I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 978: Tree in human skin

Chapter 966

"I have been here. We have indeed been here." Yu Sheng's voice slowly resounded. With Yu Sheng's affirmation, the expressions of all the people present changed drastically. For a while, everyone's expressions were a bit ugly. .

"Impossible, how could we go around and come back again? You know we always walked in the same direction before." Xu Tianlong took a breath and couldn't help but speak.

"My brain... Isn't that legend of Posana true?" Wang Yanbing said painfully.

"It doesn't make sense... Why did we walk in one direction and come back again? Could it be that we encountered a ghost hitting the wall? It's impossible..."

He Chenguang was also puzzled.

Yu Sheng looked around dignifiedly, with a cold expression, and said solemnly: "It is indeed a bit weird here. We have been walking forward before. Logically speaking, we should not return to this place, but we are back again. I'm afraid there is something here, or in other words, we are lost."

"Then what should we do next?" Wang Yanbing couldn't help asking.

"Follow me, let's see what's going on here."


Everyone was also frightened, so even if they encountered this kind of thing, they quickly calmed down. After all, they are special forces, and their psychological qualities have been exercised in the past.

Following the steps of Yu Sheng, they walked forward step by step. Time passed by little by little. After they walked for about an hour, they came to a strange forest.

When they arrived in this weird forest, Song Kaifei suddenly screamed.

"Fuck, it's a tree in human skin..."

Following Song Kaifei's exclamation, Yu Sheng, He Chenguang and others also looked in the direction Song Kaifei pointed to. Especially Yu Sheng, his eyes were so good that he saw the big tree here at a glance.

"Let's go over and take a look."

Yu Sheng was not scared by the big trees here, but walked towards this side calmly. The sudden situation also caused He Chenguang and others to change their expressions slightly: "Yu Sheng be careful..."

"It's okay, it's just a big tree. How could such a supernatural thing happen in this world." Yu Sheng shook his head slightly, and stepped toward that side step by step.

At this moment, Chen Shanming saw this and immediately said: "Keep up, don't lose it."

With an order, everyone followed, and they were cautiously vigilant around, for fear of any danger.

While walking for the rest of his life, his brain was also running fast. He was very curious, is it true that the rumors of Busaona are true? It was really the man who nailed the human skin to this big tree.

You must know that piercing the bark on a big tree is a very troublesome project, and if one is not careful, it may cause loopholes in the bark.

However, this incident is just a legend, and logically speaking, it is not true.

The rest of his life soon came to a big tree. This big tree was very big and seemed to have a history of nearly a thousand years. Even so, this big tree still seems to have nothing to die. On the contrary It still looks very lush.

When they walked into this big tree for the rest of their lives, they all saw the true face of this big tree clearly. They saw that this big tree did not look the same as a normal big tree. The surface of this big tree was extremely beautiful. It's smooth, it looks like it's wearing human skin, it's very weird.

Not only that, there are also countless such small trees around this big tree. However, these small trees are also wearing smooth skin, which looks like human skin. The whole scene, look It looks very weird.

Song Kaifei and He Chenguang both had a numb scalp.

"Are these skins human skins?" Li Erniu glanced dumbly at the big trees in front of him, and said with some horror: "Couldn't this rumor be true?"

"Really fart."

Chen Shanming opened his mouth and said, "Look carefully, this is tree bark, not human skin."

Everyone sighed with relief when these words were spoken. Song Kaifei couldn't help but said: "These skins are just like human skins at first glance. What the **** is going on? Under the sun, how can you pay them back? There will be such a strange big tree. Generally speaking, the appearance of the big tree should be pits and pits to protect the inner layer of bark."

"Is that rumor true? Is it true that Busuna Forest became like this because of Busuna?"

When Yu Sheng heard this, he said faintly: "Fake."

Yu Sheng's words caused He Chenguang and the others to be taken aback. They looked at Yu Sheng and said in a puzzled manner: "False, then how should we explain the situation here?"

Yu Sheng said indifferently: "Where are there so many supernatural events in the world, I believe in saying that there are aliens in this world, but I don't believe in saying there are supernatural events in this world."

"If what I expected is good...the reason why these big trees are covered with such a layer of skin should be closely related to the geographical environment here."

The words of Yu Sheng left He Chenguang and others for a moment. He Chenguang and others were puzzled and said: "What is going on? What is going on?"

"Have you noticed that the magnetic field here is not the same as the magnetic field in normal places. The compass cannot work here. Secondly, the water and the environment here are different from the outside world. Even the toxins here are also different. It's much better than the outside world."

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone looked at each other and looked at each other, failing to understand what Yu Sheng meant by saying these words. Could it be that the situation here is really closely related to the environment here?

"So, I guess, the reason why these big trees become like this, UU reading www.uukahnshu.com should have a lot to do with the environment here."

With that said, Yu Sheng picked up a dagger, his dagger was made of that stone, it can be described as cutting iron like mud, very powerful.

The rest of his life was on the surface of the bark, with such a light stroke, and then, there was a green sap flowing out of the book cover. This appearance looked more like a spiritual event.

"This is green juice, what is this thing?"

When He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing saw this scene, they all frowned.

"It's the nutrient solution of the big tree." Yu Sheng said faintly: "If something happens, the big tree will automatically absorb the nutrient solution inside, so as to achieve the purpose of supply."

"And this layer of skin can prevent the volatilization of the nutrient solution, and it can better protect yourself. That's why there is such a layer of skin."

"Then say that, this Posana legend, I am afraid it is true."

(End of this chapter)

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