I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 938: Shopping mall

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Yu Sheng was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect this stone to be so powerful, no wonder he didn't smash the stone for a long time. His feelings were like this.

This made Yu Sheng also slightly speechless.

Yu Sheng thought for a while, and then he said: "This stone was really picked up in the sea. I saw something special about this stone at the time, so I picked it up. I disappeared in the sea, you too knowledge."

When Fan Tianlei heard the words, his face twitched fiercely, and Fan Tianlei said, "How long can you hold your breath?"

Fan Tianlei became puzzled. Everyone had been searching this sea for a long time before they found Yu Sheng. If Yu Sheng hadn't come out by himself, they would be hard to find.

"At least half an hour." Yu Sheng hesitated and said, he did not tell his true situation. After all, his true situation is really a bit nonsense. If this is really said, it is estimated that no one Believe, what's more, there are his secrets involved, even Fan Tianlei can't tell.

This is too sci-fi. Fan Tianlei trusts him, but he can't trust other people. If this matter is spread out, it will be a huge trouble for him, and maybe it will cause it. He didn't want to be worried about the murderous disaster every day.

"Half an hour?"

Fan Tianlei and Chen Shanming all stayed for one, a little dumbfounded for a while, this kid is really not a person, he can hold his breath for half an hour?

Fan Tianlei took a deep breath. He had already experienced Yu Sheng's perversion, but even so, he was still a little surprised. This kid is really not a person, so perverted.

Fan Tianlei thought for a while, and said casually: "If this is the case, then I will directly make them into daggers. At that time, I will let someone get enough of the daggers. Maybe they can make them before the International Special Forces Competition."

"Good." Yu Sheng was delighted when he heard the words. If this is the case, it would be best.

"You guys try not to go out these days, so as not to get into trouble. After all, this is not our own territory. If you cause trouble here, it won't be easy to do." Fan Tianlei warned.

"Don't worry, Chief of Staff, we won't cause trouble." Yu Sheng smiled.

"That's good."

Then Fan Tianlei turned around and left here, while Chen Shanming looked at Yu Sheng, slightly surprised, and then lay on the bed.

However, just after Fan Tianlei left for a while, He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing all came to Yu Sheng's room, and the three of them smiled and said, "Yu Sheng, let's go, let's go out for a while?"

"it's not good?"

When Yu Sheng heard the words, he was taken aback. Fan Tianlei had just told them not to run around, and they ran out in the blink of an eye. Isn't it a good idea?

"What's wrong? Let's stay here for several days. We can't stay in this room every day, right? Also, we go shopping and change into casual clothes. Others don't know what we do. , We can take this opportunity to buy something and go back, otherwise, wouldn't it be a trip abroad for nothing." He Chenguang said casually.

Yu Sheng couldn't help but said, "The chief of staff has been keeping an eye on him, but he won't let us go out."

After that, Yu Guang of Yu Sheng glanced at Chen Shanming, He Chenguang was not stupid, he understood in an instant, He Chenguang smiled immediately, and said, "Squad leader, do you want to be together? It just so happens that we are fine, we can go shopping. , Not to mention we don’t have a training mission now."

After Chen Shanming heard this, he was speechless for a while. It was obvious that He Chenguang wanted to bring him into the group...Chen Shanming said, "Okay, let's go and have a look. It just happens to be idle."

Chen Shanming did not refuse.

"Okay." He Chenguang said immediately: "Let's talk to the chief of staff."

Afterwards, everyone said to Fan Tianlei that Fan Tianlei didn't want everyone to go, but after thinking about it for a few days, it really didn't make much sense. They simply let a few of them go out, but they watched again and again. , Don’t make trouble here, if you make trouble here, it will be very troublesome, or it might cause public opinion.

Yu Sheng and others all agreed.

Then the group ran towards the mall. After they came to the mall, everyone liked to buy a pair of military boots, some clothes and the like. They all liked these things, and the quality of these things was indeed quite good. That's good.

The rest of his life was relatively easy and didn't buy anything, because he felt that he had nothing to buy. If he really wanted to buy it, he could ask his family to help buy it, which was also convenient.

What's more, the clothes he wears daily are inherently valuable, and all kinds of clothes are also worn, so the rest of his life is not very interested in these things.

Soon, Yu Sheng suddenly noticed some compressed biscuits, which surprised Yu Sheng slightly. Yu Sheng simply bought some beef jerky and compressed biscuits. After all, they are used in the International Special Forces Competition. They are generally not eaten at non-critical moments. Planting things, these things are used to save lives, and he also knows that this international special forces competition also takes a while to complete the game, after all, the area involved is too vast.

He Chenguang looked at Yu Sheng and couldn't help but said: "Yu Sheng, what do you buy these beef jerky and compressed biscuits for? Don't we have these things in our military area."

"Yes, this international special forces competition, we will also send some food, there is no need to buy these things~www.wuxiaspot.com~Xu Tianlong is also puzzled.

"Isn't this a waste?" Song Kaifei couldn't help but said: "The money was spent in vain."

Yu Sheng shrugged, but didn't care, but he smiled and didn't say anything more.

At this time, Yu Sheng heard the piano sound, which made Yu Sheng slightly surprised. He didn't expect that there would still be a piano sound in this mall. At this moment, Li Erniu said: "It's the piano, Yu Sheng, Chenguang, it's the piano. Let's go and see. See?"

Li Erniu said with excitement: "My family Cuifen, I like the piano the most, but that thing is too expensive, and my family Cuifen is also reluctant to buy it."

Li Erniu's words made He Chenguang and the others slightly speechless, but it was just a piano. What's so strange about it, but since Li Erniu is so excited, just go and see it.

At this time, Yu Sheng and his party came to this floor one after another. As expected, in the middle of the floor, there was a person playing the piano.

Around here, there are many people listening, and everyone's faces are revealing a little bit of enjoyment.

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