I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 184 I saw a colorful mountain!

This statement came out.

Ye Kuang was stunned.

Not just him, everyone who heard this sentence looked at Su Zhan incredulously.

Even the two Sacred Land Elders looked at Su Zhan in a daze.

Fifty plants are outrageous enough.

This person actually said to pick five hundred plants?

Is he doing this deliberately?

It should be!

However, this person does not seem to be a well-known genius from the Profound Sky Dynasty, but he is so emboldened to talk to Ye Kuang like this. Perhaps, it is the arrogant secretly cultivated by several other major forces under Sacred Land?

It seems that this person deserves more attention.

The two Sacred Land Elder wondered.

Those other disciples don't have as many ideas as Sacred Land Elder.

When they heard Su Zhan's words, they all started to laugh after a moment.

"Five hundred? Does he really think it's weeding?"

"To be honest, I have no confidence in even five plants. He actually said five hundred plants. Could it be that he can surpass us a hundred times?"

"Which ravine did this come from? To say so without thinking through the brain?"


Contemptuous eyes converged on Su Zhan.

As soon as Chu Xuan stood beside Su Zhan, he yawned boredly.

A group of idiots, in front of the fellow daoist of Su, why is there such a shit godly body Tianjiao?

Five hundred plants, although it is a bit exaggerated, but with the ability of the Su fellow daoist, it is easy to pick one or two hundred plants.

Ye Kuang also laughed: "I don't need to say anything if I hear it. Someone is accusing you, five hundred, why don't you say five thousand? Anyway, it's just bragging, let's talk about it!"

"You ask me, and I answer truthfully, don't you believe it now?"

Su Zhan frowned slightly: "Then your brain is broken? Since you don't believe me, what do you ask me to do?"


Ye Kuang was angry, and immediately thought of something, and then a sneer appeared: "I heard that although you are staying in the Lingyu Building, but these days, few people visit you?

Ugh! I really envy your quietness!

Unlike me, every day I am visited by geniuses from all over the world, the threshold is almost broken! "

Although Ye Kuang looked helpless, but the words were extremely ridiculous and very annoying.

Chu Xuanyi was a little angry for Su Zhan.

But Su Zhan showed a hint of surprise: "Where can so many normal people come to see you every day? Are you a monkey in the spirit beast garden?

I heard that many people are sympathetic, pitiful, and playful, but they like to see the monkey every day and throw something to feed him. Then the monkey will be triumphant, very happy, and start acting—"

"Shut me up!"

Ye Kuang furiously, pointed Su Zhan with a finger and roared.

"It's strictly forbidden to fight here!"

Sacred Land Elder Xiao Lin's face sank, and with a wave of his hand, a holy power descended, suppressing the aura that Ye Kuang had just exploded.

"Whether it is the genius of the gods, the Ye family, Ye Kuang, we have treated you very seriously, and I hope you remember that the place you are now is within the Xuantian Sacred Land!"

The cold words sounded.

Feeling the anger contained in the words, Ye Kuang also calmed down a bit.

The posture can be arrogant, but if he really violates the Sacred Land rules, he is afraid that he will also be punished.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Kuang said coldly towards Su Zhan: "Jumping beam clown, two days later, I will see how many five grasses you can get!"

"Don't worry, it's easy to be ten times more than you."


Ye Kuang glared at each other, clenching his fists.

Seeing Ye Kuang's desperate look, Su Zhan also smiled, not paying too much attention to it.

He said that he would pick five hundred five light grasses, but he thought that he would earn more points.

Points can be thought of with your toes, and you can definitely redeem various treasures, Medicine Pill and the like, otherwise Sacred Land would not come out with such a thing.

Five hundred plants...If it were one thousand plants, five thousand plants would be even better.

Su Zhan thought silently.

Before long, the numbered cards belonging to him were also issued.

On the first and twenty-seventh, there is his name underneath: Su Zhan

True yuan is injected into the numbered card, and a light curtain emerges.

On the light curtain, there are various contents related to this assessment.

His eyes swept across the light curtain.

Su Zhan also understood why the twenty-six five light grasses could rank first for so many years.

Five light grass has a characteristic, it will automatically absorb the breath of plucking people.

In other words, once the five light grass is taken off, it has a unique mark that other people can't grab, even if they actively sell it to others, they can't do it.

Otherwise, there will be two mixed auras, and you will not be able to pass the inspection of the treasure that records the results.

It is precisely because of this that it is so difficult to obtain five light grass.

Otherwise, no matter how big Mount Mangdang Mountain is, and five light grasses are hidden, no matter how many Demonic Beasts guarding them, so many Practitioners will always be available to many people.

After another while, those deacons were preparing to lead those who participated in the assessment to the twelve entrances opened by Mangdang Mountain.

The two old men in Sacred Land Elder crossed the river but remembered something, and said, "Wait, there is one special thing to tell you. At the edge of Mangdang Mountain, you may encounter a huge mountain-like peak. Green Bull, please remember that no matter how many five-light grasses there are, you must respectfully hold the Junior gift and then retreat!"

Xiao Lin Elder smiled: "Of course, if you have the ability to take it, that's okay. We don't object."

"That's true. If you think you are capable of picking, it's best to pick all of them. If that's the case, Don Elder will definitely be angry...cough cough, don't talk about this, you can go."

Yuehe was also talking with a funny face, but when he mentioned a certain name, he seemed a little hesitant, so he closed his mouth.

Subsequently, under the leadership of those Sacred Land deacons, Su Zhan and others entered Mangdang Mountain one after another.

Stepping into the area of ​​Mangdang Mountain, Su Zhan turned off all auras and only turned on the aura of adventure.

Although this is not a secret realm, there is no significant increase, but it must still be useful, right?

Thinking about this, he randomly picked a direction, and moved forward, not fast or slow.

Half a day later, standing under a ridge of a 100-meter high mountain, Su Zhan's mouth twitched when he looked at the five-light grass that was hidden under a large number of weeds above it, the light was very dim and not very visible.

It's been a long time, this is the first five-light grass found.

This is so special, does the Aura of Adventure play a reverse role? ? ?

Otherwise, according to my previous luck, it won't be so unlucky, right?

Su Zhan's heart was a little depressed, his toes checked the ground, and his body moved toward the ridge.

When he came to the ridge, he glanced forward subconsciously, but the whole person was stunned.

I saw that, on the other side of a big river in front, there was a huge wood forest with a height of 100 meters, and there was a small peak about fifty to sixty meters high.

This is not the point.

The point is that the colorful lights flashing on the small mountain peaks are actually covered with five light grass!

The five light grass of a whole mountain!

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