I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 122 Breakthrough in Yulong Realm!


Elder Liu Jiada trembled in his heart, for fear that Su Zhan would be furious when he heard this, so he rushed directly into the Heavenly Dao arena, and the power of the true essence ran, and the graceful Liu Yu from the center of the Heavenly Dao arena. Caught it out and threw it on the ground.

"Big Elder you!"

Liu Yu glared at feeling shameful.

"You first withdraw, I will compensate you and explain."

Elder of the Liu family spoke to Liu Yu, then looked at Su Zhan who was walking by, and said, "Master Su, this is the Heavenly Dao field of our Liu family. There are sixteen special cornerstones. The more cornerstones come into effect, It can also attract more vitality from heaven and earth.

Depending on the talent of the Practitioner, Cultivation Base, the number of cornerstones to be stimulated is also different. This is also to prevent certain Liu family disciples who are eager for quick success and quick profit from being overwhelmed by too much heaven and earth vitality. "

Su Zhan looked at the Heavenly Dao field.

The dojo is like a huge sixteen hexagrams with sixteen directions and sixteen cornerstones.

Outside the sixteen roads of the foundation stone, there is a circle of medicine fields.

A variety of rare heaven and earth elixir are planted. By then, a part of those heaven and earth elixir can be deprived of the power of formation and integrated into the Practitioner's body without allowing those elixir to die immediately. In this way, the Heavenly Dao field will cost you. The cost is also greatly reduced.

"Well, I got it."

Su Zhan nodded, and walked towards the pick-up Heavenly Dao field.

"Hold on!"

At this moment, Liu Yu, who was directly pragmatic by Su Zhan, couldn't bear it, and said to Su: "Who are you! Why do you enter my Liu family to receive Heavenly Dao cultivation!"

"Shut up!"

Elder of the Liu family scolded angrily. Seeing more and more disciples of the Liu family looked here, he simply told the truth: "From now on, you are not allowed to pick up the Heavenly Dao field again, because I have gifted Master Su to the Heavenly Dao field! "

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused a storm among the Liu family's disciples.

"What! The Heavenly Dao field was given to someone else?"

"How is this possible! Picking up Heavenly Dao is the foundation of my Liu family. How can this kind of thing be given to others!"

"Is Big Elder crazy?!"


Unbelievable voices sounded.

Even those Elders who were on the top of Zimu Peak came over to inquire.

"Big Elder, what the hell is going on? How could it be given to Young Master Su for the Heavenly Dao field?"

"Taking Heavenly Dao is not your personal belongings to the big Elder, why did the big Elder make such a decision?!"

"Where's the Patriarch? Patriarch also agreed?"

When the big Elder of the Liu family was about to answer, Liu Yu was already very angry and said: "Big Elder, you actually did this kind of betrayal of the Liu family! You wait, when I see the Patriarch, you will definitely tell him your words and deeds truthfully! At that time, see what the Patriarch will do with you!"

"Patriarch... Liu domineering is dead!"

When Liu Jiada Elder heard those people accusing him, he also said angrily: "Liu domineering colluded with the Sword Sect of Tiannan Waidan and wanted to enslave the entire Tiannan Martial Dao realm. Young Master Su would kill him and remove him from the Tiannan Martial Dao realm for me. A big scourge! This place is to take the Heavenly Dao game to thank Young Master Su!"

Hearing what Liu Jiada Elder said, all Liu Jia Da Practitioners were dumbfounded.

The No. 1 powerhouse in the South of Heaven, the head of their Liu Family, Liu Domineering, is dead?

Or was he beaten to death by a boy who seemed to be only sixteen or seventeen years old?

The most outrageous thing is that the owner of the family was beaten to death.

They still want to thank the murderer? ? ?

Many people were filled with indignation, but immediately, these indignation turned into fear.

Even the Patriarch was beaten to death, are they a shit again?

Of course, some people didn't believe it was true even if they heard what Elder said, and ran to ask other Elders who had come down from the Black Flame Eagle.

After getting the same answer, those people looked at Su Zhan who was standing on the edge of the Heavenly Dao field in horror.

"Patriarch has already changed a second time, he, how can he beat the Patriarch to death?"

"So young, Young Master Su...could it be that he is the Su Zhan who has recently become famous among the geniuses of the Fifteen Kingdoms in the South of Heaven?"

"Su Zhan? It is rumored that Su Zhan defeated the strongman of the Qingyang Country's Yulong Realm not long ago. Now it seems that this is not a rumor!"

"No wonder, it's no wonder Big Elder will make the decision to send the Heavenly Dao field to Su Zhan! It turns out that even the owner of the Patriarch was killed by him!"


At this time, Liu Yuru was struck by lightning.

A few steps towards retreated with a dazed expression, he dropped his butt to the ground and muttered: "This is impossible, impossible, the owner is--"

"I saw it with my own eyes, can there be fakes?"

Liu Jiada Elder coldly said, "Now, do you know why I told you to shut up? Fortunately, Young Master Su is generous, otherwise, are you still living here to talk to me?"


Liu Yu's pupils shrank, her body trembled, and her heart was terrified.

Patriarch is already extremely powerful, so how strong is Su Zhan who killed Patriarch?

Own, actually blocking such a strong man?

If it weren't for the talent, Elder stopped in time, he said more unbearable words, angering Su Zhan, and the consequences...

Thinking of this, Liu Yu's voice trembled: "A lot, thank you Elder for your life-saving grace!"

"You thank me, it's better to ask Master Su for forgiveness."

"Yes, yes, I'm going now..."

"Now Young Master Su is preparing to break through the Yulong Realm, are you going to disturb him now? Looking for death???"

Liu Jiada's Elder reprimanded: "You stay, and after Gongzi Su makes a breakthrough, apologize to him!"


Liu Yu's face was pale, and he nodded repeatedly.

Next, the other Liu family disciples were all expelled down the mountain.

Su Zhan also sat cross-legged in the center of the Heavenly Dao field, calmly, waiting for ten minutes, feeling that the state is already perfect, and began to operate the Cultivation Technique, hitting the ichthyosaur Realm!

The cornerstones of the dojo light up!

Everyone was watching closely, especially Liu Yu, who had just been kicked out to pick up the Heavenly Dao field. Although he knew that Su Zhan was extremely strong, he still wanted to see how much Su Zhan could beat himself.

When he broke through the Yuan Dan, he once mobilized the cornerstone of the ten dojos. Perhaps Su Zhan could provoke the thirteen and fourteen?

This idea just rose from Liu Yu's heart, and then dissipated.

"Su Zhan, no, Su senior actually aroused sixteen cornerstones of the dojo!"

"What's so surprising about this, if there are ten more cornerstones of the dojo, with the peerless talent of Su Gongzi, you can do all of it!"

Liu Jiada Elder said indifferently.

Yuan Dan realm can counter-slash the second transformation of Yulong. If such a metamorphosis can't trigger all the cornerstones, who else can trigger that day?

While they were talking, the light of the Heavenly Dao field was shining brightly, the power of Zi Mufeng's underground spirit veins, the power of the edge elixir of Heavenly Dao field, and the energy of the sun and moon in the sky all gathered towards Su Zhan!

Immediately afterwards, Spiritual Qi, a world with a radius of hundreds of miles, came towards Su Zhan like Wanchuan returning to the sea!

With him as the center, a huge Spiritual Qi vortex is formed!

"Is this the talent of Young Master Su? It really is terrifying!"

"Break through the fish-and-dragon realm, inspiring Spiritual Qi within a hundred miles of heaven and earth! Moreover, the power of the elixir, the power of the underground spiritual veins, and the power of the sky Star Sun and Moon tides are all absorbed in such a large scale! Isn't he afraid of being blown up? "

"Su Gongzi's peerless genius, how can I understand it!"

When the Liu family Elder saw this scene, they were amazed one by one, and there was a little expectation in their hearts.

If Su Zhan really couldn't bear such a huge energy infusion, breakthrough failure, serious injury, or even death, it would naturally be good for their Liu family.

Of course, Su Zhan hasn't had an accident yet, and they can only think about it.

At this time, sitting cross-legged in the center of the Heavenly Dao field, Su Zhan, who was carrying the already huge energy of the Liu family Elders, frowned slightly.

I thought that by taking advantage of the Heavenly Dao field and opening the cultivation aura, I would bear a huge impact.

As a result, is it just this level?

Feeling that there is no load on own body, those heaven and earth energy instantly merged into his body under the rotation of the dragon veins, Su Zhan did not hesitate anymore.

The next moment.

Dahi Star God Body Excited!

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