I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 968: Fearful Lion

Chapter 955

Wang Yanbing’s complexion became a little ugly. If it gets fogged, they will most likely disperse for the rest of their lives. Once they disperse in the Posana Forest, that’s the most troublesome thing, because no one knows what will happen next. Moreover, it is not certain whether they can gather together again.

"No, I have to wait here." Wang Yanbing thought secretly: "It's foggy now, and you can only wait until tomorrow. If they don't come back for the rest of their lives tomorrow, there must be a problem. Then they can only leave here to talk."

Wang Yanbing took a deep breath. There is no other way. They are a good team, but... The Posana Forest is too weird and too big. If they want to find someone in the forest, it has nothing to do with finding a needle in a haystack. The difference, if Yu Sheng and He Chenguang knew about this, they would definitely be waiting for them outside the forest.

So they can only continue to wait here.

The fog is getting bigger and bigger, and the minds of the crazy lion and others have become active again, and the fog is also a good thing for them.

"It's foggy, we can leave when the fog gets thicker." The Mad Lion suddenly said.

"Hmm." Everyone nodded slightly, which is indeed a good thing for them. If the other party has a night vision device, even if it has thermal imaging, it is not easy to use under this condition, so, Once the fog is over, it is a good thing for them.

With the passage of time, the mist gradually reached the point where he couldn't see his fingers. At this time, He Chenguang's complexion was very dignified.

The fog is not a good thing for him. He thought he could get around these people and kill them directly from behind, but now it seems that it is a bit troublesome. The fog is so heavy, how can he sneak attack? Kill these guys because he is not the rest of his life, nor does he have the skills for the rest of his life.

"Forget it, go back and continue searching for the rest of your life. It doesn't make much sense here." He Chenguang sighed slightly when he thought of this. He also knew that if he was here, he would really meet the escaped couple. This guy, maybe I have to explain here.


At this moment, the wild lion whispered to everyone and said: "We are careful and leave here immediately. When we have a chance, we will kill these guys and see if they are the fifth type of commando."


Everyone nodded, then took a deep breath and stood up one after another, just walking in one direction. They all knew what direction they were in for the rest of their lives, so they didn't dare to go there, so they could only go towards Retreat towards the rear, but the direction of retreat was the direction of He Chenguang's detour before.



At the moment when a person just stood up, in this white and white Wisana forest, there was a bullet, as if it had passed through layers of space, and shot towards this person as fast as lightning. , Even where the bullet passed, even the mist was dispersed a little.


In the next instant, this bullet directly hit the person's forehead, and yellow smoke appeared on his body, and the sudden scene made the crazy lion's pupils suddenly shrink.


When everyone saw this, they hurried to hide. For a moment, all of them were shocked, and their eyes revealed deep fear and horror...

"This...what the **** is going on? How is this possible?"

For a while, the wild lion was a little frightened. Now it’s not just the night, but it’s still foggy now. With such a big fog, you wear thermal imaging and night vision. It’s not very useful. I couldn't see them at all, but I never expected that one of their people died.

Originally, they wanted to sneak attack on Yu Sheng and them, to teach Yu Sheng a lesson, and grab the points in their hands, but now... it's the other way around.

Such a scene also made them a little frightened.

Is this guy really a god? In this case, can all hit them? Still, this guy has clairvoyance eyes, which is too **** perverted.

Mad Lion was also scared by Yu Sheng's skills. This is really terrifying. If this is fighting in the dark, who the **** will be the opponent for the rest of his life.

However, Yu Sheng does not have perspective eyes. This is nothing more than the third form of his earth-sensing shooting technique. This third form allows plants to communicate with him, to transmit messages, to find out where the opponent is, but... Yu Sheng It is impossible to judge the physical position of these people.

The reason why he was able to hit the opponent was entirely dependent on his intermediate data calculations. This calculation ability was super strong, even catching up with the calculation speed of the supercomputer, which shows how terrifying this calculation ability is.

However, even so, it caused Yu Sheng to have a slight headache. This kind of high-speed calculation is also a huge consumption for Yu Sheng, and you can't imagine the consumption of brain power.

"It's really tiring..." Yu Sheng thought secretly: "It seems that we have to find a way to improve the calculation of advanced data. Some ordinary things of intermediate data calculation are indeed enough, but if you encounter some calculations It’s a bit difficult for things that are incredibly complex, and I don’t know what advanced data calculations will become."

Yu Sheng also has some expectations for advanced data calculations. He feels that if he gets advanced data calculations, his computing power will reach a very terrible speed. UU reading www.uukanshu.com in many cases, humans The brain is more powerful than supercomputers, of course, this is powerful in another aspect.

However, for most people, it is impossible to develop all of their brains, so the brain is always in a dormant state. If the brain can be developed to 100%, it will become very scary... but , So far no one can do it.

"It seems that these guys are also scared by me. These guys may not have their heads for a while. Now it happens that there is such a big fog in the dark night. I can cover me according to these occlusions and let me quickly Transferring positions, as long as they expose me, I can figure it out."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng got up slowly, and then quickly moved in another direction. During this movement, Yu Sheng was extremely careful, trying to make his traces smaller, so as not to be discovered by these people.

It took about five minutes for the rest of his life to detect a sniper spot, which made Yu Sheng's eyes bright, and his expression was happy. Then, the rest of his life was in this sniper spot and aimed forward, because in the front, But there was a figure, just exposed under his muzzle.

(End of this chapter)

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