I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 120: He Really Dare To Kill The Young Master?

Seeing Chen Jue's face full of horror and regretful death, Su Zhan's heart was calm.

"You are going to destroy me, how can I keep you?"

Putting away all of Chen Jue's treasures, Su Zhan looked at the trembling Wu Guoliu family half-step ichthyosaur Realm powerhouse.


"Master Su Mingjian! Our Liu family is totally under threat! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

"Yes, yes! As a member of the Martial Dao world of Tiannan, how can we do such a jerk?!"

"It's all Chen Jue, Zhao Fang, and Liu domineering!"

"Although we are half-step fish and dragons, but you also know that Young Master Su, before Liu Domination and Chen Juezhao, we are not a fart! How dare we violate them?"

The half-step ichthyosaur Elder of the Liu family was so scared that he immediately knelt down, trembling and begging for mercy.

Even the half-step ichthyosaurs of Wu who did not belong to the Liu family knelt down quickly.

Although they didn't get involved in this matter, everyone was kneeling. They stood too conspicuously and easily attracted Su Zhan's attention.

When the time comes, just find a reason to vent their anger. Wouldn't they cry to death?

In the half-step ichthyosaur realm in the country of Wu, everyone was worried, waiting for Su Zhan to speak.

Su Zhan looked at the Liu family and said, "But I killed your Patriarch to death after all. You must have hatred against me in your heart, thinking about revenge against me day and night? Such words..."

"Do not!"

Perceiving the meaning of Su Zhan’s words, Elder of the Liu family hurriedly said: "We will never report to Young Master Recovery! What's more, Liu domineering doing this kind of thing and betraying the entire Tiannan Martial Dao world is simply angering people and everyone is punishable. Of!

Young Master Su helped our Liu family get rid of the evil, and on behalf of all the Liu family, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Young Master Su!

Thank you Lord Su for your great kindness! "

"Yes, yes! Almost, our Liu family has become a sinner in the Martial Dao world of Tiannan, and Master Su is really our benefactor!"

"The grace of Lord Su is unforgettable forever!"

"We will only be grateful to Lord Su, how can we retaliate!"


The other Liu family Elder quickly agreed, and the desire to survive was stimulated to the extreme.

"You still want to thank me?"

Su Zhan was stunned for a moment, and immediately moved in his heart, and said with a smile: "Then how do you plan to thank me?"

"My Liu family has a royal sword and I am willing to dedicate it to Young Master Su!"

"There is also a mineral vein of Spirit Stones. Young Master Su wants it, but even take it away!"

"By the way, our Liu family has a lot of spring houses in the secular world! The girl inside is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and is willing to give all these industries to Su Gongzi!"

Although these words of gratitude to Su Zhan were only inspired by the temporary desire to survive, when Su Zhan really asked, Elder from the Liu Family was unambiguous and said a lot.

"These are too precious, let's leave it to your Liu family!"

Su Zhan said: "I heard that your Liu family has a place to pick up the Heavenly Dao field. Why don't you give it to me? What do you think?"


Elder hesitated.

"Since you don't want to, then I don't force it, but you don't even have this sincerity. It seems that you really are dissatisfied with me. The next step is probably to plan how to kill me, right?"

"No, no!"

Everyone in the Liu family shuddered, was timid, and even urinated their pants in fright.

Liu Jiada Elder trembled in his heart, for fear that he would be beaten to death by a punch just like Liu domineering after a step, and shouted hoarsely: "Our Liu family is willing to send the Heavenly Dao field to Master Su as an apology!"

"Do you really want to? You know, I never force others."

"Willing! Our heartfelt willingness!"

Liu Jiada Elder nodded repeatedly, with a sincere expression on his face.

But my heart is very aggrieved.

Not force?

I really don't want to force it. Anyway, with a punch when the time comes, our Liu family is gone, so what else do we need to ask for? ? ?

"In that case, take me to your Liu's house to pick up Heavenly Dao in the next meeting!"

"Yes Yes!"

Originally planned to borrow the Heavenly Dao field, the Liu family who was directly touched gave it to him, and Su Zhan was very happy.

Turning around and looking at the other fourteen stone platforms, he pondered for a moment, and said: "The Martial Dao conference in the south of the sky is once every twenty years. It's dead, it's up, everyone, please go back!"


"Follow Master Su's orders!"

"If Young Master Su has free time, he must come to Xiaochi Country to play!"


The strong men respectfully saluted Su Zhan and left one after another.

Of course, Wu and Huayue, and Xia's people did not leave.

The former didn't have the guts, and the latter had an unusual relationship with Su Zhan.

The female emperor Ye Qingyu, Qin Jincheng, Chen Changfeng, Li Qingyang and others flew towards the stone platform where Su Zhan was located.

"Su Zhan, today you shocked me again!"

Chen Changfeng patted Su Zhan on the shoulder: "Bringing you into the sword gate is really the most wise decision I have made in my life, hahahaha!"

Qin Jincheng was also very happy, but afterwards, he smiled and said with some worry: "Su Zhan, the Sword Sect of Pill is powerful, if they come, how can we resist it?"

"How to resist..."

Su Zhan pondered for a moment, and said, "In my opinion, the best way is to preemptively strike!

What's more, Dan Jianzong is about to destroy me. This matter is endless. Chen Jue's belongings include a map of his road to Tiannan from the outside world.

That being the case, I personally went to Pill Sword Sect to resolve the matter. "

"You want to fight against Pill Sword Sect alone?"

"Not confrontation, but reason."

Su Zhan shook his head: "I believe they will listen to my reasoning."

People of Pill Sword Sect, listen to your reasoning?

Chen Changfeng and others had weird faces.

"What if they don't listen?"

"Do not listen……"

Su Zhan pondered for a moment, and said seriously: "Then I have to kill them first, and then reason with the rest."

Chen Changfeng: "..."

"Well, let's not talk about it for now, I will go to the Heavenly Dao field to make a breakthrough in the Yulong Realm, Chen Elder, the head, I will not accompany you back."

"You want to break through the Yulong Realm?"

Chen Changfeng and Qin Jincheng looked at each other and laughed: "Do we have any reason not to observe the ceremony in person? Besides, although our Cultivation Base is incomparable to Su Zhan, we can also protect and protect you and avoid some things. Bother you like Demonic Beasts."

Li Qingyang also hurriedly said: "Master Su is invincible today, and now I am going to become a fish and dragon. I will definitely protect Master Su with all my strength and will not let anyone or Demonic Beasts disturb Master Su!"

The female emperor smiled slightly: "How can I be spared for such a grand event? I have handed over the affairs of the state to the ministers, and there is no fear in the near future. If Young Master Su is not disgusted, I would also like to see the peerless demeanor of Young Master Su's breakthrough! "

"The empress joked, in that case, let's set off together over there!"

After finishing searching Liu's dominance and Zhao Fang's things, Su Zhan boarded the white jade boat and headed towards Wu Guoliu's house to pick up Heavenly Dao.


Outside the Tiannan Mountains.

Tianxuan Dynasty, Nanjiang Mansion, Jiuhe County.

As one of the most powerful forces in Jiuhe County for nearly ten thousand miles, Dan Jianzong is only where the building complex is located, covering an area of ​​more than a hundred miles.

Sect coerced the nearby 3,000-mile area, hundreds of families, Sect, and other forces need to pay tribute to the Dan Jianzong every year to survive!

at this time.

Dan Jian Sect Leader Hall.

Chen Ye, the Sect Leader at the peak of the Realm Realm, has already reached the third change of the ichthyosaur, staring at the shadow bead in his hand and looking at the picture presented above.

"Huh! The land of the barbarians in the south of Tiannan is indeed full of rats. Su Zhan was so arrogant and arrogant. When I heard that I said that I would destroy him, he stopped immediately. It was obviously fear and panic in my heart. It's ridiculous to look so unmoved!"

Seeing that Su Zhan was threatened by Chen Jue to stop the door, Chen Ye snorted coldly.

Standing below, Elder, who was originally reporting on affairs, saw this scene and nodded. While watching the screen of Yingzhu, he smiled and said, "These barbarians are all cartilage, born as slaves, so how dare you— He He!"

Seeing the scene where Su Zhan's punch fell, Dan Jianzong Elder was breathless, unable to talk: "He really dare to kill Young Master?!"

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