I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 976: Killed 1 team again

Chapter 964

Because of the gunshots, this caused the wolves to panic. Some bullets hit the wolf, and the wolf would scream in pain and run around.

The clattering sound is endless, therefore, these wolves are all swiftly fleeing in all directions, obviously they also seem to be aware of some danger.


Another shot was fired, directly killing a person next to Yamada Osa.

The man's face was blue, and in the blink of an eye there were two people left beside them, which made them furious.

"No, there are pitfalls..."

But at this moment, I don't know who stepped on the trap. This person screamed. Then, his body twitched, and he lay on the ground and passed out into a coma.

It looks like it should be poisoned.

However, this kind of poisoning does not affect the danger of life. It just makes people lose consciousness for a short time. After a while, it will be healed naturally.

"There are traps..."

After Yamada Dasuo noticed this scene, Yamada Dasuo understood in an instant that they were overcast, and that David was obviously an undercover agent. It is estimated that he came to cheat them.

Yamada Osa was furious: "Baga..."

At this moment, Yamada Dasuo hated the rest of his life even more. He never expected that he and others would be planted here, which made them a little angry.

If they follow their plan, they can leave the Posuna Forest, but they did not expect to be planted here.

Yamada Dazuo and another person lay on the ground cautiously. They lowered their heads for fear of being hit by a bullet. For the rest of their lives, they rushed toward this side quickly, as did He Chenguang and others.

Yu Sheng sensed the existence of Yamada Dazuo and others, and immediately aimed his gun in the direction of Yamada Dazuo. At this time, He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing and others were also holding guns and came to Yamada Dazu not far away.

"They are over there." Xu Tianlong noticed the existence of Yamada Dazuo and said immediately.


Everyone bowed their heads, looking for shelter, and their eyes were staring at Yamada Dazuo, and there was a gleam in their eyes.

At this time, the rest of the people were also aware of the existence of He Chenguang and others, and when they saw the face of He Chenguang and others, this made them even more furious.

"Baga, it is China's special forces."

"We were deceived, that David deliberately led us here."

"Cunning Huaxia Special Forces, hateful."

For a while, all these people were furious. They did not expect that they would be deceived by that guy. They deceived them into the encirclement and killed five of them directly. At the moment, only two of them have not yet been deceived. Eliminated, but... facing these people, these two people are also at stake.

For a while, everyone's faces were ugly.

"Come out, you are already surrounded." Yu Sheng's faint voice resounded from here, and Yamada Osa was even more angry after hearing this sentence.

"Baga, who are you, why do you want to help China's special forces, do you know what you are doing." Yamada Dazuo roared.

"Of course I know." Yu Sheng smiled lightly and said calmly: "Because I am also a Huaxia Special Forces."

"Now five of your people have been killed by us. Only you two. We have seven or eight guns aimed at you. Do you think you two can escape?"

Yamada Osa was even more angry after hearing these words. They were surrounded. It was almost difficult to escape from here at this moment.

Unexpectedly, he was so careful, and finally entered the encirclement of the enemy, and blamed himself. Believing the nonsense of Yu Sheng, if it were not for himself, he and others would not be so passive.

For the rest of his life, seeing these people have not appeared, he smiled coldly and took out a coach bomb on his body. This coach bomb was also deliberately prepared by him. In addition to the coach bomb, he also brought some flash bombs and smelly bombs. Play and wait.

These things are available.

Yu Sheng threw this grenade out. This thing happened to fall by the side of Yamada Osa. When this thing fell, Yamada Osa was also frightened and panicked.


In an instant, the two escaped. At this time, Yamada Osa was like a hungry wolf, rushing toward Yu Sheng as fast as lightning, and the gun in his hand was aimed at Yu Sheng. Direction, I want to kill the rest of my life with one shot...


Not far away, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others had already held their guns and pointed in the direction where Yamada Dazuo was. When Yamada Dazuo and others came out, they pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Although Yamada Dazuo constantly twisted his body, trying to avoid these bullets, but... He Chenguang and the others did not shoot alone, but several people fired. What's more, this is still a rifle. It's too hard to avoid...


With two gunshots, yellow smoke appeared on Yamada Dasaku and another person, and the rest of his life also walked out of the fog. Yu Sheng looked at Yamada Dasaku, and his face was lightly hung. Smile.

"Ha ha……"

Yu Sheng smiled indifferently, and said casually: "Now, you are eliminated, hand over your points. I don't want to talk about extra nonsense. Of course, you can also violate the rules of the exercise, but you violate the rules. I think you all should know the end of the game."

A word from Yu Sheng made Yamada Dasuo and the others even more sullen. They looked like they wanted to eat the rest of their lives. This made them furious.


Yamada Dazuo roared ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He gritted his teeth and stared at Yu Sheng, and said angrily: "You...how did you become an old rice man? This is impossible."

"Nothing is impossible." Yu Sheng smiled lightly, and said: "I think you should have heard of Huaxia's disguise technique. To say that the most powerful makeup in the world is Huaxia's disguise technique, in our ancient times. It’s already very popular. If you can tell, wouldn’t the knowledge of our ancestors be in vain."

"Don't go fast, hurry up and hand over all the things in your hand, we are still rushing for the next game."

Yu Sheng’s words made Yamada Dasuo even more urge to vomit blood. Damn, he is a magnificent soldier king. However, the soldier king’s strength was not shown at all, so he was killed by the enemy. Aggrieved, it is estimated that he is not as aggrieved.

He is the king of soldiers, and he is also very powerful, but...face to so many people, even if he is not able to recover from the sky, it is impossible to be the opponent of so many people, after all, so many people are holding guns, as long as If he appears, he is bound to be beaten, and he can't really avoid the bullet...

(End of this chapter)

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