I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 164 The sun and the moon are in the same sky, the day is Star!

Half holy!

Chu Xuan's heart was shocked, and he looked bitterly at the upper-body man who was flying towards the sky above the sky.

When other people saw the arrival of the half-holy, even if they were not reconciled, they were still very witty and did not continue to attack the formation.

When the semi-holy arrives, then it's okay for them.

Ling Hao half-sage landed on the ground, his gaze swept over the upside-down Five Elements array, and a strange color appeared in his eyes: "Upside-down Five Elements? In the fish-and-dragon realm, there are people who have mastered this formation? But this upside-down Five Elements array It's obviously just fur, it's far worse than the one I saw decades ago!"

After saying this, Ling Hao Half Saint shook his head, his whole body was bright with golden light, and he punched out!


Space shock!

After a punch, the Five Elements array was upside down and shattered!

Those flags wailed and fell to the ground, losing their spirituality.


Chu Xuan spit out a mouthful of blood.

As the person who presided over the formation, he also endured a bit of the punch.

"Su fellow daoist."

Chu Xuan said bitterly: "I'm afraid so, I'm afraid I can't stand it..."

"Chu fellow daoist, I'm sorry for you."

Su Zhan didn't open his eyes, and he didn't even mean to stop refining.

He is now at a critical time of refining, and if he terminates now, it is very likely that he will not be able to achieve the divine body.

In that case, even if he kills all these people, what's the use?

However, these people are really annoying!

Su Zhan frowned slightly, thinking about how to deal with it.

"Half-Holy! Half-Holy comes!"

"Semi-Holy forgiveness! I can't wait to compete with Half-Holy!"

"Broken the formation with one blow, the Half Saint really is tyrannical!"


Those Practitioners who were originally trapped in the upside-down Five Elements array, saw the formation being broken, and all of them retreated in panic, not daring to stay near Ling Hao.

"Huh! A bunch of trash!"

Ling Hao glanced at those people with disdain, and finally his eyes fell on Su Zhan who was still closing his eyes and refining, and he was furious: "What are you, you dare not put me To put in one’s eyes? Damn!"

After speaking, he blasted a punch directly at Su Zhan!

There is no plan to say more!

At this moment, Su Zhan still did not open his eyes.

Instead, he whispered in his mouth.

"Dari Star sword, protect me, Dharma!"

As soon as the voice fell, a little star flew from the center of his eyebrows.

The Da Ri Star sword buzzed endlessly, the stars were shining, and it seemed to be very angry, and he headed towards Ling Hao.

Born to be a psychic.

With Su Zhan Cultivation Base Ascension, the wisdom of the Da Ri Star Sword has been ascension a lot, and even anger, sadness, joy and other emotions will be born.

Of course, its mood only changed with Su Zhan as the center.

At this moment, it was very angry when it saw someone who was going to disadvantage Su Zhan.

"A mere natal sword, dare to go against me? What do you think of me as a semi-sage!"

Seeing this, Ling Hao became even more angry, feeling that Su Zhan didn't put himself in one’s eyes at all.


Quan Jin collided with Sword Qi, the star of the Dahi Star Sword.

Dissipated almost at the same time.

Afterwards, Da Ri Star Sword and Ling Hao's golden fists shook hard.


A huge force was transmitted to the sword body, and the Da Ri Star sword buzzed, and suddenly flew out a hundred meters away.

But soon, it drew an arc in the air, turned and came back towards Ling Hao!

"Huh? This natal sword... the natal sword?"

Ling Hao realized that there was something wrong with the Da Ri Star Sword.

Generally speaking, the zombies of the third change level of the ichthyosaurs were basically broken into pieces when they were punched by him!

"Even if it's the natal sword, what's the use of the master's strength?"

Ling Hao snorted coldly: "If one punch is not enough, just two punches! Two punches are not enough, just three punches! Today, my Ling Hao will smash my life sword!"

As soon as the voice fell, he punched the Dahi Star sword that rushed in front of him.

Unexpectedly, the Dahi Star Sword was knocked into the air again.

But in a blink of an eye, he came back again.

The speed of Practitioner is hard to compare with Flying Sword.

What's more, the Dahi Star Sword is also absolutely powerful in the Sword of Life?

In addition, the Dainichi Star Sword is indestructible, and with the strength of Ascension, the Dainichi Star Sword has also gained a lot of benefits in the purple house.

For a moment, Ling Hao really couldn't break through the entanglement of the Da Ri Star sword and attacked Su Zhan.

This scene stunned those Yulong Realm Practitioners who wanted to kill Su Zhan to seize the opportunity.

"Half Saint, can't even beat that man's natal sword?"

"It's not that I can't beat... It's that I can't get rid of the entanglement for a while, but this is also very outrageous!"

"This sword is so strong! And looking at its offensive and defensive, it is obviously not low in intelligence, if I could own this sword, it would be great!"

"Dream you! That's the natal sword, do you think ten people can condense?"

"Even if there is a Divine Sword of Fate, it is only a matter of time before that person is killed by Semi-Holy. Huh? Is he trying to condense the divine body?"


Seeing that a layer of holy white light appeared on Su Zhan's body, a round of Haoyue phantoms gradually condensed behind him, and everyone's eyes condensed.

As the moon phantom behind Su Zhan gradually solidified, the sky above began to gradually darken.

Finally, just like the night sky, a few dark clouds float!

The almost solid moon shadow behind Su Zhan suddenly turned into a white light and rushed towards the sky!

Endless cold moonlight release!

Haoyue, right away!

"Yuehua Divine Body! That is Yuehua Divine Body!"

"Unexpectedly, this person is so lucky. Not only does he condense the magic sword of life, but also achieves the Yuehua divine body!"

"I'm really unwilling! My destiny sword, my god body, which one is not what I want to wait for the Practitioner to dream of? He is so unique!"

"Why! Why can a third change of the fish and dragon get such a chance, I don't accept it, I don't-damn it!!!"

The Practitioner was roaring with envy and jealousy. When he saw the scene ahead, he suddenly exploded and rubbed his eyes, feeling that he had hallucinations!

I saw that in the holy white light on Su Zhan's body in front, golden lines appeared, and at the same time, stars like stars appeared!

Then, the world changed drastically!

A big golden sun stood opposite to the bright moon, and the golden light dispelled the darkness of the area!

And between the two, is the endless sea of ​​stars!

Stars are scattered all over the sky above!

The dark clouds dissipated!

Above the sky, the cold radiance of the moon, the bright radiance of stars, and the scorching radiance of the sun, like three rushing rivers, converging towards Su Zhan!

"This this this!"

Just now, the one who was still not convinced why Su Zhan could achieve the Yuehua Divine Body's Yulong Realm Practitioner stared blankly at the sky vision.

After a few seconds, he was horrified, his voice was dry and trembling, and he uttered a few words with difficulty.

"Day, day... the sun and the moon are in the same sky! The day, Star!"

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