I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 964: Death Commando

Chapter 951

The two of them were like ghosts in this dark night, and they quickly lurked in one direction.


In this other place, there are six figures, these six figures quietly merge with the surrounding darkness, but if someone recognizes these people, they will inevitably cry out in surprise, because these people Surprisingly, it was a death-defying commando.

The Death Commando is also a commando with extremely rich combat experience. They even participated in some battles on the battlefield of a certain Ya. The Death Commando was feared by countless people.

The so-called death-defying commandos are mainly prominent in the word “dare to die”. Almost all the people in the death-defying commandos are not afraid of death. In their eyes, in order to complete the task, even if it is death, They are not afraid, therefore, they will be called the death commando.

This assault team is, to some extent, Mi's younger brother and a striker.

Before, after Jix was killed, this made them very angry, because they did not expect that they could kill the three teams of Jack for the rest of their lives. This made them all furious. Immediately, everyone was angry. He gave the order, surrounded the red blood cells, and grabbed back the scores in the hands of the red blood cells.

Therefore, this is the current situation.

The middle-aged man headed by this man is named Malway, but many people prefer to call him a "crazy lion" because his person is like a mad lion, irritable, and even fearful of death.

Mad Lion looked at the five people around him, and said with a sharp look: "The people with red blood cells are right in front. I think they should have been resting at this moment, but...when they are resting, someone will inevitably be around to watch. Therefore, we must be careful to hide in the past, and then, before the enemy has reacted, kill the enemy."

"So, when we are looking for our targets, we have six people. If these people are asleep, then we can kill at least six of them. This time they only have eight people. Just kill six of them. , Then, next we can easily subdue these last two."

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone present nodded solemnly, and they expressed their understanding.

"Now we hide in the past as soon as possible and kill them, don't you understand?" Mad Lion said sharply.

"Understand." Everyone nodded slightly. After all, they often do tasks together, so they are very clear about some of Mad Lion's thoughts, so everyone understands.

"very good."

The mad lion nodded slightly, and his expression became a little bit fierce: "These Chinese special forces are one in a million, and they have a population of more than one billion people. The selected soldiers are also the elite of the elite. We don’t underestimate these people either."

"Captain, are you looking at these guys too highly? It's just a group of special soldiers from China. If this is on the real battlefield, I can destroy their entire team by myself." Someone spoke with a bit of disdain. , Obviously, he thinks Mad Lion too much value China's special forces.

China’s special forces are certainly powerful, but they have not yet made them jealous. What's more, here is just an exercise. If this is on the real battlefield, he has full confidence and will directly kill them for the rest of his life, even though this special force The competition has restored the real battlefield infinitely, but...

He still feels much worse.

On the real battlefield, it’s a life-and-death contest. In this kind of place, even if you are hit by the opponent, you won’t die. Therefore, everyone doesn’t pay too much attention to it. After all, you won’t die if you hit them. , If this is at some critical moment, they will inevitably take the risk, so that they can still fight for a glimmer of hope, but on the real battlefield, it takes great courage to do so.

The competition is always a big competition, even if the degree of reduction is high, without real encountering death, then the mentality is still different.

That is to say, why, even if the degree of reduction is high, the exercise is always an exercise, because to some extent certain things happen in the exercise, but it is not necessarily on the battlefield. The scene on the battlefield changes rapidly. Constantly changing, no one can control this battlefield.

Therefore, when everyone is fighting, they adjust their combat changes according to the changes in the battlefield. This is why there is a saying.

Will be subject to the fate of the foreign monarch.

This is probably the truth.

"Don't underestimate these China's special forces." At this time, the wild lion said sharply: "Don't forget, this Jack, Inoue Tomohiro and Li Xiangnan, they died in the hands of this Huaxia people, these three The teams unite, even if we have to deal with it, it is not easy. They can eliminate these three teams, which shows that their combat effectiveness is also very strong."

"Crazy lion, this is not like you, but you are a mad lion." Another special soldier sneered and said faintly.

Hearing the words, the mad lion took a deep look at this person, not speaking, but faintly said: "Now listen to my order and act immediately."


The man snorted, but still started to act. They started to touch the front and move forward. At this moment, Yu Sheng and He Chenguang also came here. In this dark night, the Vashona Forest is also a very dangerous forest, here Poisons are everywhere, and one can die if one is not careful.

For the rest of his life and He Chenguang hidden in the dark, He Chenguang frowned ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He looked around, the dark night, he couldn't see anything, even the moonlight couldn't come in. He Chenguang was a little silent. He Chenguang paused and said, "For the rest of my life, it's too dark here. In this kind of forest, even moonlight can't come in. We don't have anything like night vision. The enemy is not easy. Even if we find the enemy, it is difficult for us to find the enemy in this dark night."

He Chenguang was telling the truth. It was indeed not very easy for them to find the enemy in such a dark environment. After all, their vision was blocked.

When Yu Sheng heard this, he said faintly: "You can see it."

"Can you see it?"

He Chenguang looked at Yu Sheng with a dazed look when he heard the words. Some didn't understand what Yu Sheng meant? What is visible?

Do you have dog eyes? See what you want? Now it’s the dark night. Generally speaking, if you want to see the target in the dark, only animals like wolves and cats can see clearly. But the human eye, unless you use some tools, otherwise, I couldn't see what was in the night at all.

(End of this chapter)

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