I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 932: Fan Tianlei sweating profusely

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Yu Sheng continued to operate the aircraft carrier. Hearing Yu Sheng's words, all the people present turned black, and for a while they didn't know what to say.

"You?" The man looked at Yu Sheng, frowned, and said, "Who are you and why are you sitting in the driver's seat."

"Report, I am the rest of my life, from the Spike Special Brigade."

"Hello, I'm Fan Tianlei, Langya's chief of staff." Fan Tianlei stood up at this moment, with a solemn expression: "The situation is not optimistic now, we have to find a way to get through the difficulties as soon as possible."

"Are you the chief of staff of Spike?"

After this person looked at it, he was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately said: "I am the highest in charge of this aircraft carrier. My name is Thunder."

"Head Lei." Fan Tianlei said.

"Let's find a way to get through this difficult time together." Lei Ming nodded slightly, and said in a condensed voice: "Can he do it?"

At this time, Fan Tianlei was also anxious. He now feels like he is poisonous for the rest of his life. He accidentally got off the plane and broke the tank. In the end, even the **** aircraft carrier went to death... this Guy, it's poisonous.

Fan Tianlei still hoped that Yu Sheng would not risk doing this kind of thing. If it succeeds, it will be fine, if it fails, Yu's military career after his birthday will probably be over.

"He has not studied aircraft carrier driving systematically. I feel that he may not be able to do it." Fan Tianlei hesitated for a moment, then said slowly.

I have to say that people are selfish.

Even Fan Tianlei is no exception.

"Can anyone do it?" Lei Ming frowned when he heard the words. He looked at Jin Jiao and said.

"I'm afraid I can't do it."

As soon as these words were spoken, Lei Ming's complexion became gloomy, and Lei Ming stared at the front, and immediately said: "In any case, you must do it for me, even if you can't do it, you must do it for me. This is an order."

Lei Ming also knows that at the moment, you can't do nothing. If you can reduce a part of the loss, you can reduce a part of the loss.

"Speed ​​up, speed up."

At this time, the rest of my life immediately said loudly: "I can do it, hurry up and let the aircraft carrier accelerate, the speed of the aircraft carrier is too slow to do it..."

Yu Sheng's roar also shocked everyone. When Fan Tianlei heard this, his face was even more painful. Don't this kid know what the situation is now? You **** even want to drive the aircraft carrier over there. Is this something you can do?

Isn't this a mess?

"For the rest of your life, hurry up and give your driving position to an experienced driver around you." Fan Tianlei hurriedly said: "This is an order."


Yu Sheng immediately opened his mouth and said: "There are too many reefs in front. If the aircraft carrier passes directly, it will pose a great threat to the aircraft carrier. Accelerate immediately. Under acceleration, the turning speed of the hull will be higher and faster."

Yu Sheng's words made everyone present a little painful, and Lei Ming looked at Yu Sheng, his face also revealed a little dignity.

"Head, maybe he can give it a try." Jin Jiao hesitated for a while before condensing his voice.

"Do you know what the result is?" Lei Ming said solemnly.

"I know." Jin Jiao paused: "But this kid is amazing. He has many secrets. I feel that maybe he can go through."

When Lei Ming heard this, his face sank. Right now, they really don't have a better way. In any case, they need to try. If you can't get through, just install it like this, it will be more troublesome.

So, you have to try it anyway, but who will try it is a big question, and although the driver here is rich in experience, it is also extremely difficult to encounter this kind of thing.

"If you don't come again, it will be too late, hurry up and increase the speed." Yu Sheng shouted.

The rest of his life at this moment was also anxious. If he couldn't do it even after waiting for such a short while, the rest of his life could only urge.

"Listen to his orders and act according to his instructions." Leiming made a decisive decision.

This command shocked Yu Sheng, and Yu Sheng immediately said: "Listen to my order and accelerate with all your strength."

Under Yu Sheng's orders, these crew members no longer hesitated, and they followed Yu Sheng's orders to operate, and Yu Sheng's operations were even more prosperous. All those present were dazzled.

For the rest of his life, his eyes were staring straight ahead, his eyes could see far, far away, and the reef could be seen clearly.

Therefore, for the rest of my life, I can tell where there are few reefs, and where there are big reefs, and there are no reefs.

According to his instructions, Yu Sheng swiftly controlled the aircraft carrier and drove quickly to the side. At the speed of the aircraft carrier, when Yu Sheng was driving the aircraft carrier, this time made the entire aircraft carrier a little unstable. The people around are a little shaken.

But everyone was staring at Yu Sheng. They all knew that right now, only the rest of their lives can be rescued. If they can't even save the rest of their lives, they will inevitably hit this reef.

At that time, that will be the real big trouble.

When Yu Sheng was in control of the aircraft carrier, all the people present were a little surprised. Even Thunder looked at Yu Sheng in front of him in a bit of surprise. Yu Sheng’s performance really surprised him. You must know that Yu Sheng is an army. Ah, I didn't expect to be so slippery on this aircraft carrier.

A little bit of time passed, and the aircraft carrier was about to hit the reef below, but at this time, Yu Sheng drove the aircraft carrier and directly played an S-shaped walk, stupefied along the reef. Walking from the side, the sharp operation of the rest of his life shocked everyone present.

Immediately after...

Yu Sheng once again controlled the aircraft carrier, UU reading www.uukanshu.com quickly changed direction. At this time, Yu Sheng was also in crazy calculations in his brain. He almost loaded the intermediate calculations to the extreme.

That kind of calculation ability is extremely fast. For every route he calculates, when to turn, what is the speed of the aircraft carrier, such calculation speed, even the computer can't keep up.

I spent the rest of my life on the reef one after another, which caused the whole heart of the people present to mention in their throats, and they were all extremely nervous.

At the same time, for the rest of their lives, they also came to this last reef. The angle of this last reef is extremely tricky. This aircraft carrier may be able to pass...but...

To want to pass, but it is as difficult as the sky.

Because...According to Yu Sheng's data, he discovered that this thing is only 5 meters wider than the aircraft carrier...

Such a distance makes Yu Sheng's complexion extremely dignified. If it is a car, these five meters are naturally very spacious, but... if this is replaced by an aircraft carrier, these five meters are really negligible...

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