I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 961: The place of great evil

Chapter 948

"Yes, what's the matter with Yu Sheng?" Even Li Erniu looked at Yu Sheng in a little surprised, with a gleaming light, looking forward to the next thing.


When Yu Sheng uttered these two words gently, Wang Yanbing, Li Erniu and others were all shocked, and their eyes showed a little horror and shock.

"What?" Wang Yanbing took a breath: "Skin? My brain... so cruel?"

"Isn't this fooling around? I really thought it was a ghost movie." Xu Tianlong also said in a painful voice.

"Yeah, isn't it a mess, it's too messy." Song Kaifei also said in a shocked voice.

"Is this guy crazy? What is skinning for?"

Everyone was talking about it, but for the rest of their life, they said indifferently: "Peel the skin and dress the tree."

"Fuck, still wearing clothes..."

This caused Song Kaifei and the others to hold their breath, and even their breathing became a little quicker.

"Hmm." Yu Sheng said: "This man peeled off Busuna's skin a little bit. In order to maintain the integrity of the skin, he even made some special treatments for this human skin. After that, the man was Putting this skin on a big tree, however, this uncle looks like a whisper, and has to go through the wind and sun every day."

"As for Posana's bones, they were made into nourishment by this guy and buried directly under this big tree. Every day, they have to experience the pain of wind and rain."

"After all this was done, the man became even more angry. He felt that it took him a full two years to obtain the fountain of youth. In the end, he had nothing. This made the man unable to help but torture every day. Wisuna’s skin, but... on the seventh day, something strange happened."

When Yu Sheng said this, he paused again. This made Chen Shanming's and others a little itchy to hear. Some of Chen Shanming and others also knew some rumors about Busuna, but they didn’t know much. However, Yu Sheng The vivid speech also attracted them all.

The most important thing is Yu Sheng's speech, which is really attractive.

However, at every critical moment, the rest of my life is lost. This is the same as reading a **** novel. I see the critical moment, no more, I'm ready for everything. Tell me it's over? Isn't this cheating?

"The rest of your life, hurry up." Chen Shanming couldn't help but urge.

Yu Sheng looked at Chen Shanming, but Wei Wei was a little speechless, your uncle, did we come to participate in the special forces competition, or did we just tell the story?

But for the rest of his life, there was no nonsense, and he continued to preach.

"As for the seventh day when people die, I think you all know that there is a saying here, called the first seven, that is, the day when people return to their souls."

"Posuna died tragically, so naturally she wouldn't let this man go easily. Therefore, on that day, almost all the big trees were covered with bark. At night, weird noises kept coming out. This made the man a little suspicious, as if he had encountered something terrible."

"In the beginning, the man didn’t pay much attention, but from time to time, a knife suddenly appeared beside him, and a pair of shoes suddenly appeared beside him, and he couldn’t even lose it. Some Even if I lost it, I don’t know why, and the next day, I will return to my bed."

"More than that, when I was taking a bath, the water suddenly turned red, and it looked like blood. When I was cooking, the cooked fish would come alive and even bite him. ..."

"This series of weird incidents caused the man's expression to change drastically. Immediately, the man left here like a frantic escape. On this day, the man did not dare to continue torturing Sona, because he realized that it might be Sona who came back to avenge her. NS."

"After thinking of this, the man was going to set a big fire next to Posona, and directly burn her. Once this big tree is burned, then Posona may never be overborn."


"When the man returned to this forest again, he was shocked to find that almost all the big trees were covered with a layer of skin. This strange scene made the men who watched them all start to fear."

"The man trembled his legs and stared at the scene in front of him sluggishly. There was endless sense of fear in his eyes. What made him feel most terrible... these clothes on the tree... turned out to be himself..."

"Yes, the layer of human skin on these big trees is the man himself. At that moment, the man finally got scared. He knew that Busuna was back, and he came back to seek revenge."

"The frightened man wanted to leave this forest as if hurriedly fleeing, but this forest is very big. The man moved in one direction. I don’t know how long he walked, he couldn’t get out of this forest. In one place, he can always see these big trees in human skin."

"At this moment, the man is finally terrified. He began to hope for Busuna's forgiveness, but... Busuna didn't let the man go. Therefore, the man's skin also appeared on this big tree, in this forest. , Has always been with her, and all the pain she has experienced will be found in this man's body."

"But later, when the man saw her appearing, she discovered that there was this child beside her..."

"What do you mean?" Song Kaifei asked immediately: "How did this kid come from? Could it be the kid who killed the man?"

"Yeah, why is there another child?" Li Erniu couldn't help asking~www.wuxiaspot.com~This is so weird..."

"In fact, this child is Busona's child, and also the child of Busura and the man. At that time, the man didn't know that Busura was pregnant..."

"So I tortured Posana like that." Yu Sheng sighed slightly.

"Fuck, beast..."

After Song Kaifei heard this, Song Kaifei couldn't help being a little angry. Such an approach was indeed too irritating. He was pregnant. I don’t know if I didn’t know how to say it. He even peeled off the human skin. Damn, it's not as good as a brute...

This is equivalent to one corpse and two lives...One corpse and two lives, how innocent the child in this belly can be, and Sorina is also innocent... Ruthless enough, this man is too ruthless.

When Yu Sheng saw this, he laughed and said, "Well, this is just a story, not true."

(End of this chapter)

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