I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 959: Busana Forest

Ha ha. "Yu Sheng smiled sorrowfully when he heard this, but Song Kaifei couldn't help shivering with Yu Sheng's smile, Song Kaifei spit out: "Yu Sheng, don't laugh like this, you smile like this... I don't look like this. Too adapted..."


This smile of your girl looks really scary.

Yu Sheng said silently: "Although my smile is scary, but when you enter the forest, it may scare you to death."

"Um? How do you say this?" Xu Tianlong also didn't know much about this Posana Forest, and had never heard of what's weird in this forest.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath, and then slowly said: "Whsona Forest, arguably one of the most mysterious forests in the world, so far, no one can conquer Whsona Forest."

"Since it is talking about conquest, then, in the past few years, there must be many adventure lovers who have entered the Posana Forest. However, these people all died in the Posana Forest. Once, there was also a survivor from the Posana Forest. come out……"

"However..." Yu Sheng said here and paused.

"But what's wrong?" Song Kaifei asked anxiously.

"Crazy." Yu Sheng said lightly.

"Crazy?" When these words were uttered, Wang Yanbing, Song Kaifei and others were all taken aback for a while, and asked in a puzzled manner: "Why is this person crazy?"

"Yes, just crazy..."

Speaking of this, Yu Sheng's complexion became a little dignified, and said: "After this person came out of this place, he kept talking about it, the vicious land, the vicious land, the cursed land of Sona, the person who entered the forest, Cursed."

"Fuck, isn't this true?" Xu Tianlong heard this, don't know why, he felt the gloomy surroundings, the feeling, very uncomfortable, which made Xu Tianlong's face a little unnatural.

Although they believe in science, right...

This happened to this kind of thing, plus Yu Sheng's so vivid speeches, no matter how the **** it felt like listening to ghost stories, it was too scary.

This is also to blame for Yu Sheng's strong language skills. If Yu Sheng speaks very ordinary, then they will not feel this way. But after hearing Yu Sheng's words, they have a negative test.

It was as if there were people watching by their side.

"My brain, if we say that, when we enter the Watana Forest, don't we also have to be cursed? How did it get us into this forest? Isn't this looking for death?" Wang Yanbing's expression was a little bit. The egg hurts and said, I knew I would not come to participate in this special forces competition. What is the organizer, what is special, and my mind is bubbling...

"Yeah...Isn't it messy?" Li Erniu couldn't help but said: "In our village, dead people are very particular about finding tombs, especially when looking for graves."

"Later, did that crazy person die?" Song Kaifei couldn't help asking again.

"No." Yu Sheng said faintly: "That person was crazy all day, as if he had seen something terrible, but he was not dead, but... after this person came out, what this person said With these words, there is naturally no trust at all."

"What I said was nothing more than what the media reported at the time. Moreover, the media reports were more or less exaggerated and attracted people's attention."

"So you understand."

"It turns out that this is the case, this is fine, this is fine." Wang Yanbing breathed a sigh of relief.

"But what is this whirling curse?" Wang Yanbing asked again.

"If I expected it to be right, this whirling curse should be the curse cast by whirling." He Chenguang suddenly said.

"Chenguang, do you also know?" Li Erniu asked in surprise.


He Chenguang nodded slightly, and then said: "I have seen some information about this Busuna Forest in some news and in some horror posts."

He Chenguang continued to speak: "According to legend, Posanna was a very beautiful woman and a very kind woman a long time ago."

"Later, she fell in love, and you know that during this love period, many girls actually have zero IQ. Of course, this kind of love is also a relatively simple love. As for those with a purpose, let alone "Now," He Chenguang slowly said, "Later, Busuo Na met that man."

"That man is a very handsome man. The two of them fell in love at first sight. Therefore, the two fell in love very quickly. However, after this relationship lasted for two years, Busuna knew that this man turned out to be I've always lied to myself."

At this point, He Chenguang's complexion also became a little serious, and he said solemnly, "That is, at this moment, something has happened."

"Something happened?" After Wang Yanbing heard this, Wang Yanbing's heartbeat also accelerated. At this time, Chen Shanming and Miao Lang's expressions also became a little unnatural.

This is so special, they are here to do the task, but now it is so special, it has directly become storytelling, is this time for storytelling? I don’t even look at this basic situation...

However, Chen Shanming and Miao Lang did not interrupt them, because they were also a little fascinated by it, and they couldn't help but want to hear some stories about this busa.


At this time, Yu Sheng took it again. He Chenguang stopped talking when he heard Yu Sheng took the stubborn words, because he also felt that in the following process ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ heard Yu Sheng explain the most. Suitable.

Because of the tone and speech of the rest of my life, it is more suitable for some.

Yu Sheng said indifferently: "After the man knew that she had lied to her, the man had some killing intent."

"At that time, Vashona was very innocent. Since the man already has her own family child, then Vashona can only plan to leave the man. If she leaves on her own initiative and ends this relationship, perhaps this is also the most appropriate result."


"The man is showing wolf ambition at this time."

"It turns out that since these two years, this man has been going to Posana, who is from an ancient race. However, in her hands, it is said that there is a fountain of immortality. Only Posuna knows where the Fountain of Ages is."

(End of this chapter)

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