I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 945: Fan Tianlei's dark history

Chapter 932 Fan Tianlei's Dark History (seeking subscription, seeking monthly pass)

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Yu Sheng also admired Fan Tianlei on this point. Now, his popularity is extensive, which is already a sign of Lao Fan. I don’t know where this guy met so many people...

He even knew the fifth category of people. This guy, wouldn't he be from the entire military area, did you know all of them?

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng couldn't help but came to Chen Shanming's side and whispered: "Squad leader, ask a question."

"What's the problem?" Chen Shanming asked in a daze.

"It's our chief of staff, how many people do you know? How do I feel that no matter where I go, there are people he knows?" Yu Sheng asked in a low voice.

As soon as Yu Sheng said this, even He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing who were not far away pricked their ears, waiting for Chen Shanming to say something.


Chen Shanming thought for a while, and said: "In fact, the chief of staff does know a lot of people, and this is a long story."


When Yu Sheng, He Chenguang and others heard this, their eyes flickered, revealing a little excitement, which made them all excited. They liked Lao Fan's gossip, but they didn't expect the Chief of Staff to have so many gossips.

"Squad leader, would you like to talk about it?" Yu Sheng asked immediately.

"In fact, how do you say it, this is all done by our chief of staff." Chen Shanming scratched his head and whispered: "I tell you, you must never tell the chief of staff. If you tell the chief of staff, We all have to go around without eating."

"Okay, don't worry, we still have this kind of ideological awareness." Yu Sheng immediately replied.

"Yeah." Chen Shanming nodded in satisfaction, and then whispered: "Presumably you also know that our chief of staff is named Golden Eagle, right?"

"Yeah." Yu Sheng and the others nodded slightly. They were all very confused. What does this have to do with the code name of the Chief of Staff? The name Golden Eagle was named because Fan Tianlei's eyes are so good.

This person is very popular, and it has nothing to do with the name Golden Eagle.

"This matter has to start from this place."

At this time, Chen Shanming sighed slightly, and said helplessly: "Back then, our chief of staff was also young and energetic, just like you, he didn't accept anyone when he met him. Moreover, where would he and He Weidong be Chenguang's father? , Is a good friend, a good friend."

"When two people are together, that's what they want to see. At that time, we people secretly call him Flathead Brother, which is the so-called honeypot."

"Have you heard of honeypots?" Chen Shanming said.

"That's the honeypot that even lions dare to do?" Li Erniu couldn't help asking.

"Not bad." Chen Shanming nodded in satisfaction and said: "Since you know honeypots, it's easy to say."

"In the past, our chief of staff was a well-known Jai Xuan must report. Whoever provokes him, he will go straight back at night. He Zhijun and chief, you should know that this is our direct leader, and he was our staff at the time. The long-term direct leader also took our chief of staff."

"At that time, our chief was often tossed by the chief of staff, and, when something went wrong, he wiped the chief of staff everywhere, not only that..."

"Our chief of staff, that is even more of a troublemaker. No matter where you go, you have to cause a shocking event."

"That's because wherever he went, so many people knew him. Not only that, everyone knew that our chief of staff was a smiling tiger. He was always laughing, but... if you are not careful, it is easy. The chief of staff was pitted, and the chief of staff was a notorious big pit."

"At that time, our chief of staff was young and vigorous, so we began to challenge various military districts. Many people know about this, but there is one thing, that is, some ordinary military districts. Naturally, no one is the opponent of our chief of staff. On the top expert side, our chief of staff was brutally abused."

"Never mind the blood abuse. You don't know the character of Brother Flathead. It's the more fierce the war in Vietnam. Therefore, every day you are grind with these major military regions. I'm so bored, you come to challenge every day, come to play every day, give you a beating, you are endless, this can't be done, so in the end everyone is also persuaded and directly surrendered in front of the chief of staff."

"Over time, the reputation of the chief of staff has grown."


After Yu Sheng heard these words, Yu Sheng was shocked. Unexpectedly, the Chief of Staff was so dark and there were such eight monsters?

The more you fight, the more courageous you are. However, with a hundred battles and a hundred losses, such an ability is also a proper genius... Not only that, but I didn’t expect that the Chief of Staff would be rewarded. Now thinking of this, it will make the rest of my life a little painful, no wonder, no wonder Fan Tianlei has been stumbling him.

It’s like that, feelings are all Lao Fan’s Jacques must repay...

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng was also grateful, and fortunate that he didn't offend Fan Tianlei.

He Chenguang asked suspiciously: "Squad leader, but I think our current chief of staff is okay, and it's not as fierce as you said..."

Regarding Fan Tianlei’s things before, now He Chenguang can only use a violent summary. I have to say that Fan Tianlei was too fierce and fierce before, and he was completely convinced. He did not expect a hundred battles... Having such a person is simply a talent.

"That's because something happened."

Chen Shanming sighed slightly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then glanced at He Chenguang, Yu Sheng's heart moved, thinking of something, he probably already knew what this matter was.

Back then, He Weidong and Fan Tianlei were good friends, comrades-in-arms, and brothers. He Weidong died in order to save him. This made him deeply self-blaming. If he hadn't dragged his feet, then He Weidong would not die. In other words, to some extent, it was He Weidong who was shot by the enemy.

It is estimated that from then on, Fan Tianlei has been completely modified. However, this person has some personalities, which is not to say that they can be changed at once. Therefore, Fan Tianlei still retains these personalities, but there is no It was so sharp before.

For the rest of my life, I never expected that the Chief of Staff would have so much black history...

At this time, Fan Tianlei seemed to have noticed something. He turned his head and glanced at Chen Shanming. Fan Tianlei glared at Chen Shanming, which surprised Chen Shanming, and Chen Shanming hurriedly closed his mouth.

He didn't dare to continue speaking. As he continued speaking, it is estimated that the Chief of Staff would kill himself.

(End of this chapter)

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