, The fastest update I have the latest chapter of a special forces system!

"Isn't this waiting for you all the time?" Zhao Yunfeng smiled and said.

"Old Tianlei, let's go, let's get in the car first, and wait until our stronghold to talk about this." Zhao Yunfeng smiled.


Fan Tianlei nodded slightly, and then he asked Chen Shanming to direct Yu Sheng and the others to get into the car. At this time, Fan Tianlei and Zhao Yunfeng were in a car. Zhao Yunfeng said, "Why are you here so early? There are still a few days away from the race."

Fan Tianlei paused and said, "I'm afraid that if this doesn't come, my people will be abducted by thunder."

"Thunder? Jin Jiao's immediate boss?" Zhao Yunfeng was taken aback.


Fan Tianlei nodded slightly and said, "I have trained these boys on their side during this period of time. Lei Ming has taken a fancy to my soldier. If I hadn't run fast, my soldier would have been abducted by this guy. "

Fan Tianlei's words left Zhao Yunfeng speechless for a while. Others don't know you Fan Tianlei, can he still not understand your Fan Tianlei's virtue?

This made Zhao Yunfeng wonder what to say for a while.

"You have come so early, I'm afraid it will take a while."

"It's okay." Fan Tianlei shook his head and said, "We are here, so we should prepare in advance. By the way, are people from other countries here?"

"Some have arrived, and some haven't arrived yet." Zhao Yunfeng opened his mouth.

"How is this international special forces competition arranged?" Fan Tianlei asked in confusion: "How are the specific implementation rules done?"

Zhao Yunfeng shook his head slightly, and said: "Now all countries are going to meet tomorrow. The specific implementation rules will be discussed in this meeting. However, this time the international special forces competition, we will hold it here. You have to do well. With psychological preparation, the environment here is not so good."

"It's okay." Fan Tianlei said, "As special forces, they have to adapt to various environments. If they can't even adapt to these environments, they won't be able to grow into a special force."

"They are not flowers in a greenhouse. This environment is good for their growth."

Fan Tianlei also knows that it is not easy to become a special soldier, because all they encounter are dangerous. If they are not careful, they may lose their lives. However, since they become a special soldier, they must make these preparations. , This is also no way. Of course, the stronger your strength, the lower the dangerous things you encounter, because your strength can completely protect your own safety.

"You have to be prepared." Zhao Yunfeng nodded slightly and said.

"But this time you have to be careful of these countries. Now Laomi will most likely target us. You also know some of the current situation." Zhao Yunfeng said casually.

"Yeah." Fan Tianlei nodded slightly and said, "Don't worry, there should be nothing wrong."

"Just be prepared."

Zhao Yunfeng nodded, and then Zhao Yunfeng continued to chat with Fan Tianlei. After a while, the group arrived at their resident.

This resident is also the place arranged by the other party. The other party arranged the hotel. Relatively speaking, this hotel is not bad. When the real game comes, someone will naturally follow them to another place.

After Yu Sheng and the others came to this place, they all couldn't help but sigh, saying: "The environment here is really good, especially the air, which is much more enjoyable than in our country."

"Yes, the air here is very good and fresh. No wonder there are more and more people suffering from pharyngitis in our country. It is also related to the air." Xu Tianlong also admired.

"There are too many people on our side, and there are too few people here, that's why the current situation is caused." Song Kaifei sighed slightly, and said: "Our environment has to be well managed."

Everyone was talking about it, and Yu Sheng looked around. This place is indeed quite good. If this place is used for the elderly, it is good.

"Yu Sheng, have you ever been to this place?" Li Erniu couldn't help asking at this time.

"No." Yu Sheng shook his head and said, "I haven't been abroad a few times."

Yu Sheng was right. He did not go out very often. After all, he was still young at that time, but their company was all over the world, and there were their companies in many places.

But these companies are managed by some professionals.

"Let's go, let's go where we live first."

Soon, everyone came to the place to live. The rooms are still good. The standard rooms are very complete with some things, which is OK.

The rest of his life and his party will spend the next two days here, and they will go to another place until the special forces competition.

After Yu Sheng chatted with He Chenguang and them for a while, everyone returned to their house one after another. After a while, Fan Tianlei walked into the house.

After seeing Fan Tianlei, Yu Sheng was taken aback and said, "Chief of Staff."

"How about, is this place okay?" Fan Tianlei smiled and said: "This time the country has specially opened some good rooms for us, just to let you shine in the international special forces competition."

After Yu Sheng heard the words, he hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help but said: "Chief of Staff, do you want me to tell the truth or tell lies."

Fan Tianlei's face became stiff when he heard the words, and Chen Shanming on the side also gave Yu Sheng a silent glance.

Fan Tianlei gave a clear cough and said casually: "I know that your kid is rich and you are used to food, but overall, this hotel is quite good."

"By the way, I have something to ask for you."

Speaking of this, Fan Tianlei hurriedly changed the subject. He felt that if he was talking about this with Yu Sheng, he would probably be annoyed by Yu Sheng. It is right to think about it. Yu Sheng has money in his family, and this luxury car and mansion must be all The best.

"What's the matter?" Yu Sheng asked suspiciously~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This morning, do you remember the stone we gave away? "Fan Tianlei said casually.

"Remember, why is this stone special?" Yu Sheng asked in surprise.

Fan Tianlei said, "I have to say that your kid's luck is pretty good. This stone is indeed a treasure."

"I'm now asking someone to build a military dagger for you, do you have any comments?" Fan Tianlei said.

"Military dagger?" Yu Sheng was taken aback when he heard the words, and said: "No comment, but Chief of Staff, you haven't said this stone yet."

"This stone is an outer meteorite iron with very high hardness. Moreover, the weapon created is also very powerful. It belongs to the first level of a magic weapon. It can be said to cut iron like mud. You should have heard of it forged by Ou Yezi. Weapon? Many of his weapons are made of meteorite from the outside world, so I don’t need to say more about their sharpness."

"Where did your kid pick up this stone?"

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