I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 942: Just say what else you can't do

Chapter 929 You Say What You Can't Do

With the deepening of the music, Bauer's face became more and more ugly, and Danny's joy was stricter than the surface, with a little surprise, his beautiful eyes stared at the rest of his life.

"Good sound of piano."

Danny is a pianist, and he naturally has his own ability to appreciate the piano. After hearing this kind of piano sound, Danny also has an indescribable amazement. He can't play this kind of piano sound. To play such a piano sound, at least it must be a master level.

He has heard some concerts by masters, but don’t know why. She feels that even master-level concerts are not as good as the Chinese people, and even more, this Chinese people can still use music to give their consciousness Introduce it into the music, let them form a beautiful picture in their minds, that kind of feeling can only be experienced by themselves, and it is beyond words.

Time went by a little bit, and after the last note fell, everyone present was still immersed in that kind of picture scroll, and did not wake up for a while.

It was Danny who was the first to wake up and immediately applauded, and everyone around him also clapped. When looking towards the rest of his life, there was a touch of admiration and awe. It was the first time they heard such a beautiful piano sound. .

As for Bauer, his face is hard to see the extreme, that appearance, he can't wait to tear the rest of his life, the rest of his life's terrible piano skills, even he is extremely shocked.

Where did this guy come from? To say that this kind of piano skill is at least a master-level piano skill, he is a little confused, why the rest of his life has such a terrible piano skill.

Are all Huaxia people so good?

For a while, he couldn't help thinking of some legends about China. On Twitter, there were many legends about China. Therefore, this made Bauer a little awed for the rest of his life.

After Yu Sheng walked over, Yu Sheng looked at Danny, smiled and said, "We are ugly, we have something to do, so we left."

Later, the rest of his life wanted to leave.

Upon seeing this, Danny hurriedly said, "Yu, can I invite you to dinner? If so, I hope you can come back to my house and sit down."


After Bauer heard these words, it made Bauer almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. As for He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others, they were all dumbfounded, and then secretly gave a thumbs up.


"My brain..." Wang Yanbing said painfully, "There is a beautiful woman who asks to have dinner for the rest of her life, that's not it. Going to sit at night?"

"What's the situation?" Li Erniu said with a dazed expression: "Why do you invite Yu Sheng to dinner? They don't seem to know each other?"

When Li Erniu said this, it made He Chenguang and others feel a heartache... Nima, it was just because he didn't know him that he was awesome, and went to dinner together...

Think about it, I feel awesome.

The point is, you can still go to her house to sit at night, is this a matter of sitting? Will others not know what is going on here?

This made everyone slightly speechless.

For the rest of his life, he laughed blankly, shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I still have very important things to do."

"Let's say goodbye first."

Although Danny didn't understand the meaning of this sentence after Yu Sheng, Danny knew that Yu Sheng was leaving. Danny was a little disappointed.

Indeed, he was attracted to Yu Sheng. If possible, she wouldn't mind communicating with Yu Sheng in depth, maybe even one night's romance.

Here is how they open a house.

As long as there is a girl who loves you, it is normal to have a romantic night. This is why many people are willing to go abroad. You can not be held responsible for a romantic night.

It's cool to think about it.

"Then can we see you again in the future?" Danny bit his red lip lightly and couldn't help but speak.

When Yu Sheng heard the words, he smiled slightly and said: "We in China have an old saying that meeting is fate. If we have the opportunity, we should still meet again."

After Danny listened, some did not understand the meaning of this sentence, but the general situation, she understood more or less, that is, they still have a chance to see each other.

"Thank you, Yu... your piano sounds very nice."

Yu Sheng nodded slightly, leading He Chenguang to leave here. At this time, the voice of the system came into Yu Sheng's mind.

"Didi, the host completes the task, shocks the audience, and rewards the host with 500 points of military merit."

After Yu Sheng heard this, it shocked Yu Sheng, and Yu Sheng secretly said, "It's a bit of a loss."

For this time, he spent a total of 1,000 points of military merit to improve his piano skills, and the military merit obtained was only 500 points, which is a bit blood loss.

Yu Sheng shook his head secretly.

However, something is better than nothing.

After Yu Sheng left here, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others all looked at Yu Sheng with a monster look. They were full of jealousy and hatred.

"Yu Sheng, is there anything you don't know about you?" Song Kaifei said with some envy, how can he be considered a handsome man? However, he has never been chased like this before...for this special fate, he directly invited to sit at home. This person is more popular than others.

"That's right." He Chenguang also said with some envy: "For the rest of your life, you can even know the piano. What else can't you do?"

"My brain, Yu Sheng, why don't you spend the night with that little girl, what a wonderful thing."

"Envy." Xu Tianlong couldn't help but said.

For a while, everyone looked at Yu Sheng with a touch of envy. The beauty was thrown into his arms, and this guy was able to sit back and relax. They all admired such determination.

This is replaced by anyone who comes, and it is estimated that they will be thrilled~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yu Sheng glanced at these guys speechlessly, and said with a little helplessness: "Of course I don't. "

"What wouldn't it?" He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others stared at Yu Sheng and couldn't help but speak.

"I can't have children."


When He Chenguang and the others heard this, they all staggered and almost fell to the ground. He Chenguang and others all said angrily: "Brothers, **** him..."


After Yu Sheng heard that, the soles of the feet were windy, and the smoke rushed forward. At this time, He Chenguang and the others hurriedly chased after seeing this and yelled: "The kid, you stop for me."

After hearing this for the rest of my life, I rolled my eyes, and when I stopped, there would be ghosts. If I stopped, you would probably get a mess, so I had to escape quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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