I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 304 New Aura Unlocked! (Fourth)

Seeing Tang Liuxue actually dared to question his own IQ, Heavenly Demon was furious: "Ignorance junior, you are no more than ants in front of this seat, so dare to say--"


The words are not over yet.

Heavenly Demon only saw a flash of lightning in front of him, and the Primordial Thunder God appeared, and without a word, a thunder spear blasted over.


Just after recovering from the shock of the Primordial Thunder God, he was hit by the lightning spear, Heavenly Demon let out a scream, split into countless black qi, and only slowly gathered in the past ten seconds.

As soon as he gathered together, he immediately said: "This girl is right, I'm indeed...not very smart. First, put Thor away first, and speak well if you have something to say!"

It seems that he has been stunned by the Primordial Thunder God too many times. Now Heavenly Demon is a little bit shadowed when he sees the Primordial Thunder God, and his words are too scared to speak smoothly.

"Let's talk! How can I enter that area of ​​the Demon Realm?"

The Primordial Thunder God behind Su Zhan dissipated, and asked lightly.

"It's very simple. I have arranged a space formation deep underground in the Sea of ​​Chaos. I only need to trigger that formation with a special Restrictions, and then I can tear the space I marked. How to enter the demon world!"

Heavenly Demon chuckled: "By then, you will let me out. In just half an hour, I can help you enter the Demon Realm and take the blood of the Demon God!"

"Let you out?"

Su Zhan said: "Could it be that this Restrictions, as long as you can use it, others can't?"

"This is actually not, but these Restrictions are quite mysterious, and you need to have an understanding of spatial formation!"

Heavenly Demon has a hint of arrogance in his tone: "Space formation is one of the most difficult forms of formation. It can be said that even if you find your human race’s saint king of formation and let him learn from me, it will take at least three months to learn. , But if you let me come, it only takes half an hour!"

"So you can learn!"

Su Zhan smiled and said, "You show me those Restrictions runes on the map of Wanjian now?"

"Master Su, you don't want to learn by yourself, do you?"

"Suddenly I wanted to cultivate mysterious technique again."

"Don't! Don't! Have something to say!"

Upon hearing this, Heavenly Demon was frightened and trembling.

Afterwards, strands of extremely thin black energy escaped and transformed into mysterious runes on the Ten Thousand Swords Diagram. The arrangement of runes was constantly staggered, resonating with certain special rules between heaven and earth. This is most of the formation. And the basic principle of the role of Restrictions.

Su Zhan stared at Wan Jiantu.


He became a little puzzled.


Didn’t unlock the formation aura?

I remember I have this aura!

Is it because just looking at the arrangement of these formation Restrictions is not considered learning?

Su Zhan hesitated and looked at Tang Liuxue, "Do you have any books about formations?"


Tang Liuxue recalled: "There is only one "Introduction to Basic Formation"."

"Give me."


Tang Liuxue searched for it and handed Su Zhan a somewhat yellowed old book, a little curious in her heart.

His Royal Highness, is this to learn the way of formation?

However, it takes a long time for the way of formation to be successful. It seems that it is useless to rely on a basic introductory book, right?

She was a little puzzled.

Heavenly Demon sneered in his heart when he saw this scene.

How vast is the array?

A person who has never been in contact with formation, wants to rely on an introductory book about formation, Insight into formation?

Foolish dreams!

He laughed at Su Zhan in his heart, but Heavenly Demon still didn't dare to say these thoughts, just watched silently, waiting for Su Zhan to give up.

at this time.

Su Zhan was in a happy mood.

After he watched it for ten seconds.

The long-lost system voice finally sounded in my mind.

"Ding! Complete the achievement task ‘First Learning Formation’ to unlock the new halo [Protagonist’s formation halo]!"

[Protagonist Array Road Halo]: What? It takes more than ten years to learn a formation? Is formation cultivation extremely difficult? In front of the protagonist's halo, all farts! After the aura is turned on, Ascension's understanding of the way of formation is greatly increased, and it has an affinity with the rune of the formation. The same formation is better than others!

My halo system finally didn't let me down.

Su Zhan let out a sigh of relief.

Array road halo, open!

The next moment, the space formation rune that just couldn't even understand the fur, suddenly became extremely simple!

"Well, Lord Su, or forget it--"


Su Zhan interrupted.

Heavenly Demon reluctantly continued the drill.

Ten minutes later, dozens of runes of spatial Restrictions, their arrangement, and how to resonate with the rules of heaven and earth, and stimulate the power of Restrictions were all demonstrated.

Su Zhan showed a thoughtful expression.

After waiting for three minutes, Heavenly Demon spoke again: "Master Su, you don’t need to waste your efforts. It’s not a question of your talent. It’s really hard to rune in these formations. You—you, you, how are you? I did it!!!"

Before I finished speaking, I saw Su Zhan's fingers flicking and the rune drawn in the air with Sheng Yuan, and feeling that the rune had indeed taken effect, Heavenly Demon was so shocked that he cried out in disbelief!

"Demonstrate it again."

Su Zhan ignored Heavenly Demon's yelling. At this moment, he was completely immersed in the Insight of the Tao of Formation.

Hearing Su Zhan's words, Heavenly Demon did not dare to neglect, and demonstrated again.

Wait for him to finish the presentation, ten minutes later.

Su Zhan's fingers flicked in the space, and the gleaming runes were portrayed by him, hanging in the air.

Ten minutes later, Heavenly Demon's space Restrictions was perfectly reproduced by him!

Even when the last rune of Space Restrictions appeared, he could clearly feel the fluctuations in this space!

Of course, because it was only temporarily and casually portrayed, this space Restrictions only lasted for three seconds after the completion of this space Restrictions, and it collapsed.

At this moment, Heavenly Demon looked silly and said in disbelief: "You, you, how are you—"

"Such a simple thing, how can it be so difficult for you to say?"

Su Zhan shook his head: "It seems that you are not only not clever, but also stupid. Otherwise, why would you say things that are difficult to make?"


Heavenly Demon didn't know what to say for a while.

Am I wrong?

The formation is difficult, this is the consensus in the cultivation world!

But who would have thought that your Array Dao talent is so abnormal?

I learned my space Restrictions after seeing it twice!

This is so special!

Just two words f*ck: outrageous! ! !

Heavenly Demon roared in his heart, just thinking that the whole world was unreal.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe him if he killed him. There is such a genius!

Fortunately, Su Zhan didn't specialize in Array Dao, otherwise, he would definitely become the enemy of the entire Demon Realm in the future!

The heart was so shocked, Heavenly Demon didn't know how to take Su Zhan's words, and couldn't say it after hesitated for a long time.

"Forget it, because of your limited IQ, you don't want to talk about it. Tell me what demon race is in the area where the blood of the demon god is located, and how strong is it?"

Seeing Heavenly Demon's appearance, Su Zhan waved his hand, a little impatiently said.

An anger arose in Heavenly Demon's heart.

Some humans dare to insult him so much!

However, all of this will end soon!

As soon as he thought that according to his plan, after Su Zhan got the blood of the Demon God, he could escape from Ten Thousand Swords.

Moreover, maybe you can seize Su Zhan's body and get a big chance!

Heavenly Demon's anger dissipated, sneered, and said, "That area of ​​the Demon Race is called the Greystone Demon Island!

The demons on the island are the three-eyed demons with a third eye growing between their eyebrows!

As for the strength... those three-eyed demon clan bloodlines are inferior, basically it is impossible to appear at the Saint King level!

With your strength, Young Master Su, you can surely sweep through all obstacles, get the blood of the Demon God, and awaken the blood of the Demon God! "

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