I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 163 Moonflower God Tree, Half-Holy Coming!

"This is... is going to change?"

Chu Xuan looked silly.

Isn't that one in 100,000 chance?

Moreover, in the entire Eastern Wasteland domain, it is impossible for there to be 10,000 Moonlight Sacred Trees. The reason for saying one in 100,000 is nothing more than a chance, but it is extremely small.

Maybe once in ten thousand years, right?

By such a coincidence, I was hit by myself?

Moreover, this is even more exaggerated than directly encountering the Moonlight Sacred Tree, or the Moonlight Sacred Tree transformed from the Moonlight Sacred Tree!

Especially this is watching it transform!

Is this a coincidence? ? ?

Chu Xuanyi felt that the world was a little unreal.

Even Su Zhan was taken aback.

Degenerate into a sacred tree in person?

Is there such an operation?

The effect of Adventure Aura seems a bit outrageous...

In response, Su Zhan also showed a smile, and said to Chu Xuan, "Chu fellow daoist, do you know how long it takes for the Moonlight Sacred Tree to transform?"

"This is not clear, but I heard that when the Moonlight Sacred Tree completely transformed into the Moonflower Divine Tree, a heaven and earth vision would occur. You can see it in a radius of thousands of miles. Fellow Daoist, Su, it may not be even in a while."

Chu Xuan said with a solemn expression: "Just like the Moonlight Sacred Tree, both the Moonflower Divine Tree and the Moonlight Sacred Tree will only bear one fruit. It will take nearly a hundred years to grow back after being picked. Su Fellow Daoist, wait for this moonlight. After the sacred fruit has transformed into the divine fruit, you can devour it and refine it. I will now set up an upside-down Five Elements formation. Later, I can help you defend against the enemies attracted by the vision of heaven and earth!"

"Then there will be a fellow daoist Lao Chu."

Su Zhan nodded, his impression of Chu Xuanyi was better.

While the two were chatting, the white light cracks on the Moonlight Sacred Tree were also spreading.

Even the entire tree trunk is slowly pulling up!

An hour later, the moonlight sacred tree began to peel.

The black bark falls off the ground, merges into the soil, and is absorbed by the roots as nourishment.

Pieces of bark fell off, revealing the vast white light in it, and it was impossible to see the specific new tree body.

After a few hours, all the black bark disappeared, and the leaves, and the only fruit on the Moonlight Sacred Tree, also began to metamorphose.

Waited a full day.

The Moonlight Sacred Tree has finally completely transformed into the Moonflower Sacred Tree!

A white light rushes straight into the sky, penetrating the upper sky and clouds!

A round of Haoyue phantom was in the sky, exuding a slightly cold light!

"The sacred tree! This is the Yuehua sacred tree!"

Chu Xuan looked excited.

It is definitely a rare experience to witness the transformation of a sacred tree into a sacred tree.

"This Moon Hua Shen Guo doesn't seem to have completely transformed yet?"

Su Zhan hesitated as he looked at the moonflower divine fruit whose white light hadn't completely condensed.

"Probably need to wait a few hours! In fact, the Yuehua God Tree is now mobilizing the energy of the bright moon in the sky and nurturing the Moonflower fruit."

Together with Chu Xuan, "I hope it won't be too long, otherwise the longer this vision of the world lasts, the more people it will attract!"


Su Zhan nodded and glanced at the formation flags around him.

At this time, the upside-down Five Elements array has been successfully deployed. According to Chu Xuanyi, this array can simultaneously suppress five ichthyosaurs and sixth-level Practitioners at the same time for about half a day, and it should be able to resist most of the enemies later. .

After all, the sixth change of Yulong is considered to be the strongest at the top level in the Void Hall.

A few hours later, the sacred light of the sacred tree of the moonlight faded, and the phantom of the bright moon in the sky gradually faded.

And the moonflower divine fruit, the light also converges, turning into a girl's fist size, crystal clear, like a crystal-like little fruit.

Su Zhan did not hesitate, took it off, took a big bite, and found that there was no nucleus, so he simply swallowed it.

Chu Xuanyi was a little stunned: "Su fellow daoist, this is a divine fruit, you just ate it like this, just like eating an apple?"


"You should calm down and adjust your breath for a few hours, so that you can reach a perfect state! Of course, if you have the conditions, it would be better to bathe in incense!"

Su Zhan was speechless.

Don't you just eat fruit, and make it so grand?

The same was true when I ate 30,000-year-old Helios Flower!

He murmured a few words in his heart, but he didn't really say this to Chu Xuan either.

"Forget it, don't have to be so troublesome."

After saying something, Su Zhan sat cross-legged under the Moonflower Divine Tree and began to refine the Moonflower Divine Fruit.

The Spiritual Qi under the Moon Flower God Tree is very rich, and it has the same special bright moon energy as the Moon Flower God Fruit, which can just help him refine.

The refining aura was turned on, and the divine power of the Moonflower Divine Fruit poured into Su Zhan's limbs, and he was transforming his body.

Not long after he just started refining.

Someone came nearby and saw the sacred tree of the moon, suddenly showing a greedy look.

However, that person was only the fourth change in the fish and the dragon, and there was only one person. He hesitated for a moment, and did not really dared to rush forward, but was a little unwilling to watch from a distance.

Before long, the second person came.

The third, the fourth...

"Yuehua Divine Tree! That person is refining Yuehua Divine Fruit!"

"Damn it! Yuehua divine fruit should be used by me with this kind of genius, what is that person, it's only the third change of the fish and dragon?"

"Violence of the heavens, the violence of the heavens!"

"At this time, he is refining and can't be distracted to respond to the enemy. We rushed forward and killed this person. He can get the moonflower divine fruit. Maybe he has other opportunities, treasures?"


Voices of discussion sounded.

After a while, a sixth ichthyosaur Practitioner couldn't help it at first, and rushed towards Su Zhan.

As he set off, those Practitioners who were hesitant about formation also rushed over.

The Moonflower Tree is not only a treasure. In fact, the leaves also have a miraculous effect on the Practitioner. Besides, watching a third variant of the ichthyosaur actually get the Moonflower Fruit which they dream of, they are naturally upset. Surely it is impossible to just watch it willingly.

"Five Elements upside down, open!"

Chu Xuan looked solemn and waved the formation flag.

The next moment, the land under those people's feet suddenly turned into quicksand, sinking their bodies!

When those people were in the sky, it was strange to find that a large piece of land was born under their feet, and they were standing sideways in the sky in a very strange standing posture.

"what's the situation?"

"This is weird!"

"No matter, go!"

Several Practitioners rushed in, but they didn't rush too far, and the space they were in turned into water again!

The huge current impulsively moved them towards the rear!

Inverting the Five Elements formation, there is no too strong offensive power, but the power to trap the enemy is beyond doubt.

Chu Xuan looked at the Practitioners who were scurrying around like headless flies in his formation, his expression was extremely solemn.

It looks like he has the upper hand now, but in fact, this is just the beginning.

Next, the number and strength of enemies to face will be even more ascension!

Two hours later, it was when Chu Xuan was sweating profusely, struggling to support the impact of as many as four Ichthyosaur Practitioners and more than ten other Ichthyosaur Practitioners.

A ray of light emerged from the sky.

There are five or six miles away from the Yuehua God Tree.

A rough voice has come:

"Yuehua sacred tree, is it a fish-and-dragon third kid who can occupy it? This seat is Ling Hao Half-Holy! Get out of here, and spare you for not dying!"

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