I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 989: Weird person

Chapter 977

"Fortunately, we have the rest of our lives. If it were not for the rest of our lives, maybe we would really be ambushed." Seeing this scene before us, all the people present took a breath of cold breath. I really didn't notice the problem in this regard, after all, the other party was hiding too deeply.

Chen Shanming looked at Yu Sheng and immediately said, "Yu Sheng, how did you know there were people in that snowy field?"

"Because he exposed the barrel of the gun." Yu Sheng smiled coldly: "Muzzle, Bai Jing, as long as you see it, you can basically be sure that there is someone there."

"You can see all of this?" Miao Lang was dazed and couldn't help but vomit.

Indeed, this is too nonsense. There must be a distance of about 500 meters from here to the other side. Generally speaking, human eyes cannot see that far.

But Yu Sheng could see such a long distance, not to mention that even the muzzle and the times of the realm can be seen clearly, is this fake?

"Be careful, there are still their people here. Judging from the hiding of these people, these people are very powerful and may be masters." Yu Sheng said in a deep voice immediately.


Chen Shanming also noticed the dignity of the rest of his life, and immediately his expression became a little heavier. Indeed, these people can hide so well. What is even more frightening is that these guys can still be in such a harsh environment. It's a bit scary if it doesn't move.

Obviously, all of them have undergone very professional training.

For the rest of his life, a pair of eyes seemed to look around. He seemed to be looking for the enemy's location, but the enemy was hidden deeply. He found that his skills were not used at this moment, and the only reliable one was his pair. The eyes, this scene, made Yu Sheng's complexion also greatly changed.

"It's really amazing."

For the rest of his life, he narrowed his eyes and sighed inwardly.

"It seems that you have to find a way to seduce them?"

When Yu Sheng thought about this, Yu Sheng frowned and started to think a little.

"I will lead them out, you guys be careful."

When Yu Sheng’s voice fell, He Chenguang and the others all changed their complexions and hurriedly said: "Yu Sheng, don’t be impulsive. It’s too dangerous. The enemy is in the dark, and we are in the light. If you go out like this, you might be caught by them. It's eliminated."

Indeed, this approach for the rest of his life is too risky.

"It's okay." Yu Sheng chuckled.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Sheng slowly raised his head. Of course, his head was not all raised up, but to guard against some people. He believed that there must be other people around these surroundings, so he The direction of the head is just to give the person in front a chance.


But at this moment, a gun sounded, and then resounded. The next moment, Yu Sheng’s pupils suddenly shrank, because in Yu Sheng’s pupils, there was a bullet that was shooting at him like lightning. Then, the bullet was very fast, but in Yu Sheng's eyes, the bullet seemed to slow down a lot, and he could even see the trajectory of the opponent's bullet.

"found it……"

When he noticed this scene, Yu Sheng did not hesitate to pull the trigger. When he appeared, his muzzle was already pointed in this direction, so the moment the enemy shot at him, the rest of his life He had noticed it, so he pulled the trigger without hesitation.


The bullet whirled quickly, and this direction was the direction of the opponent's bullet.


The two bullets collided together, Yu Sheng's eyes flickered, and Yu Sheng's eyes flickered.

"The rest of my life..."

Everyone was a little shocked when they heard the gunshots. They hurriedly looked at Yu Sheng and said nervously, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Yu Sheng shook his head, and said immediately: "I found the position of an enemy, but this person is very powerful, no breath is exposed, he is a master, and there are a few figures around here, but they are hidden. It’s very deep."

Yu Sheng took a deep breath. He had just taken a risk, especially the moment the enemy shot, he had already noticed the presence of the enemy, which made Yu Sheng also a little jealous.

I didn't expect the enemy to be so powerful.

This time they also met an opponent.

"Then what shall we do?" He Chenguang asked immediately.

"Cold." Yu Sheng said, "I see if I can kill this guy. If I can kill this guy, I will kill this guy first."

When the voice fell, Yu Sheng took a deep breath, his eyes suddenly looked forward, and there was a sharp light in Yu Sheng's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Sheng suddenly moved to the side. Yu Sheng climbed and ran towards the hidden spot over there. He knew that there was another person behind the other's stone, and in this direction, he could just look at it. Behind the stone, you can give the enemy a fatal blow at that time.

Yu Sheng's side was downhill, so the enemy couldn't find it at all. Soon, Yu Sheng came to a location beside this place. Yu Sheng carefully observed the front. When Yu Sheng looked behind the stone, Yu Sheng's eyes Flickered.

Because he saw a figure.

This figure made Yu Sheng smile coldly: "I finally found you, really a group of difficult guys."

Yu Sheng slowly raised the muzzle and pointed it in this direction. There was a sharp light in Yu Sheng's eyes, and then he sneered.


The next moment, he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The bullet flew out.

And the yi hidden behind the stone was also aware of the existence of this gun. For a while, this made yi's expression changed drastically. Just now, Yu Sheng sniped his bullet, which surprised him. He knew that he had encountered it. When I arrived at the master, I didn't expect the enemy to change the sniper position so quickly, and he was unconscious.


Yi has no nonsense~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The backhand is just a sniper. The direction of this sniper's bullet is the direction of the rest of the bullet...


After the bullets collided, two bullets fell one after another.

The bullet fell, which made Yu Sheng's complexion also condensed, revealing some dignity.

"Snipe, can you still snipe off my bullets?"

This made the rest of his life a little horrified.

"What a great guy, where is this team? How come there is such a strong team here to snipe us?" Yu Sheng believes that the opponent's eight achievements are for their points. Their points are too dazzling, and theirs The combat effectiveness is much worse.

The other party was clearly aiming to target them, but he didn't expect that this time he would attract a master. It seems that the guy he just sniped off was the other party's carelessness, otherwise, he might not be able to snipe it off.

(End of this chapter)

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