I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 123 The power of dragon veins!

Su Zhan's body surface was intertwined with golden light and star light.

In the sky above, the golden sun and the night star appear at the same time!

At the moment when the divine body was energized, the Spiritual Qi that originally flocked to Su Zhan suddenly increased by several times!

Above, the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi forms a kilometer-high tornado, and the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi in a radius of hundreds of miles is drawn here!

And those heaven and earth elixir, when Su Zhan's talent was fully activated, they withered at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The extremely pure medicinal power is integrated into Su Zhan's body!

It seemed that he couldn't bear such a terrifying gathering of energy. The whole seat was connected to the Heavenly Dao field, and when it started to make a "buzzing" sound, it trembled!

At the top of Zimu Peak, seeing this scene, everyone, including Chen Changfeng and Qin Jincheng, who were extremely confident in Su Zhan, changed their expressions.

"Is this the real power of Young Master Su? Too, too terrifying!"

"If I'm under this level of energy impact, maybe I can't hold on for a second, and I will collapse physically!"

"Master Su, is he crazy? I'm not afraid of being broken by Meridians, so many spirit medicines of heaven and earth have been absorbed by him, he refining it!"


Each of the Liu's Elder was dumbfounded.

Immediately, began to cheer.

Although those heaven and earth spirit medicines had just been absorbed by Liu Yu, the power of the medicine has not been restored to full prosperity, but the addition of so many, it is definitely not a normal person can bear!

Not to mention Su Zhan in the Yuan Dan realm, even the former Liu domineering will have to be forced to explode Meridians because of the inability to refine this medicinal power in time, and either death or injury!

No matter how abnormal Su Zhan is, it is absolutely impossible to absorb and refine this terrifying world energy in a short time!

Although those heaven and earth elixir are precious, if they can really make Su Zhan Meridians rupture... it is worth it!

All the Elders in the Liu family looked expectantly.

Chen Changfeng and Qin Jincheng frowned tightly, without saying a word, obviously very nervous.

Even the female emperor Ye Qingyu was moved: "Generally, it takes half a day to a day to go through a gestation process to break through the Yulong Realm, and finally burst out the accumulated energy, break through the Realm barrier in one fell swoop, and become a Yulong!

But Young Master Su wanted to ignore that stage and directly break into the ichthyosaur with his powerful and perverted talent?

No matter how strong his refining ability is, it would be too dangerous to do so! "

The empress whispered, anxiously in her heart.

Su Zhan used to spend several hours refining the sacred liquid of the holy pond, she knew this.

But how can those holy liquids compare with the heaven and earth energy pouring into Su Zhan's body at this moment?

Those holy liquids at least contained only Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi and some medicinal powers, but Su Zhan was at this moment.

The power of the elixir, the power of the underground veins, the special energy of the stars, the sun and the moon in the sky, and the Spiritual Qi with a radius of three hundred miles... It is simply crazy to absorb such a complex variety of powers together!

Just when everyone is paying close attention, or expecting Su Zhan Meridians to burst, or pray for him, and successfully break into the ichthyosaur.

A rich golden thread appeared on Su Zhan's body surface!

The golden thread slowly emerged from Su Zhan's skin. It was more than twice as thick as before. It stretched from his chest to his neck. The golden light was dazzling, exuding a wild breath, like a real dragon clinging to it!

This is just the beginning.

Soon, the second gold line emerged.

Article 3, Article 4...

Every time a golden line emerges, Su Zhan's refining speed, resistance to the impact of those energy, and even the Spiritual Qi range of the traction, will be ascension!

In the end, thirty-six gold lines emerged.

Spiritual Qi within a radius of five hundred miles has started to change!

The heaven and earth elixir that could have been able to support for a while, in these three seconds, all withered, and no one was spared!

Cracks began to appear in the sixteen foundation stones of the Heavenly Dao field.

Hundreds of miles away, all Practitioners looked at Zi Mufeng in shock, and they couldn't see Su Zhan.

But I can feel that there seems to be an extremely terrifying existence there, pulling away the Spiritual Qi for hundreds of miles!

Elders in the Liu family are already looking silly.

Not just them, Chen Changfeng, Qin Jincheng, Ye Qingyu, Li Qingyang and others are no exception.

Seeing that Su Zhan, who stood still at the center of the shock of the terrifying energy, four words appeared in everyone's hearts:

Are you a human? ? ?

It was shocking!

Too abnormal!

Too...really outrageous! ! !

A full ten minutes have passed.

Only when Chen Changfeng pressed his hand to his chest, he calmed his excitement a little, and said in surprise: "Senior brother, I didn't expect that Su had a special Meridians talent besides the divine body!"

"The Meridians talent is a bit rarer than the physical talent. Looking at Su Zhan's Meridians, it seems that they are the golden spirit vein physique in the Five Elements spirit vein?"

Qin Jincheng guessed for a while, and then smiled and said: "However, I always feel that Jin Lingmai's physique is not as tyrannical as Su Zhan's performance!"


Li Qingyang also interjected: "I have seen the Golden Spirit Vein, and even the talented tail of Su Gongzi Meridians can't catch up! Su Gongzi's special Meridians...maybe extremely rare in Tiannan!"

"It's not extremely rare, but it's never appeared at all!"

The female emperor Ye Qingyu stared at Su Zhan with her beautiful eyes, and a special memorial of Meridians from the secret books left by the royal families of the Huayue Kingdom appeared in her mind, and she gently uttered two words: "Dragon Vessels!"

"Dragon veins?"

Hearing this sentence, everyone was stunned.

Liu Jiada Elder shook his head repeatedly: "Impossible. According to legend, the dragon veins must be formed below the ichthyosaur realm, but below the ichthyosaur realm, how can they withstand the terrifying power of dragon blood?

You know, to achieve dragon veins, it is not just one drop or two drops of dragon blood, but at least dozens of drops are needed!

Moreover, even if the above two basic conditions are met, the chance of achieving dragon veins is less than one in a thousand. It is absolutely impossible for Su Gongzi’s Meridians to be—"


At this moment, Su Zhan's 36 dragon veins were dazzling, and a golden real dragon flew into the sky from his body!

At a height of 500 meters above, there was a loud dragon chant!

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