made them all stunned.

They wanted to break their heads, but they didn't think of it. How did they do it for the rest of their lives? You know, Yu Sheng is an army... Your army has done everything the navy can do. Are you kidding me?

This made everyone look speechless.

Simply, Jin Jiao and others no longer train for the rest of their lives. In this situation for the rest of their lives, even if they continue to train, it doesn't make much sense.

On this day, everyone was on the aircraft carrier, and they had no training. At this time, Jin Jiao looked at everyone with a smile, and then slowly said: "How do you feel about this aircraft carrier?"

"Very domineering." He Chenguang nodded slightly and said.

"It's very strong. If some Xiaoxiao dare to come here, it will be enough to kill them." Wang Yanbing also said in amazement. This aircraft carrier is very large and very deterrent, and the aircraft carrier is the overlord of the sea. It is very powerful. Who dares to commit...

Master the aircraft carrier, also master the right to speak at sea.

"Do you want to see insight?"

At this time, Jin Jiao suddenly smiled and said.

"Didn't you have seen it?" Li Erniu asked puzzled.

"Yeah... I've seen it all, what else is good about this?"

Although this big thing is very domineering, they are not terribly cold about the things in it, and there are too many things involved in it, so they don't understand it either.

"Ha ha."

Jin Jiao smiled and said, "I've seen it before, haven't you played it yet."


After Jin Jiao said this, He Chenguang and the others all looked at Jin Jiao with a little dumbfoundedness, and said in shock, "You mean, we can still fly an aircraft carrier?"

"You can open it, but you have to have that ability."

Jin Jiao spoke casually.

"Go, go to see and see." He Chenguang and others are all excited.

On the contrary, it was the rest of his life, extremely calm. In this vehicle training room, there were also aircraft carriers. He wanted to play aircraft carriers, but he didn’t know how many aircraft carriers had been scrapped. You know... this is an aircraft carrier. How much does one cost. ?

Its value is immeasurable...

However, he can scrap it as he wants to. If this is known, it is estimated that he will be able to scold him for the rest of his life. You shit, you are all gold in your home. You can play whatever you want.

This thing is so valuable, you told me that you scrapped a lot of ships...

Under the leadership of Jin Jiao, a group of people came to this aircraft carrier cockpit at this time. There were many staff in the cockpit. At this time, the staff were busy, paying attention to the surrounding conditions.

The aircraft carrier is huge, but the aircraft carrier is also afraid of things like this reef. After all, if the speed is too fast and it hits a big rock, who knows whether it will crash the aircraft carrier, so everyone is always paying attention to the surroundings. Various situations, so as not to encounter such a thing from happening.

This thing is precious, if it is really damaged, it will be a big trouble.

At this time, Jin Jiao smiled and said, "How about it, do you want to have fun?"

"How to play this stuff?"

"There is a control room over there, this thing can control the aircraft carrier." Jin Jiao said with a smile.

He Chenguang and others were very excited, and they wanted to try it. At this time, they all looked at Fan Tianlei. When Fan Tianlei saw this, his brows frowned, and they immediately said: "Jin Jiao, we are not professionals. If it breaks, it will be a big trouble. Don't let them play."

Fan Tianlei couldn't help being a little worried. If this **** thing breaks down, then he won't be able to deal with them.

"It's okay." Jin Jiao shook his head slightly and said: "This is the open sea, and there are no hidden reefs around. You can try to play."

"Okay, let's try."

When the voice fell, He Chenguang became excited. At this time, everyone began to teach He Chenguang how to operate. This operation method is extremely simple and easy to learn. There are many buttons here, and everyone will replace He. Morning light operation.

He Chenguang and the others played for a while, which made everyone excited. They never expected that they could still control and control the aircraft carrier during their lifetime. You must know that this is the overlord of the sea, the aircraft carrier...

If I say this, I will have a light on my face...

Everyone was excited.

After everyone had finished playing, they all looked at Yu Sheng. He Chenguang couldn't help asking: "Why don't you play in Yu Sheng? You know, there is no such shop in this village... "

"Yes for the rest of my life, this is an aircraft carrier..."

Everyone started talking with excitement.

Yu Sheng was speechless when he heard the words. He was almost vomiting in the training room. Isn't it just an aircraft carrier? There is nothing interesting about it, but he doesn't have much interest in it.

At this time, Jin Jiao also came over. He looked at Yu Sheng, smiled and said, "What? You don't play?"

"Forget it."

Yu Sheng shook his head slightly and didn't plan to play aircraft carrier. This thing was too big and flexible, and it didn't make much sense to play.

"You can try it." Jin Jiao smiled and said: "As the navy~www.wuxiaspot.com~, you have to get in touch with aircraft carriers more or less. This is also to let the navy know more about it. Our navy is not only It’s for training. You have to learn all kinds of weapons. If you use them at the time, you won’t be too panicked."

Seeing Jin Jiao say this, Yu Sheng hesitated for a while, and then slowly said: "Well, if that's the case, then I'll have fun too."

Having said that, Yu Sheng walked towards this side. At this time, Yu Sheng glanced at the buttons around him. This big guy can't be controlled by one person.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath and activated the buttons on the aircraft carrier. Seeing Yu Sheng's proficiency, for a while, this made Jin Jiao and others all look bewildered.


"Chief of Staff Fan, has he played an aircraft carrier?"

Seeing the familiar appearance of Yu Sheng, everyone present was a little dumbfounded. Even Fan Tianlei looked at the rest of his life in front of him with dumbfounded expression. For a while, he was a little dumbfounded.

When will this kid even be able to operate the aircraft carrier?

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