I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 969: Off Team

Chapter 957

"Hmph, after daybreak, I will definitely kill you." Mad Lion showed a bit of resentment. Originally, Mad Lion thought that the points could be captured by his hand. Unexpectedly, he was pecked by an eagle. Break down.

Therefore, the mad lion was extremely angry.


However, just as the mad lion just wanted to continue to escape, suddenly, a gunshot sounded, followed by a resounding sound. The sudden gunshot also made the mad lion's body directly froze on the spot, and the mad lion looked dumbfounded and Incredible...

"I was eliminated? How could this be? How could this guy hit me..."

Mad Lion was also dumbfounded, because he didn't expect that he would be sniped again. According to his thoughts, he was at least 1,500 meters away from Yu Sheng. He never expected, this **** Can be hit? Doesn't it make sense? Is this guy cheating?

But it's impossible...


From here, a figure slowly walked out. This person is no one else. It is He Chenguang. He Chenguang walked out of the white mist. With a faint smile on his face, he took a deep look. This mad lion showed a little surprise.


After seeing He Chenguang, the wild lion was shocked. The wild lion stared at He Chenguang in disbelief, "How can your speed be so fast?"

Obviously, Mad Lion regarded He Chenguang for the rest of his life, and why Chenguang was the one who just attacked them.

When He Chenguang heard the words, he was stunned. What does it mean to be fast? What's the situation with this special? When did I get so fast? Is it because I walked around behind you? This is not right, it has been so long, it is estimated that a special soldier can detour behind you.

But He Chenguang ignored the mad lion, but faintly said: "Hand over your medal, I hope you don't let me do it myself."

"Oh, by the way, now you are a dead body, don't violate the rules, you know what to end if you violate the rules."

When the mad lion heard the words, it was furious. The mad lion stared at He Chenguang with a full face, and he was so angry that he could not wait to tear He Chenguang to his life.

However, Mad Lion was also helpless. He also knew that they absolutely could not violate the rules. If they violated the rules, the situation was a bit serious, and he could not afford the consequences.

The mad lion gritted his teeth, took the medal, and handed it to He Chenguang. After He Chenguang accepted the medal, he nodded in satisfaction and said with a smile: "Yes, it's quite refreshing."

He Chenguang's words made Mad Lion's face even more ugly, as ugly as it was. From Mad Lion's point of view, this was a naked insult to him.

That's disgusting.

"By the way, get the bullet in your body. I need to add the pill."

He Chenguang's words made the mad lion almost run away. This guy is really irritating. He didn't take him to heart at all. The mad lion stared at He Chenguang coldly, his eyes seemed to eat people.

He Chenguang was a fearless mad lion, and said faintly: "You are a dead man now, the dead man had better not mess things up."


As soon as these words were spoken, the mad lion staggered and almost fell to the ground. The lungs of the mad lion's energy were about to explode, and there was as much anger as it was.


As soon as the mad lion gritted his teeth, he handed over the ammunition on his body. He Chenguang nodded in satisfaction and said: "Yes, yes, quite obedient, you just stay here slowly, I'll go ahead. Withdrawn."

"I hope you are lucky."

After that, He Chenguang disappeared here. The Mad Lion looked at the direction in which He Chenguang disappeared, and roared, "Boy, what's your name."


He Chenguang's voice resounded, which made the Mad Lion's eyes narrowed, killing intent surging, and said coldly: "Falcon, very good, very good, this time, I will definitely make you look good."

Mad Lion gritted his teeth and glanced at He Chenguang coldly. Of course he would not do it himself, because he knew that once he did it, he would violate the rules of the exercise. This violated the rules of the exercise, but it was very scary.

At this time, Yu Sheng was also constantly changing directions. About ten minutes later, Yu Sheng finally met He Chenguang. When they met, he was also taken aback by He Chenguang and almost killed Yu Sheng with a single shot.

"Yu Sheng, why did you run here?" He Chenguang looked at Yu Sheng with a dazed expression, and asked in confusion.

Yu Sheng opened his mouth and said: "I just killed several other members of the Assault Squad, so I moved the sniper spot, but it was a pity that... ran away."

This caused Yu Sheng to sigh slightly, feeling a little helpless. This is indeed a pity. If the opponent can be left behind, then the opponent is equivalent to annihilation.

"Did you kill the rest?" He Chenguang couldn't help asking in shock after hearing this.

"Done." Yu Sheng nodded.

After He Chenguang listened, he couldn't help taking a breath, and gave Yu Sheng a shocked look. This guy is simply a living pervert.

So many people say that if they are killed, they will be killed?


"No, you just said you ran off one?"

At this moment, He Chenguang suddenly spoke.

"Yes, one of them ran away." Yu Sheng nodded slightly.

"I just killed one... the one I killed, isn't it a member of the commando, right?" He Chenguang hesitated for a moment before asking puzzled.


After Yu Sheng heard it, he was also visibly stunned. He glanced at He Chenguang with a little astonishment, and was very puzzled. He immediately said, "You mean, you killed someone?"

"Yes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is a medal. There are points on it. There seems to be more than one, like seven."

"There are more points?"

After Yu Sheng listened to it, he was a little surprised. He immediately looked at the medal. Yu Sheng found that there were really points, and there were seven points. In other words, after he got this point, he would reach a terrible 40 points. integral.

It seems that this daring assault team also eliminated a team.

Yu Sheng said: "It is estimated that the person you killed should be the captain of the assault team."

"team leader?"

He Chenguang's eyes widened when he heard the words, and he said incredulously: "No? Really the captain? It is rumored that the captain of the assault squadron is the king of soldiers...this..."

Thinking of how he looked in front of this soldier king before, this made He Chenguang a little grateful. Fortunately, the other party did not make a move. If he did make a move, he might not be the opponent of this guy. Maybe he would be affected by this. The guy gave a violent beating...

(End of this chapter)

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