I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 944: Contest begins

Time is passing by a little bit.

On this day, Zhao Yunfeng and others gathered together, because this day is the day when the world special forces competition begins. At this moment, it can be said that all the world’s attention is paid. On this network, many, many people are also paying attention. About this international special forces competition.

However, the international special forces competition... most people can't see it, because this kind of thing is not suitable for exposure to the media. However, it is possible to post these videos on the Internet after the competition is over.

At this moment, Yu Sheng and others have all come to a clearing. Around this clearing, there are many realms of personnel, and similarly, there are also many people here.

The most important thing is that there are many planes here, and at least a hundred...

The gathering of so many planes shows how mighty the scene is. Of course, these gunship helicopters are also gunship helicopters of various countries. After they are used up, they will also have to fly back to China. One hundred and fifty armed helicopters came out, and it is estimated that they will also hurt their muscles and bones. Therefore, they simply deployed some armed helicopters directly in various countries.

At this time, a team stood here for the rest of their lives. For the rest of their lives, a few of them had a little dignity on their faces, because they had noticed a bloodthirsty breath all around them.

Obviously, all the special forces around have experienced battlefields and fights. Those who survive on this kind of battlefield are very terrifying.

At this time, Lei Zhan and the others had also come to Yu Sheng's side. Yu Sheng looked at Lei Zhan. What surprised Yu Sheng was that Lei Zhan seemed to have made a breakthrough again.

To be honest, he really hasn’t seen Lei Zhan for a long time. Although he didn’t have a good time with this guy, but... I have to say that Lei Zhan is indeed very powerful. .

Lei Zhan also noticed Yu Sheng, snorted coldly, and did not continue to pay attention to Yu Sheng, but instead set his eyes on the old fox and the little bee and others.

"For the rest of your life, look at this team."

At this moment, He Chenguang couldn't help but speak.

Another team came over here. As this team came over, Yu Sheng was also slightly taken aback. Then, Yu Sheng's complexion condensed, and his eyes revealed a little heaviness.

"The fifth type..."

In an instant, Yu Sheng noticed something wrong. In this team, he felt a very special breath, that kind of breath made him a little jealous. These people are obviously at least the king of soldiers. Level, and even may be a high-level soldier king.

"What a strong breath." Wang Yanbing was also taken aback, and hurriedly said: "These people seem to be from China. Where do they come from?"

"Isn't this the fifth type of team that the chief of staff said?" Song Kaifei couldn't help but said.

"It should be this team."

"Unexpectedly, our Huaxia still has such a strong team. It's really terrifying." Xu Tianlong took a breath and couldn't help but said: "In this case, we won the first place, and the winning rate may be even higher. ."

Everyone looked directly at this team, and even Lei Zhan looked at this team with a solemn expression, which made Lei Zhan and the others extremely jealous.

This team is obviously not a simple team, especially the breath released from this body is truly terrifying.

"Is this the fifth type of person? Who is the fifth type of person?" Li Erniu asked puzzled.

"The special forces among the special forces." Yu Sheng said slowly.

"The special forces among the special forces?" Everyone was slightly taken aback when they heard the words, but they quickly understood Yu Sheng's explanation, and everyone didn't say anything.

This is indeed a special force among special forces, which is understandable.

Fan Tianlei smiled after seeing this leader, and said, "Liu Hua, you are a bit late...I just arrived now, and we all thought you weren't coming."

The leader of the soldier is named Liu Hua, who is also the leader of the team this time. This time their team members count him as a total of six people, and these six people are very terrifying.

After seeing Fan Tianlei, Liu Hua smiled for a while, and said, "Chief of Staff Fan, I didn't expect you to arrive fast enough. I heard the news that you arrived here a few days ago."

Hearing this, Fan Tianlei said helplessly: "I can't help it, don't I want to bring my people to get familiar with the venue here, familiar with it in advance, so it is easy to understand the situation here."

After Liu Hua heard this, he smiled slightly and said, "How is the situation now? Are people from all countries here?"

"It's almost all here." Zhao Yunfeng said from the side: "The next step is to prepare for the international special forces competition. This time the competition is estimated to last for such a month or two~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so you can do it. I'm mentally prepared. The places you are going to this time are extremely bad places. If you are not careful, you may die, so..."


Liu Hua didn't take it seriously, on the contrary, he was very calm, and said, "I'm used to it, it's okay."

Everyone nodded slightly, but they didn’t feel that Liu Hua’s words were a bit arrogant, because they all knew that Liu Hua was the top soldier king with extremely strong combat effectiveness. Many impossible missions in the past were caused by They are the fifth type of people to complete.

This fifth type of people have extremely special senses, and their fighting power is extremely terrible. For example, they can pay for the danger in advance. This belongs to the category of the fifth type of people. Moreover, there are very few people who have this kind of senses. This is why the fifth category is so rare.

"But you have to be careful this time. According to the information I have received, both Lao Ri and Lao Mi have reached certain agreements. In this international special forces competition, many people may take the lead in targeting our team and eliminating us in advance. When the time comes, the opponent you will face is likely to be a team from various countries, so you have to be careful."

"However, we are not afraid. Since they can unite, we can also unite naturally."

Zhao Yunfeng's words made everyone nodded slightly, and at the same time they became a little cautious. Unexpectedly, there are still so many Taoisms in it.

On the contrary, Yu Sheng, He Chenguang and others were all speechless. At this time, they all said in amazement, "Hey, how many people are there that our chief of staff does not know?"

When Song Kaifei heard this, he said helplessly: "I have to say, our Chief of Staff, really has a wide range of people... This person is really not an ordinary person..."


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