I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1004: harsh environment

When everyone heard Chen Shanming's words, everyone present was silent for a while, and for a while, they didn't know what to say.

Listen, what is this called?

This is called high consciousness...

Obviously, Chen Shanming also intends to tie Yu Sheng and the mud... At this time, Yu Sheng laughed and said, "Okay, when I go back, we will share the money together. After all, there is a lot of credit for you. , It’s just that the money is now in a Swiss bank account and it’s not easy to transfer it back for a while, and if it is transferred to the country all at once, it is inevitable that something bad will happen. After all, with our financial ability, we can’t make this amount of money. ."

"At that time, it will be in trouble if you get caught up in an investigation."

"When I go back, I will get a Swiss bank account for each of you. At that time, the money will be transferred to your account through my company. It is well documented and there will be no problems."

For the rest of his life, he did this in order to avoid some trouble. If the money is in his hands and transferred directly to his account in China, there will be absolutely no investigation, because his annual turnover is more than a little bit...


The most important thing is that his family is rich. It is easy to dilute his family's money by 100 million. Although the money is not glorious, but right, there is no deception, right?

Originally, according to his idea, it needs to be handed in, but since Chen Shanming has said so, naturally there is no need to hand it in.

Keeping it for myself is also a good way to improve the food expenses of the brothers, but the price of this food is really high enough.

Next, everyone walked in one direction. At this moment, everyone did not explain more about the money, nor did they ask anything. In the eyes of He Chenguang, the money is for the rest of their lives. They don’t. They should ask for this money, so they never thought about asking for it.

Time flies quickly, one day's time, quickly passed, by the early morning of the next day, at this moment, everyone can wake up.

Everyone still found a hole at the moment and made a fire in the hole, but even so, the cold temperature still made them tremble.

"Too...too cold..."

Li Erniu was holding his body tremblingly, and a chill came, which made Li Erniu shiver. On Li Erniu's eyebrows, there were two more hoarfrost. Look. It's extremely cold.

"Yes... yeah... the temperature here seems to have dropped again... Now, at least minus 20 degrees, right? If this goes down, will it be minus 30 degrees..." Wang Yanbing was also shivering. Walking in a hurry, the environment in the snow is really horrible. It was full of life just now, but now, it seems to be a dead silence.

When the biting cold wind blows on people, it makes people feel like their skin is being scraped by a knife. They walked along the way, although they also wore some thick clothes, but it was obviously not enough, mainly Or the environment here is too bad.

"Yeah, if we go on like this, sooner or later we will be frozen to death, and the wind here is still so cold." Xu Tianlong couldn't help but said.

"It's not a way for us to go on like this. We have to find a way to get some clothes to wear. If this goes on, sooner or later, we will finish playing." Song Kaifei couldn't help but said.

"Clothes?" After hearing these words, Chen Shanming, Miao Lang and others shook their heads slightly and said, "There is no one in this place, and no one lives in such a place. Where can we find clothes." "

"Then you can't freeze to death here." Song Kaifei said palely.

"Yeah, group leader, it is not a solution for us to continue like this. We must find a way to leave here as soon as possible or find some clothes. If this continues, we will freeze to death sooner or later. According to the map, we still have a long time to go. Time has to go, at our speed, at least more than a week."

"However, according to our method, even a week may not be able to pass this snow-capped mountain, maybe we will be frozen to death within this week." He Chenguang also hurriedly said.


All of the people present were all talking about it. When they first entered here, they didn't feel so cold, but as they got deeper, the bitter cold made them almost unable to hold on, even though They have also undergone cold resistance training, but... the temperature is compared with the temperature here, and that temperature is simply a scum.

Walking at this temperature, it is estimated that if they can't get out of the mountain, they will have been frozen into a freezer. Moreover, he doesn't know whether there are other people on the way. If someone else blocks the way, it is estimated that they will be more troublesome.

However, for the rest of his life at this moment, he did not listen to He Chenguang and the others. His brain was also running fast, looking for a solution... It's just that this weather is really **** cold, and most people insist on not Live, even he has no way.

If you want to find some clothes, it's not impossible, but...Where can I find clothes? This kind of place is deserted, and it's strange to find clothes. Without something to protect against the cold, they can only carry it on their own bodies.

Although there is a fire here, but...this is not enough...the temperature is limited after all.

Therefore, other methods must be found. Moreover, even the food in the snow-capped mountains is extremely scarce. It is not very convenient to find food. Therefore, the rest of my life will have a headache. Starved to death, during this time their rations were almost enough.

"By the way, the system..."

At this moment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yu Sheng suddenly thought that he seemed to have a system, and his military merit even reached the terrible 11,030 points. Such a figure is also a history of the rest of his life. The richest time ever.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng's eyes lit up, and he immediately said: "System, hurry up, refresh the mall, don't use ink, first refresh a thousand military merits."

"Didi, may I ask the host to refresh the primary mall or the intermediate mall?"

"Beginner mall? Intermediate mall?"

After Yu Sheng heard this sentence, for a while, Yu Sheng didn't react. Yu Sheng was a little dumbfounded. What kind of stuff is this junior mall and intermediate mall.

"Not bad." The system replied slowly: "Because the high-level mall is not open yet, the host can only refresh the mid-level mall at the moment."

"Wait, the system, isn't it? When will there be another mid-level mall? Then what mall is the mall I refreshed before?"

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