I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 977: Is the legend true?

Chapter 965: The Legend Is Real?

Hearing Yu Sheng's words, Yamada Dasuo's face twitched fiercely. He stared at Yu Sheng fiercely, looking like he wanted to kill Yu Sheng, Yu Sheng was really disgusting.

This is an insult to them.

However, Yamayamada Osa still took out his medal. There is no way if he does not take it out. After all, he is dead now, and if they violate the rules, then all of them will be forced to withdraw from the game. At that time, they will become an international joke, which is not what they want to see.

So almost no one dared to mess around in this situation.

After Yu Sheng received the medal from Yamada, he nodded in satisfaction. Yu Sheng glanced at Yamada, and exclaimed: "I didn't expect that there are so many medals in your hand. There are 14 of them, which is cheaper. I."

"I knew I wouldn't kill you, just put you in captivity, hey..."

When talking about this, Yamada Osa almost couldn't help but want to do it.

Insults, naked insults, when this guy said these words, it was obvious that he regarded them as pigs... When he became fat, he would just slaughter them, which is to look down on them.

Yamada Dasuo stared at Yu Sheng with an angry face, and even the rest of the people stared at Yu Sheng with unkind expressions. As long as Yamada Dasou gave an order, they would not hesitate to beat up the rest of their lives without hesitation.

"let's go."

As Yu Sheng’s voice fell, Song Kaifei and his party followed. Song Kaifei smiled and said: "This is still a special soldier. This is too bad. We haven't done much yet. They have been eliminated. Are we too strong, or are they too good?"

"Yes." He Chenguang also nodded and said: "I thought it was going to be a big battle. Who knows that it's a pity that this group of guys are so casual..."

"Yeah... Fortunately, they have 14 points in their hands. It seems that this group of guys also destroyed a small team. Just the rest of their lives said that it was good. For opponents of this level, we should be raised in captivity and wait until almost. When the time comes, kill these guys directly."

"Hey, it's a pity..."

Everyone was talking so loudly on purpose. The main purpose was to let Yamada Dasuo and the others hear clearly. Among them, there were some people who could understand Chinese. After hearing this person’s explanation, Yamada Dasuo almost went violently. This is in front of them, deliberately humiliating them.

"Da Zuo, do you want to kill them directly here?" One of them gritted his teeth and couldn't help but speak.

Yamada Osa also had a murderous intent, but he still suppressed this murderous intent. It was not that he didn't want to do it, but it was because, if this matter was discovered, it would be for them. In a great trouble, Yamada suppressed his inner anger, gritted his teeth and said: "Don't worry about them, there are our people behind. Those are the real elite elites. When they meet our people, they will definitely let them know. Great."

"We leave here."


Hearing that Yamada Dasuo said that, everyone did not dare to say anything. On their side, the level of suppression was extremely strict, so they did not dare to disobey Yamada Dasaku's orders.

But at this moment, Yu Sheng and He Chenguang and others have left here one after another and headed in another direction. At this moment, the fog has cleared a lot, which makes Yu Sheng and others slightly strange.

Logically speaking, this kind of place is not exposed to a lot of sunlight. It takes a while to disperse the fog in the forest, but after only a while, the fog has dispersed a lot. This scene, indeed It is a bit surprising.

As the fog gradually dissipated a lot, everyone present was surprised.

"its not right……"

At this moment, Song Kaifei suddenly said: "No, no, it seems something is not right."

"What's the matter? Pilot? Are you thinking about it again?" Xu Tianlong looked at Song Kaifei and opened his mouth.

"Assumptions, I mean something is wrong with this place, haven't you noticed it?" Song Kaifei said painfully.

"There is something wrong with this place? What do you mean?" Even He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others looked at the pilot with some doubts. At this moment, the behavior of the pilots is indeed different from the usual.

"Here, there is a gloomy feeling." Yu Sheng said slowly.

"Ghostly feeling? Fuck, don't be kidding, I was frightened." Wang Yanbing said suddenly.

"Yes, what Yu Sheng said is right, it's a gloomy feeling. I think it's very strange here." Song Kaifei also said with a heavy face, and said solemnly.


For a while, everyone was extremely puzzled, and some didn't understand what was going on.

"Let's go ahead and have a look."

After that, Yu Sheng and his party walked forward. When they walked over, they were cautious, for fear that they might have encountered something.

As they moved forward, this made the feeling in their hearts more and more obvious. There was indeed something wrong with this place. In this way, they walked for about an hour. However, after this hour, when they When he stopped again, Song Kaifei suddenly said in horror.

"Fuck, I know."

"I know what's going on."

Song Kaifei's loud scream also attracted Yu Sheng and He Chenguang. This made them look at Song Kaifei in a puzzled manner, but Yu Sheng's complexion gradually became a little dignified at this moment. ...Because ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he already vaguely knew why Song Kaifei was so nervous.

"What's the matter? Pilot, don't be surprised, do you know what's going on now?" Xu Tianlong couldn't help but said.

"Pilot, pay attention to words and deeds. Now there are many masters in the Posana Forest. If they hear about it, we will be very troublesome." Chen Shanming also frowned and said in a deep voice.

"No, it's not." Song Kaifei said immediately: "Didn't you find out that we went around for a long time and then came back. We should have been to this place an hour ago..."

As soon as this statement came out, it made Chen Shanming and others all slightly condensed, and immediately they looked around one after another. As they looked around, they were shocked to discover that the scenery here is indeed very extraordinary. Familiar, they seem to have been to this kind of place before...

The sudden situation also changed the face of the people present.

"Have you really been here?"

(End of this chapter)

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