I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 943: Cut iron like mud

Chapter 930

When Yu Sheng and others appeared again, they had already returned to the hotel.

This hotel is their Chinese hotel, so they will not get lost.

After all, there are not too many Chinese hotels, and they are easy to find.

In addition, they are still special forces. If they can remember the wrong way, they still have to go back to the furnace to rebuild.

After that, I spent three days here.

Two days later, Fan Tianlei found Yu Sheng and the others. In the past few days, Yu Sheng and the others only ate and drank every day. Fan Tianlei had an indescribable toothache.

After all, this funding is limited...

Originally, Fan Tianlei wanted to scold Yu Sheng and the others, but after a long time, it turned out that the **** kid Yu Sheng was at his own expense. This made Fan Tianlei even more snot and tears when he thought about this...

He almost forgot that Yu Sheng is a billionaire in his family, and he is still a single pass. In other words, in the future, all the money will be for the rest of his life...

Don't spend the rest of your life as you want? According to Fan Tianlei's calculation, the money will not be spent for ten lifetimes, which makes Fan Tianlei's face twitch fiercely.

Watching Yu Sheng big fish and meat every day, eating, drinking and having fun, are almost the best, which makes them have an indescribable pain. Where is this so special? This is obviously for eating, drinking and having fun. what……

This makes them all slightly speechless.

Fan Tianlei found Yu Sheng. They were chatting for the rest of their lives. Seeing Fan Tianlei's arrival, Yu Sheng and others stood up.

Fan Tianlei said casually: "Yu Sheng, your stone has already been made into a dagger. Come and try."

With that, Fan Tianlei took out a knife, which looked very ordinary, but after Yu Sheng saw this knife, Yu Sheng's eyes flashed.

"Good knife..."

Because Yu Sheng felt a kind of sharpness on the blade, this sharpness made Yu Sheng couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath. With such a sharp knife, it would be fatal...

After Yu Sheng took the knife, Yu Sheng was a little surprised that the knife was quite heavy. Fan Tianlei said at this time: "I made this knife overnight, and it was delivered overnight. The weight of this knife is very good. According to the news from there, this knife can be said to cut iron like mud, and it is also a good knife."

When Yu Sheng heard the words, he nodded slightly. He took this saber and couldn't help but wave it. This saber was indeed very smooth, which made Yu Sheng also slightly excited.

After that, Yu Sheng saw the cabinet on the side. Yu Sheng hesitated for a moment, and cut a knife towards the corner of the devil. With a muffled noise, the corner of the table fell off.

When everyone saw this scene, they were all dumbfounded and gasped.

"Good knife."

Everyone was also frightened by this knife and was amazed.

Fan Tianlei didn't take it seriously. This knife was indeed a good knife. He had already known the characteristics of this knife at the time, so he was not surprised.

"Chief of Staff, what material is this knife forged?" He Chenguang couldn't help but ask.

"The stone that I gave me for the rest of my life, I found someone to make a knife. According to research, this stone is also a cloud iron from the sky, and there are some special irons in it. These irons have been condensed after thousands of tempers. I am not very clear about the essence of iron, the specific situation is not very clear. The research institute knows it better, and I didn't ask more." Fan Tianlei said.

Indeed, this thing involves a professional nature, and Fan Tianlei did not specialize in this, and did not know it very well for a while.

"Awesome..." He Chenguang and the others couldn't help but say: "Chief of Staff, do we still have this kind of iron? We also want to get a piece."

"This is for the rest of my life, the stone itself is not big, it was directly built into this dagger, there is nothing left at all."


He Chenguang and the others all looked at Yu Sheng with some envy. How could this guy be so lucky? This person is really more maddening than others.

At this time, Fan Tianlei took a look at Yu Sheng and couldn't help but say: "You kid destroys other people's things at will, and you will pay for it yourself."

When Yu Sheng heard the words, he was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Okay."

Immediately afterwards, under Fan Tianlei's gaze, Yu Sheng once again came to the front of the cabinet. Yu Sheng sniped the dagger in his hand and made a slashing posture.

"What are you doing again?"

Fan Tianlei couldn't help but speak.

After Yu Sheng heard the words, he was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Isn't this the cabinet will have to be compensated sooner or later? Then I will simply come a few more times and practice the feel. Anyway, it's not a bad one or two."


After Fan Tianlei heard this, for a while, Fan Tianlei's face twitched fiercely, and Fan Tianlei's complexion became a little hard to look at.

This kid is simply faulty, which makes Fan Tianlei a little bit painful. It has been more than a year, and so far, he has nothing to do with this kid. This kid, whether it is trouble or trouble.

Think about what happened to the aircraft carrier for the rest of his life. This made Fan Tianlei a whirlwind. Fortunately, the aircraft carrier didn't have much to do. Just a little bit of repair and repair would be fine, and it didn't cost too much.

No wonder the rest of my life, if it were not for the rest of my life, maybe this aircraft carrier would have a major problem. If it is to be repaired, it may not be determined how long it will take to repair it.

Coming along the way and thinking about these things, Fan Tianlei felt like he wanted to cry. This was the first time he killed the Flying Dragon’s plane, and later broke the tank. In the end, he went directly to the aircraft carrier. coming……

This time is more expensive than once... Especially the last one~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is a **** aircraft carrier... This thing just breaks a hole and can't afford it...

This kid is just a broom star, and he will be pitted wherever he goes. No, as long as he is with this kid, he will definitely be okay. If he doesn't pit him, he will pit him.

This kid is definitely poisonous.

You said that it’s not good for you to break something, but it just happened to break these things. Isn’t this cheating?

Fortunately, Fan Tianlei had a big heart, otherwise he would have kicked out the rest of his life.

Such an expensive thing can't afford to sell the wolf fangs.

Fan Tianlei took a deep breath. He didn't want to see Yu Sheng, and then turned around and left here. He felt that if he was with this kid like this, sooner or later he would be scared to death by this kid.

Therefore, in order to survive more time, it is better to withdraw as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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