I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 979: Leaving the Posana Forest

Chapter 967

"Let me just say, where in this world there are such weird incidents." Li Erniu said lightly.

"Yeah..." Wang Yanbing also nodded slightly: "If there were so many supernatural events, we wouldn't have to live on earth."

"However, we are lost now, how are we going next?" He Chenguang frowned and asked in a condensed voice.

As soon as I said this, everyone agreed. In this kind of forest, once you get lost, it will be very deadly. After all, this is a forest. The living conditions are extremely difficult, and there are all kinds of poisonous insects. Poisonous ants, if one is not careful, they may be killed on the spot.

In addition, they also have a special forces competition, so they must leave here as soon as possible.

"Try it first, let's go with your feelings." Yu Sheng thought for a while and slowly said.

"Walk by feeling?"

As soon as these words were spoken, the people present were a little confused, all of them stared at Yu Sheng dumbfounded, their eyes mixed with thick weirdness.

"My brain...you are not joking for the rest of your life, are you? Do you really want to leave by feeling?"

"Yes, for the rest of my life, this is the Posana Forest, which is full of dangers. Can you be a little more normal?"

"Yes, Yu Sheng... don't mess around... messing around will kill people."

Everyone was speechless for a while, and for a while they didn't know what to say for the rest of their lives. In their opinion, the rest of their lives was really too messy. Follow the feelings?

Your uncle, you are taking everyone into the pit.

Can this hurry still be driven by feeling? They have never heard that they can still walk by feeling. Is this completely messy... If they walk by feeling, they will have to be put to death by the rest of their lives.

Yu Sheng glanced at everyone contemptuously and opened his mouth: "You don't have so much confidence in me?"

"It's not that there is no confidence, but now, not when there is chaos." Chen Shanming also looked at Yu Sheng with a speechless expression, and said helplessly.


But at this moment, a gunshot sounded through the entire forest, and the sudden situation made them all look at a big change.

"There are gunshots."

Immediately, everyone was looking for shelter and lying on the ground. They looked forward cautiously, and there was a seriousness in their eyes.

"What's the matter? Why are there gunshots here?" Xu Tianlong said solemnly.

"Boom boom..."

There were a few more gunshots resounding. After Yu Sheng heard these gunshots, it made Yu Sheng's eyes bright, and Yu Sheng immediately opened his mouth and said: "If what is expected is good, there should be two teams fighting. "

"The two teams are fighting? Wouldn't it be true?" He Chenguang frowned upon hearing this.

"Let's go and see, maybe we can take advantage of the fisherman's profit."

As Yu Sheng's voice fell, Yu Sheng got up cautiously, and then quickly ran in the direction where the gunfire was. He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing and others followed after seeing this. They soon followed. Came to a place.

At this time, Yu Sheng waved his hand, and everyone in He Chenguang concealed himself. Yu Sheng said solemnly, "I found the other party."

"The other side is fighting between two teams. Now many of them have been eliminated. We are waiting here, don't let them find out."

The words of the rest of his life made He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and the others overjoyed. It was really that someone would come to give pillows when they were dozing off... When these people were finished, they could come to a praying mantis to catch the cicada...

"Be careful around and see if there are other people around." Yu Sheng said again.


Immediately, everyone was performing their work, with a pair of eyes staring around them heavily, not daring to be careless, their eyes kept looking around, for fear of encountering some danger.

A little bit of time passed. Both teams are very powerful teams. It can be judged from the marksmanship of these people alone. The rest of his life is also extremely patient. He was not in a hurry to make a move, because he knew that he was making a move now. It will only stun the snake and startle the enemy, which is likely to cause the enemy to leave here.

So he is not in a hurry. Since it is a fight between two teams, there is bound to be a winner. He only needs to show up at the end.

After waiting for about an hour, the battle was over, and the winning side also suffered heavy losses. They lost a lot of people, and all of them were eliminated.

There are only two of them.

After Yu Sheng noticed this scene, he immediately whispered: "Our chance has come, kill these guys. They still have two people. We are cautiously ambushing in the past, but be careful, these two guys are real masters. ."


He Chenguang and others all responded when they heard Yu Sheng's order.

After that, the group of people quickly left here, and carefully surrounded the two people. At this time, the rest of his life also smiled coldly. He set up a sniper rifle on the spot and aimed at one of them.

But at the moment when the gun was fired for the rest of his life, the targeted person seemed to have noticed something. This person's expression changed drastically: "No, there are snipers."


This person fell down instantly, and at this time he was aware of it for the rest of his life. The moment he fell, he had already adjusted his muzzle.


The dull sound reverberated, and all those who were eliminated changed their expressions, because they did not expect that there was still a team hidden in this dark place.

And this team ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has been coveting them all the time. Seeing that they have finished the game, this team suddenly jumped out. This is completely behind the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole...

This behavior also made everyone's complexion a little unnatural.


The next moment, this person was hit by a bullet on the top of his head, and this person’s face became difficult to look at. The bullet hit him, which caused him to be eliminated directly. To his surprise, When he noticed that kind of killing intent, he had obviously dodged. According to reason, he could completely avoid the bullet this time...

However, the other party still shot him, and even hit him in the skull, which caused him to be killed by a single shot. This sudden situation also made him feel a little shocked.


For an instant, these two words appeared in his mind, this person is definitely a master of masters, otherwise, this shot can be avoided by himself...

(End of this chapter)

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