I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 984: Red blood cell danger

Chapter 972 Red Blood Cell Danger

"I haven't heard of red blood cells, but this red blood cell seems to come from the teeth of China's wolf..."

"Langya?" When everyone heard the name, they all looked solemn, because the two words Langya were very deterrent.

In many cases, this team is defending China. During the battle, many people have suffered from the loss of Spikes, and they never expected it.

This red blood cell turned out to be the wolfya group.

"Hmph, as far as I can tell, only one person in this red blood cell team has reached the realm of the king of soldiers, and the rest are all ordinary special soldiers." Another person blinked and said in a deep voice. .

"What you said is true?" someone asked immediately.

"Then there can be fakes?" The man opened his mouth: "My people told me personally."

"If they only have one soldier king... wouldn't it be..."

Having said that, everyone's eyes flickered. Obviously, they were a little excited about the red blood cell group's integration. For a while, the undercurrent surged.

Many people are also telling their own people. Obviously, this is to hunt down the red blood cell group. You must know that the red blood cells have 182 points in their hands. This score is very high. If they can get the 182 points, then they can Instantly surpassed this first place...

Although it is a good shot to shoot the bird, but if they can get the first place, then they can completely let the rest of their team to protect.

These points are really important.

"You go to the people who contact us, find a way to tell them this news, let them intercept and kill China's red blood cell team, kill them, and grab the points in their hands."


"You guys go too..."

Immediately, the minds of all the people present began to liven up, and they ordered their subordinates to leave here. When Fan Tianlei and Zhao Yunfeng saw the person who had left here suddenly, their complexion changed a little bit. Heavy, these people suddenly left here, others don't know what it means, can he still not know?

The two ace teams ranked No. 1 and No. 2 are surely afraid to provoke them. These two teams are extremely powerful, and they are all kings. To provoke such a team is to find death. As for some ace teams, they certainly don’t. Will grab the points of these teams now.

Because they don't understand each other's combat effectiveness, once they fight, it is very likely that both will suffer. When the time comes, the fisherman will benefit from the others.

Therefore, everyone seems to have reached an agreement invisibly, that is, the trump card is against nothing, and it will not be shot for the time being.

However, these non-ace teams may not necessarily be the case. Almost all people like the non-ace vs. none. For example, the red blood cell team is a coveted object by everyone.

There are so many points, but there is no strength to protect these points. Can you say that these points will not be remembered?

"This time it's troublesome. These people left here one after another. They must have reported the letter." Seeing these people leaving, Gong Jian couldn't help but said, "What should we do, Chief of Staff?"

When Zhao Yunfeng saw this scene before him, he was also extremely solemn, and said in a solemn voice: "Tian Lei, the red blood cell is in a bad situation, do you want the fifth type of commando to meet them?"

In Zhao Yunfeng's view, if there is a fifth-type assault team to respond, they may be better off for the rest of their lives, and it may also be possible to shock the surrounding Xiao Xiao, so that they dare not move.

"That's too late."

Fan Tianlei took a deep breath, his complexion became a little solemn: "The fifth type of commando has already reached the desert. If you want to come back to support, you have to climb over the snow-capped mountains. The distance is too far and it's not suitable."

"Then what to do?" Gong Jian hurriedly said, "So, isn't the red blood cell dangerous?"


Fan Tianlei nodded and said: "Now, we have no way. Right now, we can only rely on the red blood cells. Their points are too dazzling. Now the special forces of various countries have been eyeing them, and there are many experts. It’s up to them to get through this difficulty."

"Well, do you want the Thunder and Lightning Commando to respond?" Zhao Yunfeng couldn't help but said: "The Thunder and Lightning Commando is not very far from the red blood cell. You can try it."


Fan Tianlei said solemnly: "The combat effectiveness of the Raiden Commando is not much different from that of the red blood cell. Now many people are watching the Raiden Commando. If they turn back, maybe their two teams will be eaten by these people, so , The Raiden Commando absolutely cannot support it."

"Can you just watch the red blood cells be eaten?" Gong Jian couldn't help asking.

For a while, all the people present were silent. They all knew that only the fifth type commando team could save the red blood cells. However, the fifth type commando team had passed the snow mountain and came to the desert side, which suddenly turned back. It will take several days to go back...

In the past few days, the changes that have taken place are so great that they may have been eaten for the rest of their lives after they come back. This is equivalent to disrupting the plan of the fifth type of commando.

At present, the fifth type of commando has its own plan, so they must not turn back. Once they turn back, there will be huge troubles.

"Leave it to fate..."

Fan Tianlei looked at the crowd and sighed slightly.

Right now, he doesn’t have a good way. This is the case here. The higher the points, the easier it is to be coveted. If the fifth type of commando gets these points, they will definitely not say anything, because there are very few. Someone provokes the fifth type of commando, even if they take the risk, in the end, they can only be eaten by the fifth type of commando.

Because the fifth type of commando has this strength to protect their points.

But the red blood cells are not good~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because their strength is not strong enough. If all the people in the red blood cells are kings, no one would dare to provoke...

"Send them a message for the rest of their lives, let them be careful. Now that countries have taken a fancy to them, they will soon be troubled by someone, so they must be cautious."

Fan Tianlei directed at Gong Jian immediately.

"Yes, I will notify them now."

Sending news, this can be regarded as the default between countries. After all, the map is so big, if you don't send the news, who knows where the other party is, and you have to rely on these special forces to find out on their own, and no one can find it.

Therefore, this transmission of news, to some extent, also intensified the fighting between these people.


at the same time!

Waiting for the rest of my life here!

(End of this chapter)

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