I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 983: Fan Tianlei was dumbfounded

Chapter 971 Fan Tianlei is dumbfounded

"Wait patiently. I guess they will come out soon, and wait until they come out." Fan Tianlei rubbed his head with a headache. To be honest, Fan Tianlei was also slightly worried because he didn't know them for the rest of his life. How is the situation now?

If something happened to them for the rest of their lives, it would be a big trouble.


Gong Jian nodded, and then the group waited patiently.

In the afternoon, Gong Jian quickly came to this conference room. Gong Jian hurriedly said: "Chief of Staff, they seem to be out for the rest of their lives."


When Gong Jian said these words, all Fan Tianlei and the others were shocked. Fan Tianlei and the others were all a little excited, saying, "Go, let's go to the command center."


Immediately, a group of people walked quickly towards the headquarters. Now, the points of the lightning commando and the fifth type of commando are getting higher and higher, especially the lightning commando, which has reached a terrible 85 points. There are so many figures, which makes Fan Tianlei and the others very pleased.

As for the fifth type of commando team, there are not many points, only such a few thirty points. To be honest, thirty points is very small for the fifth type of commando team. It can even be said to be very poor. Forget, the fifth type of commando, which is organized by the fifth type of people, each of them is the king of soldiers and has good combat effectiveness.

But Fan Tianlei and the others also knew that the fifth type of commando did not pay attention to these points at all. Their main purpose was to arrive at the destination first. After arriving at the destination, they could completely slaughter sheep on the road. At that time, the points were also It will freeze quickly.

Therefore, they are not in a hurry to get these points.

On the contrary, the Raiden Commando is different, because when they enter the game, they are trying to get some points, so they will accumulate a lot of points.

Of course, the combat effectiveness of many special forces in this early stage was not as strong as imagined. After all, more than one hundred countries participated in this special forces contest. The strength of this special force is naturally mixed. In this early stage, it was eliminated. , Are basically special forces with relatively poor combat effectiveness.

Therefore, it can be said that the further it goes, the more difficult it is for the probability of getting points. After all, all the people who can survive are the elite of the elite.

Especially at the end, if you encounter a commando such as the fifth type of commando, it is really tricky.

This is also the reason why some countries have to get some points now, because the more difficult it gets, the more difficult it becomes. In the end, some special forces can even develop awkwardly, and it is good to be able to maintain their rankings.

This can be regarded as a means of examination.

Under Fan Tianlei’s leadership, all the group of people came to this headquarters. There are many screens in the headquarters. There are many light spots on the screens. These light spots are unevenly distributed, but they are obviously some of the positions of these special forces. .

And the same!

On the other side of this screen, there is a big screen. On this big screen, there are many team names. After these names, all have a number.

This is impressively a list.

That is the standings!

Whoever has the highest points will be automatically ranked directly on this standings.

"Look at the standings..."

At this moment, someone suddenly spoke.

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone present was shocked, and everyone present looked towards the standings. The moment Fan Tianlei and others saw the standings, their pupils all shrank suddenly.

"This is……"

Fan Tianlei and the others were a little surprised...

"182 points."


Seeing this number of points, Fan Tianlei and the others couldn't help taking a breath.

"How is this possible, how many people they have to kill for the rest of their lives, and even scored 182 points, how is this possible?"

It is Gong Jian that they are all a little dumbfounded. The number of 182 points is too dazzling, and the red blood cells are equivalent to directly locked in the third position. As for the first and second, These two teams are both ace teams. Obviously, they did not lie in ambush behind the fifth type commando team, but directly started hunting down these weaker commando teams...

But even so!

The number of 182 points is really too dazzling, because the combat effectiveness of red blood cells is not the top one. To say that it is powerful, only the rest of his life is powerful, and the rest are not kings of soldiers.

"182 points, this... how did they do it?" Zhao Yunfeng looked at the number and was also a little excited. The red blood cell commando team has a five-star red flag in front. This is definitely their team. It can't be wrong, he It was never expected that the red blood cell team scored a terrible 182 points.

"I don't know." Fan Tianlei also took a sigh of relief. The shock they brought to him was too great for Yu Sheng. Aside from these two ace teams, Yu Sheng and they were basically the first place. .

But even so, the number one ace team only has 210 points, and the second one has only 193 points.

For the rest of their lives, their scores are basically very close to those of these ace teams.

"This group of guys, what did they do in the Posana Forest, how can they have so many points?" Another person couldn't help but start to speak with some shock.

"Anyway~www.wuxiaspot.com~ these points are for red blood cells, but... this time the red blood cells are probably dangerous." At this time, another person solemnly said.

"The rest of the people see that the red blood cells have 182 points. This number is very scary. It will definitely cause these people to jealous. In addition, the red blood cells themselves are not the trump card team. These people will be more coveted for the red blood cell points, and there will be a lot of points. People find ways to hunt red blood cells..."

When talking about this, everyone was silent. As the saying goes, the point is that they shot their heads. This is the truth. The points on them for the rest of their lives are really too dazzling.

Therefore, many people will covet them.

"Look at it, that's third in the standings."

At this time, even some of the surrounding officers were in riots. They all looked at the big screen in front of them, and they were shocked for a while.

"The third place is Huaxia's red blood cell. What is going on? How did they get so many points? Is this red blood cell an ace in the army?"

(End of this chapter)

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