I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 997: A crushing battle

Chapter 985


When I encountered the idea that I had seen through pi a long time ago, when pi turned to the side to hide, Yu Sheng had already rushed towards this side.

This scene is as if Pi deliberately hit the rest of his life. Such a scene changed Pi's expression.


At the next moment, a ray of light suddenly appeared in Pi's hand, and immediately afterwards, he stabbed at Yu Sheng severely.

The moment Yu Sheng in the sky noticed this scene, Yu Sheng also changed his expression: "Not good..."

Yu Sheng forcibly rolled in the air, but the opponent's knife had already been slashed on Yu Sheng's body. Yu Sheng's feet landed on the ground, and the strong inertia caused Yu Sheng to step back a few steps. Yu Sheng looked a little surprised. Toward pi, there was a little shock and solemnity in his eyes.

He also didn't expect that Pi would suddenly take out a dagger at this time and stabbed him fiercely. If he hadn't reacted quickly, this blow would almost kill him.

Looking at his arm, there was an extra blood stain right now, and the blood flowed down his arm, which made Yu Sheng's face a little gloomy.

Yu Sheng stared at Pi coldly, killing intent surging.

Pi also breathed a sigh of relief. Just the rest of his life, the tiger's pounce of food was indeed off him. Fortunately, at a critical moment, he used a dagger to force him back for the rest of his life. If it weren't the case... the attack just now, he really did. It may not be possible to avoid it, which makes pi a little shocked.

This kid seems to be just a junior soldier king. How could his combat effectiveness be so abnormal? He is just an intermediate soldier king. Judging from the appearance of Yu Sheng, he is no worse than the intermediate soldier king, even this battle. Experience, more experienced than him...

Pi didn't even think about it. For the rest of his life in front of him, who the **** is it?

Yu Sheng also slowly drew his own dagger from his body. This dagger was surprisingly made by him with that piece of stone. It cut iron like mud and was very sharp.

Yu Sheng stared at Pi coldly, his eyes flickering.


At this moment, Yu Sheng yelled violently, and saw his breath swelling, his clothes made some noise, but Yu Sheng looked at Pi sternly during the interview.


The next moment, Yu Sheng's feet slammed on the ground, and a stone on this ground was crushed by Yu Sheng's foot. Such a scene changed Pi's face.

"not good……"

When Pi saw Yu Sheng holding a dagger, he slashed at him fiercely. This made Pi's face a little unsightly. In desperation, Pi could only raise his hand to block it with the dagger.


When the daggers collided, a crisp sound resounded. The next moment, Pi saw that his dagger was cut off by Yu Sheng's dagger in an instant.

In such a scene, Pi's face changed drastically. Pi looked at Yu Sheng in shock, but at this moment, Yu Sheng slashed at will, and he slashed towards pi...

This made Pi's face even more changed. Pi hurriedly avoided, but the knife for the rest of his life stabbed Pi's arm. The knife of the rest of his life was so sharp that it easily cut through Pi's skin. Over time, blood flowed out of Pi's wound, which made Pi also horrified and inexplicable.


Rao was pi and couldn't help but cursed secretly. What he couldn't figure out was why Yu Sheng's daggers were so sharp. You know, their daggers are also made of alloy, so sharp. , It is not comparable to an ordinary dagger.

Moreover, this kind of dagger was made by himself, and it is very suitable for him. This dagger has accompanied him for many years, but he did not expect that when facing Yu Sheng this dagger, his own dagger is like It's like tofu, and it's easily cut.

How can this be?

What exactly is the opponent's dagger made of, and why is it so sharp?

For a while, pi was also a little horrified.

Yu Sheng looked at pi and sneered. He didn't feel any guilt because he broke the opponent's dagger. The opponent's arm was also injured by him. For the rest of his life, he did not have any psychological burden. Since the opponent can kill him, then He can kill each other, and for the rest of his life he is not a good man and a good woman.

The other party has treated him like this, he naturally can't sit still and wait for death, not to mention, now that he has weapons in his hand, and the other party does not have weapons in his hand, he can be said to have an advantage.

For a while, Pi didn't dare to step forward. He stared directly at Yu Sheng. His brain was running fast, thinking about the way to get out. Now, obviously it is not the time to deal with Yu Sheng. When they leave here, as long as they Finding their elite team, they are confident that they can kill the rest of their lives.

But now, there are so many people on the other side, and they are obviously at a disadvantage. To continue, it may not be a good thing for them.


Besides Wang Yanbing and Li Erniu, they were fighting with that soldier.

Song Kaifei yelled violently at this time: "Eat my fist with one hand."

After that, Song Kaifei's fists fell on the soldier. The soldier snorted, stepped back, and glanced at Song Kaifei with a pale face.

But at this moment, Wang Yanbing also yelled, "Look at my compassionate palm."

"Look at my Taizu Changquan."

"Falling Dragon Eighteen Palms."

"Zhiyi eighteen falls."


For a while, Wang Yanbing, Xu Tianlong and others played a lot more. This made the soldiers of the guards even more bewildered and dizzy. Obviously... he alone is not the four of Wang Yanbing. My opponents ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When Wang Yanbing and Song Kaifei's voices resounded, Chen Shanming, Miao Lang and others who were listening to the side nearly vomited blood.

"Fuck, it's the **** fighting now, you guys, you guys can't be serious? The three of us are facing a soldier king, but the four of you are good, **** face Jianglong eighteen The palm is out, is it still a person?"

This made Chen Shanming and their faces a little unnatural. They were fighting exhausted and exhausted here, but as a result, Wang Yanbing and the others, even the **** dragon's eighteen palms came out.

Why don't you stop having a magical power with your fingers? Long-range attacks are just shooting, which is even more powerful.

If the enemy wants to hit you, you can't hit it.

For a while, Chen Shanming and the others' complexions were a bit unsightly...such a scene, after being seen by Yu Sheng, they were also dumbfounded.

next moment……

(End of this chapter)

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