I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 950: Encircle and suppress

Chapter 937

"I want to see how they feel when they get zero points."

When he said this, a bloodthirsty light appeared in Jacks' eyes, and he was extremely excited.

The words of Jacks made Li Xiangnan and the others stunned for a moment. Soon Li Xiangnan and the others also had a strange light shining in their eyes. Obviously, Li Xiangnan and the others also wanted to kill them for the rest of their lives.

"We also gave orders from above to keep these guys behind, but... these guys are very powerful. Huaxia is a miraculous transition and can always create miracles. We should be careful not to lose money." Li Xiangnan paused and said.


After Jacks heard this, he glanced at Li Sang-nam indifferently. Deep in his eyes, with a little disdain, he seemed to look down on Li Sang-nam and the others. If it hadn’t reached some cooperation from above, he would not bother to cooperate with Li Sang-nam and others. It seems that these guys are all cowards.

Not worthy to fight with them.

"What are you afraid of?" Inoue Yunan said coldly: "Even if they are better, they can still be better than us?"


Li Xiangnan nodded his head thoughtfully when he heard the words.

"Well, now they are in that direction over there, we will set off immediately." Jacks said lightly: "If you don't want to come, then don't follow, our team doesn't need cowards."


Li Xiangnan was furious when he heard what Jacks said. This guy is really disgusting. This is simply not taking them seriously...

Do you really think how invincible you are? hateful……

Lee Sang Nam took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and thought secretly: "Huh, wait until the cooperation is over, let's see how I can deal with you."

Thinking of this, Li Xiangnan walked towards the distance.

At this time, the three teams were united together, and the direction that Yu Sheng and others were headed in this way was also the direction that Yu Sheng and others were in, and even their teams were extremely close.

"not good……"

In this base, after Fan Tianlei looked at the big screen, Fan Tianlei's expression sank, and his expression became a bit fierce.

"Chief of Staff, what's the matter?" Gong Jian could not help asking when he noticed Fan Tianlei's strangeness.

"Something happened..."

Fan Tianlei sat up straight, and he couldn't help but glanced at an officer not far away. This man was from Lao Mi's side. In his eyes, there was a flickering light with a little coldness.

"What's the matter?" Gong Jian said solemnly.

"Now, there are three teams, which are walking towards Yu Sheng and them." Fan Tianlei said solemnly.

"Three teams? So many?" Gong Jian was also slightly taken aback after hearing this.

"Could it be that these three teams are a coincidence?" Zhao Yunfeng also asked in confusion.

"will not."

Fan Tianlei said solemnly: "Have you seen the red dots on the screen? These all represent a symbol of each country. Now, the three teams of Lao Mi, Lao Ri and Lao Han are united. Obviously , They have reached a certain kind of collaboration, and depending on the direction they go, it should be the direction they are in for the rest of their lives. These three teams want to kick them out of the game for the rest of their lives."


After Gong Jian heard this, his face changed drastically, and he also became a little dignified, and said in a deep voice, "They are so insidious? The three teams are united together? Is this not cheating?"

Zhao Yunfeng shook his head and said, "This is also within the scope of the rules. Except you can't kill people, you can play the rest as you want. These actions are all tests for these special forces. Therefore, this international The special forces contest basically allowed various countries to let go of their performance."

"Trouble now."

After Gong Jian heard these words, his face sank and he became extremely dignified, with unspeakable prudence, he did not expect things to become like this.

"Chief of Staff, what shall we do?" Gong Jian said solemnly.

"Watch the changes, don't worry." Fan Tianlei paused and said.


Gong Jian saw that Fan Tianlei was so calm, which made Gong Jian a little speechless, but Gong Jian didn't say much. Since Fan Tianlei was not in a hurry, he didn't need to be so worried.

However, Fan Tianlei still has some worries in his heart. If the three teams attacked them for the rest of their lives, they would not be very good for the rest of their lives. You must know that these three teams are all ace teams and are extremely powerful. They are facing these teams. At the time, even their trump card did not dare to say that they had a chance to win. What's more, there were two other teams here, and when these two teams were united together, that was truly terrible.

"Hey...this time the international special forces competition is extremely difficult. It is normal to be united together. I hope you guys will not be eliminated so quickly."

Fan Tianlei thought secretly.


At this moment, Yu Sheng and the others were all swiftly shuttled in the forest, carrying 200 catties of Gatling. It seems that Chen Shanming and others are all pumping straight, but they can’t help, because they No one can be a big guy carrying two hundred catties and scurrying everywhere.

Isn't this a joke?

So far, Chen Shanming and the others are a little confused about why Yu Sheng will carry this big guy everywhere.

"Yu Sheng, how are you?" At this time, Chen Shanming couldn't help but glance at Yu Sheng and asked in a low voice, "Should I take a break?"

"I'm fine." Yu Sheng shook his head slightly and said, "You can continue to walk. This weight is nothing."

Chen Shanming: "..."

Miao Lang: "..."

He Chenguang: "..."

Everyone is speechless for a while~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They also want to know whether this kid is a **** animal or not, such a gameplay, it is simply life-threatening...

Have you ever seen someone running around carrying two hundred catties of things during a fight, and looking at this guy, he's like a okay person, how can this look so bad...

Chen Shanming and others all looked at Yu Sheng with a painful look, and for a while, they didn't know what to say.

Chen Shanming said in a condensed voice: "According to the signs on our map, now we need to rush to a place. On this way, we will experience deserts, rivers, swamps, and snow-capped mountains, and this road is our only way. , We must go through these places if we want to reach our destination."

"I think in other places, there are also many people who are working in secret. After arriving in these places, these people will lie in ambush around, so we must be careful."

"Yes." He Chenguang and others all responded when they heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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