I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 952: All look silly

Chapter 939

When Fan Tianlei saw this scene in front of him, his expression was extremely solemn. The three teams quietly encircled and suppressed them for the rest of their lives, which made Fan Tianlei a little annoyed, but...

This situation is also tacitly approved by the rules, and they have nothing to do. Right now they hope that they can survive this first level for the rest of their lives.

If it were eliminated on the first day, it would not be so good.

Zhao Yunfeng clenched his hands slowly, watching the scene in front of him nervously.

At this time, Chen Shanming, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others were all fighting together. Gunshots continued. At this time, Jacks and Inoue Yumen suddenly spoke: "They are all gathered together, this It was a good opportunity for us. We were divided into two teams, and they were outflanked from the left and right sides. Then, they will be shot to death by us."

"You two outflank separately."

Jacks heard the words, glanced at this Inoue friend and Li Xiangnan coldly, and said flatly.

After Tomo Inoue and Li Xiangnan heard this, their expressions became cold and snorted. Then, the two of them took their teams one after another, preparing to outflank them.

When they just walked out about ten meters away, the rest of their lives hidden in the dark shined.


The rest of his life looked overjoyed.


The next moment, Yu Sheng's hands suddenly used force, and the veins on his arms violently, like a dragon, Yu Sheng suddenly appeared, which also shocked Inoue Tomo.

After all, this suddenly changed to a person who appeared, and no one could stand it...

"Da da da da..."

At this moment, Yu Sheng pulled the trigger, and the sound of tapping resounded. This sudden sound also surprised the people present.

"what is that……"

After Tomo Inoue saw this scene before him, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he even forgot to shoot.

"This is……"

"Gatlin... Eight Ga..."

When Tomo Inoue saw this scene, there was some fear in his heart, and his mind was even more blank...

Da da da……

The gunshots kept resounding, and Yu Sheng controlled Gatlin and swept directly towards Inoue Yunan and others.

"Get down..."

Tomoko Inoue roared, but... he had just fallen off the roar, but it was too late. He had been waiting for the opportunity for the rest of his life, waiting for the opportunity for these people to get closer to him without any cover.

Now that these people have been fooled, how could he let them go? A cold smile appeared on the corners of Yu Sheng's mouth, and the bullets were spinning rapidly, almost for an instant. Inoue Tomoh and others were all caught by Gatlin. Sweep in.

Generally speaking, it is not very easy to use Gatling to hit the target, because the direction Gatling aims at is not so easy.

After all, this thing is too heavy and it is not easy to target, but...This is in Yu Sheng's hands, and Gatlin has directly become a magic weapon.

Because he possesses the earth-sensing shooting technique, a ballistic line can be formed in front of him. As long as he puts Gatling to the position of this ballistic line, he can hit the enemy.


And when Lee Sangnam and Jacks saw Tomo Inoue's side, their expressions changed drastically. They didn't expect that this was just a blink of an eye. Inoue's team was completely killed. This How long has it been...

After Jacks and Lee Sang Nam noticed the Gatlin in Yu Sheng's hand, their pupils suddenly shrank.



Jacks couldn't help but yelled, he hurriedly lowered his head, and at this moment Li Xiangnan and others were all panicked, because they saw that the rest of their lives had been aimed at their direction.

"Dodge, avoid..."

Lee Sangnam and the others had much better luck than Friends of Inoue, because they did not directly face the rest of their lives. However, Gatling's bullets, as if they were fatal, shot at them quickly, Gatling's bullets. When hit on these branches, these branches were also interrupted one after another.

This is why it is said that this bullet can kill people. If it is just a bullet, in fact, the danger is not that high, but...

If this is replaced by Gatling, it will be different. Think about six thousand bullets per minute... This is fatal...

Look at Yumen Inoue and others. Yellow smoke has appeared on their bodies. Obviously they were eliminated. Not only that... All of Yumen Inoue’s bones were broken, and they were all beaten by Gatlin. Fortunately, it didn't hit other places, otherwise, that would be really terrible...

Tomo Inoue was shocked and angry.

What the **** is this freak? There are people running around **** Gatlin on his back, don’t you know what the **** is this thing?

Damn you, this thing is so heavy, you can **** run around with your back, are you crazy?

Tomoko Inoue was beaten up for a while, and at the same time, he secretly regretted it. It was a good thing, but no one expected that such a big guy would come. When this big guy came out, who is this? Can stand it...

At this time, Jacks and Li Xiangnan and others were all very angry.

"Shift, how could this **** carry a Gatling..."

They are all a little confused, and they haven’t recollected how much Gatling is. They know how difficult it is to fight Gatling. Generally speaking, everyone They are all dragging Gatlin away with a car, after all, this has to be nearly two hundred catties...

Can such a heavy weight ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ be easily carried by manpower?

Okay, I say there are Hercules that can be carried, but...Where have you seen a Hercules that can run around carrying Gatlin? At least they haven't seen it.

Jacks and his group hit by such fierce firepower turned their heads covered. For a while, they didn't dare to appear. The vitality was too strong. Once they appeared, they would be directly abrupt.

As for Li Xiangnan, it was more miserable. They counted Li Xiangnan, and there were only three people...The rest were all hit by Gatling.

Yu Sheng saw this scene before him and immediately shouted: "He Chenguang, you move your positions, I will suppress them, you attack them, and directly eat them all three teams."

At this time, He Chenguang and others were all excited.

They also didn't expect that for the rest of their lives, taking Gatling with him would be of such a great use. When this heavy weapon was released, it directly suppressed these people from raising their heads, which happened to give them a chance.

(End of this chapter)

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