I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 183 The assessment begins!

As soon as the voice fell, the old man turned and flew away.

Nearly 10,000 talents from all over the world followed.

ten minutes later.

An extremely broad mountain appeared in front of him.

Among the mountains, there are many small peaks and potholes, so it is not so much a mountain as it is a mountainous area.

In an open area in front of the mountain, there is a white stone square.

Dozens of people are already waiting in the square.

Except for one person who is a saint, the others are Practitioners in the Yulong Realm.

"The more Elder you are, you are still vigorous and vigorous. If you change to another Elder, I am afraid that I will have to wait another half an hour."

The middle-aged man in the sacred realm on the square smiled.

The old man who led Su Zhan and the others to this place didn't have a good temper: "Nonsense, they came to our Sacred Land for the assessment, not our Sacred Land begging them to do the assessment, how can you get used to them?"

"That's true."

The middle-aged man did not continue to say more.

After nearly 10,000 people fell on the huge square in front, he said: "I am Xiao Lin, Sacred Land Elder, and I brought you to cross the river and cross the Elder. Before talking about the rules of the first round of assessment, I must make a statement. .

The first round of assessment is dangerous. According to the results of previous assessments, about five or six hundred of you will die in Mangdang Mountain, more than two thousand will be seriously injured, and even the foundation of the cultivation will be destroyed. The people who lay down, except for a very small part, will basically be injured.

The pass rate for the first round of assessment is about one-tenth. That is to say, almost one out of ten of you can pass. Of course, this is just my inference based on the previous assessment results. Maybe you will be better than those people. Maybe.

In addition, after entering Mangdang Mountain, unless it is time to end the assessment, you will not get any rescue. Okay, now you know the danger of this round of assessment, if you have to withdraw now, it is still too late! "

After the sound spread, it took a full half a minute, and many people talked in whispers, showing a fearful expression, but no one really flinched.

After all, before I came to Sacred Land, I basically made some preparations. It is impossible to become the core disciple of Sacred Land without taking any risks.

Seeing no one was speaking, Xiao Lin smiled.

"In this case, then we can explain the content of the first round of assessment."

As he said, a light flashed in his hand, and a small grass about half the size of a palm appeared, with a faint light flowing around his body.

"This is five light grass. The content of the first round of assessment is to enter Mangdang Mountain. In two days, if you get three or more five light grasses, you are qualified!

Of course, the three plants are only qualified. The more five light grasses you get, the better your results will be. Moreover, I have to focus on it. "

Xiao Lin's expression is serious: "Five-light grass is not just about grades. For every additional five-light grass, after entering Sacred Land, your Sacred Land points will be increased, and there are many benefits. I advise you not to covet some small profits. Take the initiative to let the five light grass you found out of this stupid thing!

Okay, that's it. Next, I will distribute to you the number plates that you enter to register your identity information. There will also be some content related to the assessment. You can take a look. "

After speaking, Xiao Lin waved his hand.

Suddenly, the fish-and-dragon deacons around the square began to distribute numbered cards, also for the convenience of follow-up records.

"Xiao Elder, may I ask how many five grasses was the best result in the first round of assessment?"

At this moment, a man's voice sounded.

Many people are looking towards the source of the sound.

"It's Ye Kuang! He is the only divine body among us, and it is said that Meridians are also different from ordinary people, with excellent talent and understanding!"

"Not only is he talented, but his strength is also terrifying! Three months ago, there were rumors that he defeated the Saint with the sixth change of the fish and the dragon Cultivation Base!"

"In that battle, I know that it was not a draw, but suppressed the saint! However, the saint was just a Rogue Cultivators, weak in strength, and Ye Kuang also relied on the Ye family to tailor it for him. Only a blood vessel has that kind of combat power."

"You can't use the sacred artifacts before entering the sacred, but if you join your own Blood Essence when refining, it is different. As long as you reach the main state of the soldiers, you can use the power of the sacred artifacts. This is what we people dream of I dare not think about it!"

"He asked, does he want to surpass the best result in history?"

"Ye Kuang! Divine Body Tianjiao, his talent is also top in the entire Eastern Wasteland domain. It is normal for him to have this kind of thinking."


Admiration after another, the voice of sigh sounded.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Ye Kuang.

The two Sacred Land Elders obviously also knew Ye Kuang's name, and there was a smile on their stern faces.

"The content of the external assessment once every ten years is not necessarily the same. For example, the assessment of picking five light grasses, our Sacred Land has only appeared five times. Among them, the best score is one hundred and twenty years. The genius who entered my Sacred Land before, picked twenty-six five light grasses. Now, he has become an eighth-order saint, standing proudly in the Eastern Wasteland domain!"

The eighth-order saint!

Many people's hearts were shocked again.

The Saint Realm is divided into ten stages. Above the tenth stage, it is the strongest Realm in the entire Eastern Wasteland domain, the Holy King!

The holy king lives high in the clouds and rarely intervenes in the world, so the holy realm can also be said to be the top powerhouse in the Eastern Wasteland domain, and the eighth-order sage is definitely the strongest among the strong!

The most important thing is that it only took one hundred and twenty years to go from the Yulong Realm to the eighth-order saint. This kind of speed... I am afraid that only Sacred Land can cultivate it!

The Practitioner who participated in the assessment felt more enthusiastic when he thought of this.

"Twenty-six five light grasses? Okay, then I will pick fifty plants for this trip!"

Ye Kuang glanced over the geniuses from all over the world who were shocked by his words, like an eagle looking down on an ant, and said proudly: "One hundred and twenty years eighth saint? After I enter Sacred Land and become a saint, within a hundred years, I will become a holy king!"

This voice was made by him with the holy yuan, and it resounded in the ears of nearly 10,000 people!

Within a hundred years, he will become a holy king!

What a grandeur this is!

Suddenly, countless women cast admiring glances at Ye Kuang.

"Ye Kuang, although you are the most talented genius among all people this time, don't talk too much."

Xiao Lin frowned slightly.

"I was born with a divine body, thirty-six spiritual veins, when I was born, Purple Qi from the East, I am the son of luck, why can't I say?"

Ye Kuang was arrogant to the extreme, and he glanced around casually: "Could it be that Elder put me and these rubbish...Huh? Is it you?"

With his gaze just passing Su Zhan, Ye Kuang remembered it all at once.

Since the day he was born, few people dared to confront him, and naturally they were very impressed with Su Zhan.

"I heard that you have also stayed in Lingyu Building? But it seems to be only the last one. It's really interesting to have a swollen face and fill it with fatty."

Ye Kuang raised his mouth and said with a sarcasm: "I don't intend to pay attention to the psychology of you people, but I am very curious. For this trip, I plan to pick 50 five-light grasses. How many do you plan to pick? "

"It's such a simple thing as weeding..."

Su Zhan pondered for a while and said, "I plan to pick 500 plants. Of course, if there are more, it would be better!"

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