I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 189 The Great Freedom Without Phase Sword Scripture!

"Master, it's true!"

At this moment, a cyan light rushed over at a very fast speed, turning into a green cow, and also stopped by the lake.

Qing Niu spit out the broken horns with a grievance, his mouth opened and closed, and people said: "Master, that kid is so cruel, he cut off my horns! Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise I would have I don’t know if I can see you, the lord!"

"This, how is this possible!"

Tang Wujian looked incredulous: "Could it be that the core disciple has now been recruited to allow the saints to participate?"

"Master, that talent is the fourth change!"

"The fourth change of the ichthyosaur can cut your horns off? Even the Holy Lord couldn't do this back then!"

Tang Wujian was shocked: "If it is the pinnacle of the sixth transformation of the ichthyosaur, I will say that he is the kind of peerless genius who appears in ten thousand years, but the fourth transformation of the ichthyosaur has such a fighting power... this is no longer a genius, this is Monster! A monster I've never seen before!"

"But sir, all my broken corners are here, don't you believe it?"

Qingniu grieved.

Tang Wujian took a deep breath and looked at Xiao Lin, "What's that person's name and where is it now?"

"Enlighten Tang Elder, that person is called Su Zhan, and now lives in Lingyu Building No. 25, Xiaolingshan!"

"Su Zhan...make a map of this person's appearance and will send it to my Immortal Cave. I will first go to Mangdang Mountain to check the situation!"

After Tang Wujian finished speaking, he said goodbye to the old man in Jinyi and prepared to leave.

"Master, you have to beat him up! Revenge for me!"

Green Bull cried.

"Stupid bull, you can't beat a fourth change in the fish-dragon realm. You lose my face!"

Tang Wujian cursed in irritation, his figure turned into a Sword Ray and left without any warning!


The second day.

As soon as Su Zhan opened the door, he saw a tall old man with white beard and hair standing in front of the door.

From the old man, he could not feel a trace of power, he seemed to be an ordinary person.

But ordinary people can't get here without disturbing him.

Su Zhan's eyes condensed: "Who are you? You have something to do with me?"

"Your name is Su Zhan? It looks unremarkable."

Tang Wujian's gaze fell on Su Zhan's face: "I heard that you were in Mangdang Mountain and took away a treasure mountain from someone else, not to mention, and injured the blue ox under the care of someone. Isn't this a bit too much for you?"

"So that hill was really made by someone else? There are actually people like this who make a bunch of colorful things piled together, shiny, so fancy, tacky things..."

Su Zhan hesitated: "It's not your old man, is it?"


Tang Wujian's face changed slightly, annoyed in his heart.

The Five Lights Baoshan, which he proudly showed off to others, turned into bells and whistles and extremely tacky in Su Zhan's mouth?

"There is also that green cow. I don't know who raised it. It looks stupid. Old man, you..."

"Of course not me!"

Tang Wujian was a little uncomfortable by Su Zhan's suspicious look, and said quickly.

"Since it's not your cheesy mountain, nor your stupid bull, what do you want me to do, old man?"

Su Zhan looked surprised.


Tang Wujian showed a slight smile and said lightly: "I heard that your Sword Technique is very strong, and I want to ask for some advice."

Su Zhan shook his head: "Forget it! You are so old, in case something happens, it must be on my head."

"What do you mean by this!"

Tang Wujian exploded with a hint of aura and coercion, and said proudly: "Old man Realm is more than ten times more than you, you don't have to worry about this!"

"Realm is ten times more than me, looking for me to be a sword?"

Su Zhan said: "Could it be that the old man, you can't fight with Realm, you can only find someone with a low Realm like me?"

"Nonsense! There are a few who can beat an old man in the same realm!"

Tang Wujian was furious: "Don't worry, the old man will only use the power of the fourth level of the ichthyosaur, I just want to see your sword!"

After thinking for a few seconds, Su Zan nodded and agreed.

He knew from the beginning that this old man was no ordinary person.

Although he can't sense the opponent Realm, but with his Deva unified kendo mood, he can sense that this person's kendo Cultivation Base is not inferior to him, even far surpassing him!

Comparing swords with this kind of person, the ascension of his kendo will be great.

Then, after saying a few more words, he followed Tang Wujian to leave here and came to an empty valley.

Stand fifty meters apart.

Tang Wujian said: "You must use your strongest sword, let me see clearly, so that I will also use the stronger kendo Cultivation Base, so that you can also feel."


Su beheaded nodded.

The next moment, he directly inspired the divine body!

Big day, bright moon, Star.

Three divine body visions erupted from him!

Present the sky!

"This kind of god..."

Tang Wujian's eyes narrowed.

As the Saint King, he had seen many divine bodies, but it was the first time I saw someone like Su Zhan!

Every force is not weaker than one divine body. Could it be that three divine bodies merge into one?

Do not! This is impossible!

Although the fusion of divine bodies is not without, but those who are all first have a divine body, and then at the peak of the Saint King realm, the second divine body is derived by coincidence when it turns into Deva!

Not to mention that Deva has not appeared in the entire Eastern Wasteland for more than 10,000 years. It is said that even in the ancient times, the cultivation way was prosperous, and there were only two or three Deva in the entire spiritual world with this great opportunity!

In the fourth transformation of a ichthyosaur, how can it be possible to integrate three divine bodies into one?

It seems that this is just a divine body, but it is very special, much stronger than ordinary divine bodies!


What is this Sword Technique?

In the Sword intent, there is not only the great sun and the panic of the sky, but also the meaning of the vastness of the star, and even a trace of dragon?

and many more!

This is so special!

The fourth change of the fish and the dragon is the integration of Deva? ? ?

Tang Wujian stared at a series of movements towards Su Zhan in amazement.

I just felt that the whole person was stunned.

Dignified Saint King, I haven't seen any big scenes, I haven't seen any geniuses.

But like Su Zhan, it was really the first time I saw you!

Too abnormal!

But... the more perverted the better!

I like!

Thinking of his deeper purpose, Tang Wujian smiled.

There was some expectation in his eyes.

"Come on, Su Zhan, let me see your strongest sword!"

As he said, Tang Wujian's two fingers were pierced toward the front very usually.

But with his thorn, the space in front was as if torn apart, showing ripples toward both sides!

A strand of invisible Sword Qi headed towards the star dragon condensed by Su Zhan.

"The old man's Sword Technique is called the'Great Freedom Without Phase Sword Sutra'. Although it is only the Realm, which is the fourth variant of the fish and dragon, stabbed with a hand instead of a sword, the old man has a thorough insight into this sword sutra. The laws of kendo have been cultivated a lot, so this sword is enough to kill a first-order saint, Su Zhan, beware!"

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