I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 996: Yu Sheng vs Bing Wang

Chapter 984

At this moment, Yi is also very anxious, considering a way to get out.

Look at the rest of my life at this time.

For the rest of his life, he fought with Pi. For a while, the two of them fought hard to distinguish. You come and I go, and the two of them have super-strong fighting power. The Pi was also taken aback by this.

Pi’s combat effectiveness is unquestionable. This is what he has tempered on the battlefield. Various methods of killing have emerged in endlessly. When dealing with the rest of his life, he has not kept the slightest hand. Various methods of killing make people dazzled. but……

What I can't figure out is that the rest of my life in front of me seems to have experienced fights again and again, and the energy on the battlefield is even more rich than the **** him.

How can this be?

After he entered the guard, he went through the baptism of artillery fire. If he did not experience the baptism of two years of artillery fire, he would not be eligible to join the guard at all. Not only that, their ace guards were baptized by artillery fire all year round. Often participate in the battlefield to maintain their peak strength.

In the same way, their mortality rate is extremely high, but...when a person goes through the baptism of artillery fire all year round, they will develop an instinct. The kind of person who can survive is either strong or can avoid it. Fierce, and their combat effectiveness is extremely terrifying.

This is why the guards are so famous.

But what about the rest of my life...this guy, where is the enchanting evildoer that ran out? Such a terrifying experience is even richer than him.

You know, he has been baptized by artillery fire for at least three years, and it took him three years to be promoted to the king of soldiers. This is already considered a genius, but... the baptism of artillery fire for the rest of his life is like experiencing his mother. It’s the same for the past ten years. Judging by the appearance of Yu Sheng, the grade should not be very large, probably around twenty years old. But, where on earth do you have so much battlefield experience?

Even the **** mother went through the battlefield in her womb and didn't have such a wealth of experience, right? What made him feel a little bit painful is that when fighting Yu Sheng, Yu Sheng seemed to be able to see his intentions, one step in advance, made the move to evade and even kill him, if it weren’t for his rich combat experience, I’m afraid Has been killed by the rest of his life.

I thought this guy was only good at a sniper rifle, but now it seems that I still underestimated this guy. This guy's melee combat is also very abnormal.


The two of them punched each other one after another, and they separated in an instant. The rest of their lives kicked and kicked on the rock behind them. This was enough to stabilize their figure, and Yu Sheng looked at pi with solemn eyes, at least this pi Everyone has to be a middle-level soldier king, and even about to become a senior soldier king. Such terrible combat power is the first time in my life.

The soldiers he met before were not as good as pi. This is the first time he met a soldier with such a powerful pi. This special forces competition is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and there are still many capable people. of.

Pi stared at Yu Sheng with scorching eyes, killing intent surged.

He also knows that this time they are in trouble today. Yi and another soldier are fighting He Chenguang and the others. There are many people on the other side. Seven people beat both of them. It is estimated that they will be defeated soon. When the time comes, he One person will face eight people. What's more, for the rest of his life in front of him, he is also a soldier king, and his powerful combat effectiveness makes him a little jealous.

Pi was also anxious, and for a while, he had nothing to do. The three of them wanted to escape under the hands of eight people. It was almost impossible. If their people were not killed, he was confident that he could kill these seven people. But because of the rest of their lives, the remaining four of them were directly not destroyed.

"Come again."

Yu Sheng was full of excitement. Compared with the gunfight, he preferred close hand-to-hand combat. This kind of thrill of close hand-to-hand combat was beyond the reach of others.

Especially during this period of training, Yu Sheng's combat effectiveness is getting stronger and stronger, so Yu Sheng has always wanted to find an opponent, and then he happily played a game, now encountering pi, Yu Sheng is a little bit excited. , Yu Sheng wanted to have a real fight with the other party.

At this moment, Yu Sheng slammed toward the pi with a punch. This punch was shot. There was a slight whistling sound in the air. Obviously, Yu Sheng's punch was very heavy. If it is not good. If it's right, maybe this punch can kill a person.

Pi has already felt the power of Yu Sheng, that kind of terrible explosive power, very tyrannical, pi is also very curious, how the **** did Yu Sheng develop it, the powerful strength is not as good as him, this guy not only Only the marksmanship is good, and even the reaction, power and speed are top-notch.

For a time, this also made pi a little aggrieved.

With a weird angle with both hands, Pi instantly blocked Yu Sheng’s attack, and Pi was unwilling to fall behind. He raised his leg and drew Yu Sheng’s leg fiercely. Yu Sheng seemed to be aware, raising his leg to block pi With one leg, the two of them collided with a muffled bang, and then the two took two steps back again.

Yu Sheng narrowed his eyes and smiled coldly.

"Western white tiger blood, first-level form, white tiger hunts and kills."

The next moment, Yu Sheng's figure fluttered, and he rushed towards pi viciously. This fierce tiger pounced on food, which is also a kind of housekeeping skill of the tiger. This action of thrashing on food almost makes the prey inevitable. Hit kills. After all, although tigers are strong, their speed is not very weak, but their persistence is a little worse. Therefore, when they prey, they often wait for opportunities. Hit kills.

There are very few tigers chasing a flock of sheep ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and running around the world.

This is true even for leopards. Although leopards are fast, they also have poor patience and cannot keep running for a long time, even after running for a while, they will be out of breath.

For the rest of his life, for a while, it made Pi feel that the rest of his life at this moment was like a fierce tiger. The terrible culling ability blocked all around him almost instantly. Such a scene made Pi feel. It's also a big change in look.

"not good……"

Pi's pupils shrank suddenly, which made Pi a little shocked. What's the matter? How does this kid look like a tiger, how is this possible?

Pi is also shocking, this is the first time he has encountered such a situation.

Facing Yu Sheng rushed over, Pi hurriedly dodged in the other direction. At this moment, he didn't dare to face Yu Sheng head-on, so he could only avoid it.

There are only two updates today! There is something to deal with.

(End of this chapter)

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