I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 988: Really terrible opponent

Chapter 976

"Yu Sheng, what's the matter?" Chen Shanming noticed Yu Sheng's appearance, which made Chen Shanming's expression slightly condensed, and said in a deep voice.

"Something's wrong." Yu Sheng said his thoughts again. Chen Shanming frowned when he heard that, because Yu Sheng's analysis was not wrong. Isn't it true that no one is here to stop them?

If this is replaced by them, it is estimated that there will be a little heart, and it doesn't hurt to stop here...but there is no movement at the moment.

"Could it be that these people are all hiding in the dark, waiting for us?" Chen Shanming said immediately.

"It's possible." Yu Sheng nodded slightly when he heard the words, and I will look at it again.

Afterwards, Yu Sheng’s eyes began to change quietly, latitude and longitude appeared in front of him, and his eyes looked forward. Within the range of these several kilometers, he was naturally able to see clearly. On the Snow Mountain, the view is very wide, and it is easy to find where the enemy is.

Especially within the range of several kilometers, it is more enough for him, because almost no one will be idle, standing three kilometers away to sniper the target, because those who can do this, they must Need a large-caliber sniper rifle, however, this large-caliber sniper rifle is not so easy to carry.

Similar to this kind of warfare, few people would use these. For example, for the rest of their lives, they used a Gatling, but they almost didn't kill them at that time.

I have never seen such a fierce one. Even Gatlin has brought it out to play. Isn't this a mess?


Just when Yu Sheng looked at this, Yu Sheng suddenly frowned, which made Yu Sheng's eyes flicker, and Yu Sheng immediately looked at this place again.

For the rest of my life at this moment, I discovered that this is a small black hole, but... this small black hole is a bit unusual. If he hadn't observed it extremely carefully, he would have overlooked this place.


In just a moment, Yu Sheng's face changed slightly. For the rest of his life, he saw this side clearly. On this side, only a sniper lens and a black muzzle were exposed. The rest was basically given by ice and snow. Covered up, this made Yu Sheng never expect that someone could hide in the snow-capped mountain without moving at this moment. Isn't he afraid of freezing to death?

He also knew that, as a special soldier, he would definitely have to conduct anti-cold training, which was impossible, but under these conditions, it was very powerful to be able to maintain such a calmness.

These people must be well-trained teams.

"There are enemies." Yu Sheng no longer hesitated, and immediately said in a low voice.

"Is there an enemy?" Chen Shanming and the others changed their faces and said immediately, "Where?"

"Just in front." Yu Sheng said solemnly: "Don't make heads, they are now looking at our side, I found one, but I believe that the opponent is definitely not a person, but a team, at least six or more ."

Yu Sheng's words changed Chen Shanming's face slightly, and Chen Shanming immediately said, "Should you dig them out?"

"It's hard."

When Yu Sheng heard this, he shook his head, and said: "There must be enemies around, but we don't know the specific location of the enemy. If we rush to shoot, we will only become the enemy's target."

"Then what should we do now?" He Chenguang said immediately: "This is our only way. If we are not this way, there is no other way to go."


When Yu Sheng heard the words, he smiled coldly, and then said: "I will snipe this guy first, and then say, one less enemy, one less opponent, they want to keep us here, but it's not that easy."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng slowly aimed his muzzle in the direction where the person was. Yu Sheng’s eyes flickered. He had already seen the enemy’s muzzle, and he could basically calculate where the enemy’s head was. In other words, it must be at the position of the sniper scope. The enemy should be looking at them through the multiplier. As long as they appear, they will be shot.

"If you want to grab our points, you don't have to see whether your teeth are hard or not."

Yu Sheng gave a sneer, even if Xuan raised his head in an instant, the muzzle was raised, and he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

At the moment Yu Sheng looked up, this guard soldier, who had been aiming for Yu Sheng, changed his expression drastically.

"not good……"

The guard soldier seemed to be aware of something, and his face changed slightly, because at this moment, his whole body's hairs exploded instantly, as if something dangerous had been encountered.

The soldier of the guard hurriedly flashed his head, but...how could his speed be faster than the speed of a bullet...


In the next instant, yellow smoke appeared on the body of this guard soldier, because the snow cannot seal the yellow smoke, so you can see the thick yellow smoke seeping out of the snow.

When Chen Shanming, He Chenguang and others noticed this scene, this also caused their faces to change slightly.

"Really someone?"

They took a deep breath. They didn't expect that a person was buried just about 500 meters away. This was too terrifying, they didn't even find it.

If they move forward rashly, they will definitely become the target of the other party. Then, they will undoubtedly die. I didn't expect to find this for the rest of their lives.

"Our people were shot."

When Yi noticed the moment of this scene, this made Yi's expression slightly changed, and immediately spoke.

Pi also looked a little dignified: "This group of soldiers from Spikes is really powerful. They can discover our hiding. It seems that I still underestimated this group of guys. They can reach 182 points under this condition. It also has its own strengths."

"Pi, do we want to shoot directly?" Yi said immediately.

Pi's eyes flickered ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and paused: "You guys, I won't be exposed for the time being, and don't expose my existence."


Although Yi didn't know what Pi wanted to do, he felt that Pi should be preparing something, so he didn't ask specifically. In this place, the hierarchy is still very heavy.

At this time, Yi immediately opened his mouth and said: "If you find that you can shoot the target, shoot immediately."


These people nodded after realizing this scene, and at this time the person hiding in the snow also stood up, his eyes revealed a little bit of horror and shock...

He didn't even think that he would be killed so inexplicably, but how could this be possible? My own hiding is so good, logically speaking, it is impossible to be killed...

Why was he shot dead suddenly?

(End of this chapter)

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