These words are spoken out.

The arrogant posture that Ye Kuang had dissipated was back again.

He is the proud son of heaven, with invincible talent. What can one assessment show?

In the future, he will definitely surpass Su Zhan!

Thinking of this, Ye Kuang felt much better.

Su Zhan was speechless when he heard Ye Kuang's words.

Cultivation for more than 20 years, even without entering the Holy Realm, does this talent have the face to speak out?

Do I have to talk to people all over the place like you did for such trivial things from the cultivation of the veins to the fourth transformation of the fish and dragon in the past few months?

Is this guy a fool?

How can anyone talk about his talent every day?

"Yes, yes, you are right!"

Su Zhan cast a gaze to care for a mentally handicapped child, and said in his mouth.

The best way to deal with a fool is to follow his words.

Make him a bigger idiot!


Ye Kuang wasn't a fool either. He saw the deep meaning of Su Zhan's words at a glance, and said in anger, "You are ridiculing me!"

"What am I ridiculing you for?"

"Because, because you are jealous of my talent!"

Su Zhan was stunned for a moment. Obviously he didn't expect Ye Kuang to say such a not wanting face.

"Yes, yes, I'm so jealous of you, jealous of your intellectual disability, and there are people caring for you wherever you go."

"Dare you humiliate me!"

Ye Kuang lung was almost exploded with anger, and roared.

Su Zhan smiled when he saw him about to be mad, and didn't bother him anymore.

Turning his head to Yuehe Elder said, "Since the results have been registered, can I leave?"


Yuehe Elder said that the temperature was mild, and he was not at all impatient before, saying: "After everyone's scores are entered, within half a day, someone will send the information of the second round of assessment to all the candidates who passed the test."

"Okay, then I'm leaving."

Su Zhan nodded, the god wind boots on his feet flashed with blue light, and he turned and left.

"Su Zhan! The second round is a talent assessment! At that time, I will let you know what a real genius is!

The humiliation I have suffered today will surely be returned to you at that time! "

Behind him, Ye Kuang heard a voice of incomparable resentment, and Su Zhan's figure kept going, and he did not take his words to heart, and left the Mangdang Mountain area.

Back at Xiaoling Mountain, he took a bath in a spiritual pool inside the small building and continued to cultivate.

A few hours later, a flashing Jade Slip flew from outside and stopped in front of his window.

Su Zhan opened the volume of Jade Slip.

It is information about the second round of assessment.

The second round of assessment is scheduled for tomorrow morning. It is a talent assessment. There is a specific route in Jade Slip.

Tomorrow, you can follow Jade Slip to the test site by yourself.

However, it is not mentioned in Jade Slip how to evaluate it.

"Master Su! I am Yue Xiaoyue from the Moon Family of Tianyang Mansion. I specially came to visit Master Su!"

"I'm Xueling, Master Su can call me Xiao Ling'er, Xiao Ling'er can admire you, Master Su, I wonder if we can talk about Sword Technique together?"

"Master Su, I am Yunxiao, the eldest son of the Yun family in Hezhou Prefecture. I brought some spiritual teas unique to our Yun family. I would like to invite Su Gongzi to taste the tea!"


Outside, a series of voices sounded.

Su Zhan closed the window with some annoyance.

These people's visits have lasted for more than an hour, and the farther behind, the more people visited.

So now, in front of Lingyu Building on the 25th, there are geniuses from all over the world, the sweetheart of heaven.

It is much more lively than the No. 1 Lingyu Building where Ye Kuang was before!

Su Zhan didn't bother to see these people, took out a soundproof charm, spread out a small soundproof area, sat cross-legged in it, quietly cultivated.

And this time.

Lingyu No. 1 is upstairs.

Standing on the balcony of the Lingyu Building, Ye Kuang watched Su Zhan's Immortal Cave full of people from a distance, and he did gradually cool down here, and his heart was very jealous.

"Young Master, a letter from the Patriarch."

At this moment, a servant who followed Ye Kuang to Sacred Land respectfully handed a jade lottery to Ye Kuang.

Ye Kuang took it, and Mental Energy entered it.

For a moment, a trace of joy appeared on his face.

"Great! Dad said that the ancestors have informed the King of Swords about me! The King of Swords is very likely to come to watch my talent test in person. By then, if my performance satisfies him, he will accept it. I am a disciple!

There is no sword saint king, that is a swordsman saint king! Among the holy kings of Sacred Land, the strength is definitely at the forefront! "

The joy on Ye Kuang's face could not be suppressed, and he looked disdainful when he looked at the Lingyu Tower where Su Zhan was.

"Huh! I will be accepted as a disciple by the King of Swordless Saints at that time. How can this Su Zhan have the right to be arrogant in front of me? At that time, I must humiliate him severely! Let a shadow be born in his heart, Dao heart will be dusted, and later Cultivation Base is hard to improve! Hahaha!"

When he thinks of tomorrow, he can be ashamed and accepted as a disciple by a holy king, Ye Kuang couldn't help laughing.


Xuantian Sacred Land.

In the core area, a small lake centered by Spiritual Qi.

In the lake pavilion.

Two old men are drinking tea and chatting.

One is wearing a large blue robe, and the other is a brocade.

"Brother Tang, I heard that you have recently built a Five Light Baoshan Mountain. Is this planning to transfer all the underground spirit energy of Mangdang Mountain to your Five Light Baoshan Mountain?"

The old man in Jin Yi remembered something and asked with a smile.

The old man in the blue robe showed a smug smile: "I still don't like the Spiritual Qi, but the five light grass is very special. Waiting for my treasure mountain to use the power of the Mangdang mountain to nurture for three to five years, five light grass. It will be integrated into the five-light treasure mountain I specially built.

At that time, I will be able to refine this five-light treasure mountain into an extremely powerful holy king artifact. Even if the refinement fails, it will be placed in my Immortal Cave as a decoration, which is also very beautiful! "

"Then I must go to Brother Tang's mansion to have a look!"

"It's easy to talk, let you see the magical effect of my Five Lights Treasure Mountain by then, hehe!"

The old man in Qingpao smiled, and suddenly turned his head to look a little bit puzzled on his face.

Obviously the old man sitting there also noticed it. He glanced at that place, his eyes seemed to pass through the woods, and he saw what he wanted to see. He was also a little surprised: "It's Xiao Lin, what is he doing here? Is it possible? , Also want to have tea with Brother Tang?"

"Brother Li joked, unless I speak, he is afraid he doesn't have the guts to come uninvited."

The old man in Qingpao shook his head.

Soon, Xiao Lin appeared in his sight, came to the lake, knelt down hundreds of meters apart, and said in fright: "Tang Elder, your Five Light Baoshan has been moved away! I have put it back now, but The damage still needs to be checked by Don Elder himself!"


The old man in Qingpao changed his face and said solemnly: "Impossible! Not to mention this Xuantian Sacred Land, it is the Xuantian Dynasty, and even the entire Eastern Wasteland domain. There are not many people who dare to move my Tang Wujian Five Lights Mountain! If people really want to deal with me, they won't move one of my hills away!"

"Don Elder, it was made by the members who participated in the core disciple assessment this time!"

"That's even more impossible!"

Tang Wujian snorted coldly.

"My stupid bull is not very useful, but it's okay to deter those unsaved little guys!

If you say that some were stolen, I would still believe that this stupid bull missed it, but if you said to move my mountain away, are you insulting my IQ? ! "

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