I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 962: Into the forest

Chapter 949

"How long is this legend?" someone asked at this time.

"It's been about a thousand years." Yu Sheng thought about it, and then said: "It's been a thousand years, so there must be nothing too much."

"What's more, this millennium has been rumored to be false. Who knows what the original version looked like, not to mention that this big tree is unlikely to wear human skin."

"Human skin can't exist for too long."

"That's good." Chen Shanming nodded and said: "We are all atheists. We only trust the party. There is only such a story in this forest. Don't be afraid."

"Yes, what's terrible about this, not to mention that we didn't do anything wrong, we don't do anything wrong, and we are not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night." Xu Tianlong also nodded.

"But there is one thing we still have to pay attention to." Yu Sheng thought for a while, and said: "In this forest, it is indeed a little different from the normal forest."

"Sometimes, there will be some heavy fog in the Posana Forest, which is easy for people to lose their way. Moreover, there are many beasts in it. If you are not careful, you may become a beast’s dinner, and even poison. These poisons are very It's terrible. Once you encounter it, it will be very troublesome. If you want to be treated, it may be too late. Therefore, you must be careful."

"The most important point...that is this forest, it is easy to get lost, even if there is no heavy fog, it is easy to get lost, plus the forest here is a kind of forest with a very old existence. , No one here can conquer it, nor can you explore the whole picture here, so after entering the forest, you must be careful."

"It's also weird. The organizer has made such a place as our trial place. Isn't it a bit of a mistake? This place is so prone to accidents. What if things happen to everyone here?"

Xu Tianlong asked puzzledly.

"Who knows what the organizer thinks." Yu Sheng shook his head slightly and said, "However, they must have their own ideas. The specific ideas are unknown, and the map they gave us did not tell. How can we get out of this place, so we can only rely on ourselves next."

"Moreover, we are all special forces. No one believes this legend, and there must be someone who can go out. Those explorers are powerful and very experienced, but like our special forces, people who are often on the verge of life and death, There is a big gap."

"Because we often fight in the harsh environment of the wild forest, our physical fitness is better than them, and our rich professional skills include some others, which are more perfect than them."

"Okay, let's go down and take a look now, I think someone has already entered this Whisana Forest by now."

Yu Sheng's words made everyone nodded slightly, and immediately said: "Okay, let's go down and take a look. I also want to see and see, is this Whisona Forest really as evil as the legend."

Yu Sheng heard the words, but was speechless for a while: "It's all said, it's just a story. This story sounds a bit intriguing, but no one has said that she has seen her. If she has really met her, then It’s a bad thing, the most important thing is the harsh environment and climate here."


Everyone nodded solemnly, and then said: "Let's go down."

Under the leadership of Yu Sheng, the group of people walked toward the forest one after another. After they had just stepped into the forest, the feeling of eerie and horror poured into their hearts, which made their hearts feel It's all about cheering.

Then they noticed a chilly feeling, which made them feel a little uncomfortable.

They even smelled a kind of rotten leaves. It is not known how long these rotten leaves have existed. Moreover, it is still a virgin forest with very few people moving. Therefore, the smell here is not very good.

"Everyone, be careful, don't touch the poison. If you touch the poison, it will be a big trouble." Chen Shanming reminded.

Yu Sheng frowned and looked forward. He was not very clear about how big the forest was. There was only one way to go out. According to the signs on the map, he saw the general view of the forest. , And now he has to find a way to get out from a certain place.

Therefore, he must have a prescribed route, but...following this route will definitely not work. On the way, a detour must be made. This detour will easily confuse people. Therefore, he must always be vigilant and remember every place around him.

Yu Sheng stepped forward and cautiously moved forward. In this virgin forest, the roaring sounds of beasts were heard from time to time. These sounds, from far to near, gave people a very special gloomy feeling.

As Yu Sheng and the others entered the Posuna Forest, Fan Tianlei and the others also became solemn and solemn at this time. After entering this forest, their new account was directly broken with Yu Sheng and the others.

Fan Tianlei said solemnly at this time: "It seems that they have entered the Posana Forest."

"Yeah." Zhao Yunfeng also nodded and said, "Posana Forest is a terrible place. The environment there is extremely harsh. Even ordinary special forces can't adapt. It is not so easy for them to get out. "

"I hope they can come out. It's rumored that Posanna Forest, but it's a bit weird. Few people who have entered so far have come out alive." Fan Tianlei sighed slightly.

"It shouldn't be a big problem." Zhao Yunfeng shook his head slightly and said, "Those explorers lack a lot of basic qualities. Many people should be killed by poisons~www.wuxiaspot.com~Well."

Fan Tianlei also nodded slightly. At this time, Fan Tianlei said: "Okay, let's go to rest first. At this moment, there is no more information here. Even satellite monitoring can't detect the whole picture of this forest. Let's take a break and see when they come out."

"According to the plan, after 15th, they should be able to come out."

Zhao Yunfeng and the others all nodded slightly, and they had no other meaning to stay here. The signal was interrupted, and they would not know their basic condition for the rest of their lives.

Therefore, they can only wait until the fifteenth day and walk out of the forest to see their basic condition for the rest of their lives.

Yu Sheng led He Chenguang and the others to the forest. After entering the forest, the marching speed of the group was much slower. This is also impossible. There are too many things around, blocking them. The pace of their advancement, so they can only advance a little bit, which greatly slowed down their marching speed.

(End of this chapter)

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