I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1005: Intermediate Mall

"Didi, the mall refreshed by the host before is the primary mall."

"Then what is the difference between the junior mall and the intermediate mall?"

Yu Sheng blinked, and asked in a strange way. In his impression, he had never heard of any junior mall, but Yu Sheng had forgotten. When he first got the system, there was already a premium mall. It’s just that the rest of my life has no money to refresh, because of some special reasons, this high-end mall has never been opened.

Right now, Yu Sheng's level has reached a certain level, and this intermediate mall will naturally open up, but Yu Sheng doesn't know it.

After all, he hadn't refreshed the mall for a while during this period, so he didn't really understand the things inside.

"The difference is huge." The system slowly said: "The commodities in the primary mall are naturally primary commodities, and the products in the intermediate mall are naturally a higher grade than those in the primary mall. There is no way between the two. Comparatively, high-end shopping malls will naturally be higher grades than mid-level shopping malls."

"Therefore, the products in the intermediate mall are much better than those in the junior mall, and even some products that are not available in the junior mall are available in the intermediate mall, and so on."

Hearing the explanation of the system, Yu Sheng suddenly understood. He already had a general understanding of this intermediate product. Yu Sheng couldn't help but said, "Then refresh the intermediate mall ten times."

"Didi, the host is refreshing the intermediate mall."

"Didi, after deducting the host's 1,000 points of military merit, successfully refreshed the Intermediate Mall."

As the voice of the system just fell, Yu Sheng's expression changed slightly. For a while, Yu Sheng looked dumbfounded. He looked at the mall dumbfoundedly, and was directly stuck on the spot.

"What the hell……"

At this moment, Yu Sheng's voice was a little bit higher, Yu Sheng looked at the system mall in front of him with a green face, and just refreshed the mall ten times by himself, how much did it cost?

It seems to be a thousand military merits. Doesn't it take ten military merits to refresh the mall? Only one hundred points after refreshing ten times, how come it becomes one thousand? Pit, this is definitely a big pit, it must be a pit in the system, otherwise, how could it be so pit.

Yu Sheng asked angrily: "System, are you full of your own pockets? What do you mean? You refreshed the mall ten times. You actually asked me for a thousand military merits. Do you think I am a fool?"

"It's so expensive for you to refresh the mall?"

"It was refreshed ten times before, but it was only a hundred."

The rest of my life was scorched and questioned. Indeed, the system is really too bad. The middleman makes the price difference. Where can they make such a profit? This is directly earned 900 military merits. These military merits are all his. I have accumulated a little bit, and I have never been willing to spend it.

Although there are 10,000, but for the rest of my life, I still feel that this military merit can't help being spent.

"The system is not miscalculated." The system slowly explained: "The price of this system is fair, and the young man is not deceived."

"Intermediate mall, refresh once, 100 points of military merit, the host refreshes ten times, naturally need a thousand points."

"and many more."

At this time, Yu Sheng seemed to have discovered something, and immediately looked at the system, and immediately asked: "System, what do you mean by this? You mean, refresh the Intermediate Mall once, 100 points of military merit?"

"Not bad." The system replied faintly.

"I'll take it, why is it so expensive?" Yu Sheng asked dumbfounded.

"The products in the middle-level mall are several times better than those in the junior mall, and the price is naturally different. The host can't always refresh it at the cheapest price."

"Now that prices are soaring, this system will raise some prices more or less."

Hearing these words from the system, there was a moment of silence for the rest of my life. Your uncle, where are you raising prices? You are raising your life...

Prices have skyrocketed...People's prices are very high, and it has something to do with your system.

It's a mess.

For a while, Yu Sheng also felt a little pain, but the mall was refreshed, and she had nothing to do at this moment. The money was spent, and she couldn't stop it, right?

According to the urinary properties of the system, it is okay not to refresh, but it is absolutely impossible to pay back.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath. He gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "Then let me see what's in the Intermediate Mall."

After that, Yu Sheng looked at the products in the intermediate mall. After Yu Sheng saw these products, it made Yu Sheng, all of them shine.

For a while, Yu Sheng got a little excited.

"Good things, good things... I didn't expect the things in this intermediate mall to be richer than the junior mall... This is great too."

Excited for the rest of my life.

Take the most common example, in this intermediate mall, there is a grappling technique. Naturally, this grappling is the kind of grappling practiced by soldiers. It is simple and fast, and can also control the enemy with one move. After all, what soldiers learn is to kill and kill. There is still a big gap between Zhishu and some traditional martial arts.

Some traditional martial arts are just for physical fitness. After all, modern investigations are extremely strict. If you kill someone, you will go to jail.

This is also the reason why traditional martial arts has fallen. If it were in the past, if you practiced martial arts, you could at least be a government official, and it would be considered a national crime, but it is obviously not possible now.

Unlike soldiers, every move and every style of a soldier is so simple and quick. Its main purpose is to kill the opponent in the most labor-saving and convenient way, because it is very necessary to save energy on the battlefield. Be careful and you may die.

So this is also the difference between soldiers.

This grappling alone ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is obviously much stronger than the grappling he practiced before, which surprised the rest of his life.

If he can learn, there will be no gap between him and the soldier king. Although his previous combat effectiveness is strong, in some respects, it is still much worse than these soldier kings.

But with these grappling and fighting skills, his combat effectiveness will also rise sharply. At the same time, the rest of his life is also aware that the goods in this intermediate mall are obviously more abundant, and many more.

There are also Taekwondo, Jeet Kune Do, and even some Muay Thai. These are some of the most popular boxing methods in the world today. Although I don’t know if this thing can increase my combat effectiveness, But since these things exist, they naturally have a reason for their existence.

If you can absorb all these things, Yu Sheng feels that his combat effectiveness will be more or less greatly improved...

This is also the reason why Yu Sheng is so excited.

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