I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 953: completely annihilated

Chapter 940

Even without reminding them for the rest of their lives, they all know what to do next.

Immediately, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others became two teams, each moving in two directions, constantly shifting positions. After they moved to their positions, at this time, they took the sniper rifles in their hands. When they came out, they started shooting continuously.

As someone from Lee Sang Nam's team fell, this surprised Lee Sang Nam.

"No... there are enemies..."

Li Xiangnan hurriedly looked behind him. He saw He Chenguang and they had already walked behind them, which made them all look different.

"Hidden, hidden..."

Li Xiangnan roared, rolled away, and wanted to roll to the side, but at this moment, when the other two people noticed that there was someone behind them, they were also taken aback. They also hurriedly lowered their heads and ran to the side. , I want to avoid the snipers of those behind me.

"Da da da……"


They had just appeared, and the bullet above Gatlin for the rest of his life hit the other side directly.

Obviously, the opponent was eliminated directly.

Only Li Xiangnan was left, which made Li Xiangnan also furious.


Li Xiangnan was extremely angry. They discussed together, and the three teams united to deal with this Chinese team and directly ate the team's points.

But never expected.

The other party came directly to wait and see.

The most terrifying thing is...

This **** someone is taking Gatlin, are these guys still individuals? You are doing special operations. You have to run around in the forest often and run away...

But, you **** carrying a Gatling around, is this really appropriate? Is this still a person? Is this a human thing?

"His bullet hits for one minute at most. After one minute stops, we leave immediately." Jacks has given up the idea of ​​killing the rest of his life.

There is such a **** heavy weapon, how can you fight it? It's a fart... Right now, I can only run away.

In this way, it lasted about a minute or so.

Yu Sheng's shuttle bullets were all lit up. This is still the result of Yu Sheng's deliberate control. If Yu Sheng does not deliberately control it...this bullet will last for a minute at most.

After solving these bullets, Yu Sheng hid in this pit for an instant. Yu Sheng took another row of bullets he had brought and started loading...

After all this, Yu Sheng carried a total of three rows of bullets, which was also his largest amount.

But at this time Jacks noticed, his expression was overjoyed: "Let's go quickly..."

With an order from Jacks, someone immediately stood up and rolled, trying to roll to the side, but...someone had bullets faster than theirs!


With a muffled sound resounding, the next moment... yellow smoke appeared on this person's head, and it was obvious that this person was directly eliminated.

This person's face became stiff, and there was a little bit of amazement in the depths of his eyes.

"Change direction..."

Jacks and the others also noticed that the enemy went around behind them unknowingly, which made them even more angry.

"It must be the kid who suppressed us just now, thus changing the direction and position."

Jacks gritted his teeth and his face was full of anger. If he could kill someone, he even wanted to kill him for the rest of his life. This guy was simply too indifferent.

"Da da da……"

At this moment, Yu Sheng shot at Jacks again. For a while, he suppressed it again. At this time, Yu Sheng quickly ordered: "You guys, quickly approach this side and throw the grenade into the pit. I don’t believe it, it won’t kill them..."

For the rest of his life, He Chenguang and the others were all speechless.

However, their speed was not slow. For the rest of their lives, they held Gatling to suppress them. Therefore, he bought a lot of time for He Chenguang and the others. He Chenguang and the others did not waste it, and quickly approached Jacks.

And Jacks didn't catch a cold for a while, Jacks cursed: "These cunning Chinese soldiers are too damn..."

They thought that with their three teams, swallowing them for the rest of their lives would be a piece of cake, but they never expected that their team suffered heavy casualties and almost two-thirds of the people were eliminated.

Such terrible casualties, which reminded Jacks, were all pumping. This **** holding Gatling in place, shooting directly, is this too bullying?

I have seen a rascal, but I have never seen such a rascal... You used to play to suppress us, isn't this cheating...

"Wait, wait until he finishes the bullet." Jacks couldn't help cursing inwardly.

Under Yu Sheng’s suppression, He Chenguang and others quickly approached Jacks and others. This shuttle bullet took another two minutes, two minutes for the rest of their lives. At this moment, He Chenguang and the others are away from Jacks and others. About one hundred meters.

After playing the bullet for the rest of his life, Jack was not in a hurry to go out, and they all knew that if he went out in a hurry, he might be hit by Zhang Yu again.

When the time comes, it will be a big trouble...

However, this is only a short time, and the rest of my life is finished again...

This time, the bullets on Yu Sheng's body... only the last row is left, and there are really no bullets after the shot, but... such bullets can be played for six minutes... Think about it, **** suppression Watching the enemy for six minutes, how many things can be done in these six minutes...

"Da da da……"

Yu Sheng unceremoniously squeezed the trigger, and the bullet flew out again. At this time, He Chenguang and the others had already arrived at a distance of about fifty meters from Jacks.

"No, Jacks, here they are..."

When Li Sang Nam, who was not far away, noticed this scene, Li Sang Nam's expression changed drastically.

He hurriedly set up a sniper rifle, ready to shoot at Chen Shanming and the others.


But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ just when he just wanted to shoot, someone shot faster than him, and it hit the soil **** next to Li Sangnam.


Li Xiangnan didn't care about anything else, and instantly lowered his head to hide it.


Li Xiangnan's expression changed drastically, and now he was clearly being spotted by a sniper. This was the real big trouble.

"No, you must shift the position..."

Thinking of this, Lee Sang-nam doesn't care what's going on with Jacks. The relationship between them and Jacks is a cooperative relationship. Right now, if they continue to stay here... Maybe they will be shot dead.

What's more, they are not obliged to save Jacks and the others, after all, they themselves represent two countries.

(End of this chapter)

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