I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 931: Something happened again

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"This, I'm not sure." Fan Tianlei shook his head.

He is really not very clear. He always feels that there must be some secret for the rest of his life. You can drive a plane and a tank. You can even drive an aircraft carrier. He also flew a civil aviation plane before... Fan Tianlei was terrified. .

"Not sure?"

Jin Jiao also glanced at Yu Sheng next to him with a bewildered expression. For a while, he didn't know what to say.

Yu Sheng commanded the people and co-operated with him to drive the aircraft carrier. Yu Sheng knew all kinds of ways to play the aircraft carrier. You know, he used to play the aircraft carrier in the training room and didn’t know how to crash. How many aircraft carriers were abolished, and only then can I develop this ability.

Otherwise, how could he do this.

Fan Tianlei didn't know, but it didn't mean he didn't know either.

For the rest of his life, the aircraft carrier was launched and Jin Jiao and others were all dumbfounded. Even the pilot behind Yu Sheng didn't know what to say for a while.

"I'm rubbing, this guy, he really knows how to play aircraft carriers." He Chenguang said blankly when he saw Yu Sheng playing so slippery.

"Awesome..." Song Kaifei said in a shocked tone: "This is playing aircraft carrier, which is higher than me, a pilot..."

At this moment, Yu Sheng drove the aircraft carrier and started to play Sao Manipulation. Yu Sheng drove the aircraft carrier and started to play the S route. After playing the S route for a while, he started to play the C route again.

For a while, this caused all the people present to be shocked and inexplicable.

"Quickly stop, quickly stop."

All the people present looked at the aircraft carrier with distressed expressions. This is a **** aircraft carrier. You have to open an aircraft carrier, and you still play so many show operations. If the game is broken, you can't afford to lose it.

Jin Jiao couldn't help but loudly said, "For the rest of my life, stop quickly, stop quickly."

"The rest of your life, stop quickly."

Fan Tianlei also hurriedly said loudly.

"Can't stop."

At this moment, Yu Sheng's expression condensed, his face also became a little dignified, Yu Sheng said loudly: "The aircraft carrier is out of control, it seems that there is a problem with the power, hurry up, go and check."

After playing around for the rest of my life, I noticed something was wrong. For such a big aircraft carrier, it is fair to say that there will be a special person to check it every time.

But, why... I suddenly lost control at this moment. Doesn't it make sense? For the rest of my life, I didn’t understand what was going on. According to reason, the probability of failure of this aircraft carrier is only about one in a thousand. After all, everyone is always maintaining and checking. Big problem, then the accident can be big.

Anything can have problems, but this aircraft carrier must not have problems. This thing is too precious, and it is very, very troublesome to build.


After Yusheng finished speaking, the expressions of Jin Jiao and the rest of the people changed drastically, and they hurriedly said: "No, there is a problem. Our aircraft carrier doesn't know where there is a problem, hurry up. Hurry up and investigate."

"Quickly investigate."

Immediately afterwards, the rest of the drivers also yelled. For a while, they became anxious, but they did not leave their posts. They all knew that they were the drivers. May cause huge problems with this aircraft carrier.

So they must be vigilant at all times, if the aircraft carrier hits something, it will be even more troublesome.

"Hurry up and investigate."

Jin Jiao roared, and the rest of the people started to take action. For a while, everyone quickly looked for the problematic place, and the rest of their eyes stared at the front, the aircraft carrier's power had a problem, and it couldn't stop now. , Maybe even this brake system has a problem.

"not good……"

Suddenly, Yu Sheng's pupils suddenly locked, his eyes could see far away, and naturally some scenes outside this could also be seen through the glass. After Yu Sheng saw the outside scenes, Yu Sheng's expression changed drastically.

"There is a hidden reef in front, we have to find a way to get over."

As soon as this statement came out, the expressions of Jin Jiao and others in the distance changed drastically. In this water, everyone knows that the reef thing is very terrible, and the ship encountered the reef, that is There is a dead end... Maybe the ship will be destroyed.

Although this is an aircraft carrier, it is a Big Mac, but if it crashes into a reef, it is definitely not a good thing. Besides, the aircraft carrier crashes into a reef, it does not mean that the hull cannot be pierced...

Once the hull is cut, the trouble is even greater.

"Hurry up, turn around, turn around."

For a time, Jin Jiao hurriedly shouted.

"It can't be transferred. We are very close to the place where the reef is located. It is difficult to transfer. The aircraft carrier is too big to be in time." Someone hurriedly said.

"Then what to do? Did you just smash into it like this?" Jin Jiao, Gu Shun and others were anxious. They never expected that such a situation would happen to the aircraft carrier. Now they are all very curious, what is this? What is willing to cause, but right now, the most important thing is to survive the immediate crisis.

"Now we need a very good pilot to pass directly from the side, but the area of ​​the aircraft carrier is very large. There should be an open space in that area, and there should be no hidden reefs. However, if you want to pass from that place, most people simply do it. No, a very good driver must be needed."

Hearing this soldier's explanation, Jin Jiao was also anxious, and immediately said, "Who can do it?"

"I can't do it." Another soldier said: "Although we are all experienced, but...this is the first time we have encountered this situation. Even if we send a 20-year veteran, it is difficult to do it."

As soon as this sentence was uttered, Zheng Ke's heart sank, and all of them sank to their bones.

"Oh shit……"

At this moment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a person quickly walked in from the outside, this person is obviously a large colonel and the highest officer here.

"What's the matter? What's the problem?" the man asked immediately.

"Chief, there is a big problem. At present, our aircraft carrier is malfunctioning, and we don’t know what caused it. Now our people are beginning to troubleshoot. However, there is a hidden reef directly in front of us. There is only one place. There is no submerged reef in the area. If you are not an experienced pilot, it may cause the aircraft carrier to nibble on this submerged reef. Although it may not cause a devastating blow to the aircraft carrier, it is likely to cause some harm to the aircraft carrier."

"Is there anyone who can pass this place?" the person asked again.

"I'm afraid it's hard for anyone to do it." Jin Jiao said solemnly.

"I'll try."

At this moment for the rest of his life, he took the lead to stand up, with a little brilliance in his eyes.

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