I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 119 Destroy the door!

"Crazy Slash!"

There was a burst in the mouth.

That bloody sword was cut out!

In the space ahead, countless bloody Sword Qi intertwined, faintly turning into a demon head of the world, coming towards Su Zhan's teeth and claws!

There is still more than a hundred meters away from Su Zhan, that bloody breath has already hit his face, and the ground below begins to crack, and those cracks are synchronized with the Sword Qi in the sky, extending toward the martial arts where Su Zhan is!

"Master Su, Deva's capital, nothing will happen!"

The female emperor Ye Qingyu stared at the front closely. Although she said so, she was still a little nervous in her heart and worried for Su Zhan.

This sword of Zhao Fangdan's swordsmanship is too strong, as strong as never seen before!

Even Chen Changfeng and Qin Jincheng, who had always believed in Su Zhan, felt the power of that sword, and their expressions changed and became a little worried.

The most nervous thing is not them, but Li Qingyang.

In order to please Su Zhan just now, Li Qingyang has already expressed his attitude. If Su Zhan loses, he will not end well!

The others are paying close attention one by one, without even blinking their eyes.

And this time.

Su Zhan, who was in the center where everyone's eyes converged, was very calm.

Realizing that Zhao Fang was fighting for his life, he directly used the Dahi Star sword.

A little starlight flew out from the center of his eyebrows and fell into his hands.

He has not yet poured his true essence, the psychic Dasun Star sword is already buzzing, and it seems that he can't wait to fight!

"Pill swordsmanship, is it so strong..."

Recalling the words of those people just now, Su Zhan's eyes condensed, and he cut out with a sword.

Starlight, incomparably bright stars emerge!

Intertwined in the front, turned into a starlight dragon head, flying towards Zhao Fang!

Star Dragon Soul Sword Technique!

"You are not a body cultivator!"

Seeing that Su Zhan's destiny was a sword, Zhao Fang was also shocked.

Su Zhan's physique is so strong, why is his life thing a sword?

Although the body cultivator's destiny is a sword, it is not without it.

But those are all heavy swords, giant swords, and Xiang Su Zhan. It is obvious that the power of the physical body is so strong that it is not suitable for the body cultivator to condense the natal sword. Isn't it self-defeating?

Zhao Fang was puzzled, but soon, when the two Sword Qi collided, he understood why Su Zhan's destiny was a sword.

Because of the strength of the star dragon Sword Qi, he has already broken his understanding of the power of the Practitioner in this world Yuandan realm!

Under the star dragon Sword Qi, his crazy slash, failed to hold it for even a second, it was completely broken!

"Sword intent is in the slightest! A top-ranking Sword Technique? Even so, with his Cultivation Base, how can he cut out such horror Sword Qi!

That is, the natal sword! "

Zhao Fang's pupils shrank, and he felt the horror Sword Qi rushing towards him, and there was a horrible feeling in his heart. It seemed that under this Sword Qi, he was like an ant, and he might be crushed to death at any time!

"No! Break it for me!"

With no retreat, Zhao Fang once again slapped a sword pill on the edge of the sword!

His hand swept across the blade at extreme speed, and his skin was cut, leaving dripping blood on the long sword!

But he didn't care, staring at the star dragon Sword Qi, who had already rushed in front of him, stabbed out with a sword!


Although the natal sword after drinking the blood seemed to be stronger, but under the star dragon Sword Qi, just persisted for a second, the blood light dimmed.

Immediately afterwards, the natal blood sword that had been conceived for hundreds of years burst into pieces with a "bang"!

Zhao Fang's body was bombarded by Yu Wei and flew thousands of meters away, hitting another peak on the edge of Qingyun Mountain, his breath was cut off!

"Pill swordsmanship, it seems that this is the case, how can it be so strong as you say?"

Su Zhan received the sword, and looked a little surprised at the person who had just said how powerful the pill sword skill was.

Those people were dumbfounded, and smiled awkwardly when they heard Su Zhan's words.

While I was surprised, I was also a little depressed.

In the Yuan Dan realm, the second peak of the rebellious ichthyosaur is still practicing pill refining swordsmanship, and his explosive power far exceeds that of the same rank general sword repairer Zhao Fang!

And, with only one sword!

Kill Zhao Fang with one sword!

This is so special!

Pill swordsmanship is indeed very strong, but who would have thought that Young Master Su, you are so perverted? ? ?

The powerhouses of all countries are slanderous.

After that, they all bowed to Su Zhan and bowed deeply.

"It's not that Zhao Fang is weak, it's Su Gongzi you are too strong!"

"Today, the world of Martial Dao in Tiannan is at stake. Young Master Su has turned the tide by one person, and I will respect it!"

"I'll wait for the Practitioner, thanks to Master Su for your kindness!"

"I am the King of the Kochi Kingdom. From now on, no matter what Su Gongzi has to do, as long as I can help, I will definitely help!"

"My Yanyue Sect is the same!"


Su Zhan glanced over the grateful Practitioner, and responded with a smile to his sincere gratitude: "You don't have to be like this, I am also a member of the Martial Dao world of Tiannan, and this matter is also related to me."

After speaking, he looked at Chen Jue with a bewildered and unbelievable expression.

"What other means do you have, and use them together, let me see how powerful these geniuses are."

"Impossible! This is impossible!"

Chen Jue's expression was ugly to the extreme: "Zhao Fang, Zhao Fang is a trash, trash!

I was actually killed by a Yuan Dan realm, how could my Dan Jianzong have this kind of waste! "

"It seems that you have no other means to make me curious."

Su Zhan walked towards Chen Jue.

Seeing Su Zhan getting closer and closer, Chen Jue felt a bad feeling in his heart, and roared: "What are you going to do! I am the Young Master of the Pill Sword Sect!

Do you know Pill Sword Sect! Dan Jianzong even has a lot of third changes in Yulong!

Don't think that you can't find out if you killed me Pill Sword Sect!

I am the Young Master of the Pill Sword Sect and possess the secret treasure Shadow Orb of the Pill Sword Sect! "

While talking, Chen Jue took out a black, fist-sized round bead, the real essence was excited, and the bead's light flashed.

"Shadow beads are a pair, they can transmit pictures and sounds to each other!

Now the shadow beads in my hand have transmitted the picture and voice including you to the shadow beads of Pill Sword Sect!

If you move me, Dan Jianzong must know!

I know your name is Su Zhan! With this, Dan Jianzong can easily find you! "

Su Zhan's footsteps still didn't stop, and he had already reached the main stone platform, no more than ten meters away from Chen Jue.

Until this time, Chen Jue finally felt the fear in his heart.

"No, don't kill me, I will give you benefits, many benefits!

I immediately went back and never came to Tiannan again, nor the secret realm passage in the dark star forest! Let me go!

Are you crazy! If you dare to move me, Dan Jianzong will surely kill your whole family completely! "

Hearing this, Su Zhan stopped and looked at Chen Jue with an extremely serious expression: "You want to destroy my whole family?"

Seeing Su Zhan stopped, Chen Jue's heart loosened, feeling that Su Zan was still shocked by the Pill Sword Sect, and he regained a trace of arrogance: "Of course! Our Pill Sword Sect is so powerful, if you dare--no! "

Before Chen Jue finished speaking, he saw Su Zhan throw a punch!

That terrifying power can kill even the Yulong Realm Practitioner, let alone him!

At this moment, he yelled in horror and regret, but it was useless.

Under that horrible fist, all his defenses were easily dissipated, and his fist slammed on his chest.

His chest was concave, his internal organs shattered, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and turned sideways to the ground!

The punch came out, smashing his back clothes and the ground behind him!

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