I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 305 Northern Desert!

"Three-eyed demon...what demon are you?"

Su Zhan became a little curious. Hearing Heavenly Demon's words, there seemed to be a lot of demon species.

"My body is one of the most noble demon races in the demon world, the Purple Blood Demon race!

My body was also a low-level bloodline in the Purple Blood Demon clan. Actually, there are not many demon clan in the demon world, but the bloodlines of the same kind of demon clan are very different. The strength of the three-eyed demon clan on the Greystone Demon Island is low.

But somewhere in the demon world, there is a kind of stone demon clan. According to the blood origin, it is also the three-eyed demon clan. However, because the blood of the stone demon clan is noble, the third eye contains the magical powers of'petrification', and the cultivation talent is much stronger, so Become one of the powerful demons in the demon world! "

Heavenly Demon patiently explained it again.

Su Zhan nodded: "It turns out that this is the case, let's talk about other things! For example, after I entered, is there any way to avoid the demon's detection, what are the weaknesses of the three-eyed demon, and what is the realm of the demon realm? There is no special elixir or the like."

"Okay, I'll give Master Su a good talk."

Afterwards, Heavenly Demon began to speak.

Su Zhan also listened patiently.

Three hours later.

He put the Ten Thousand Sword Diagram into the ring of the cave sky, and he also learned more about the Demon Race and Demon Realm.

According to Heavenly Demon, the Demon Realm is actually bigger than the Spirit Realm!

However, the Demon Realm has a very large number of continents, and the forces of the various Demon Races are too scattered. Moreover, the Demon Realm has opened up a lot of space passages in the great world, and it wants to plunder resources from other great worlds and occupy territories.

The Demon Race is similar to the Human Race, in addition to having seven or eight natal supernatural powers, they can also cultivate Cultivation Technique like the Human Race, and they can open up their spiritual wisdom when they are born.

There are also many special heaven and earth elixir in the demon world, which are not available in the spirit world. However, at the target location this time, on the graystone demon island, there is only one kind of Spiritual herbs called "Blood Qi grass" that is more valuable.

Can strengthen the body's vitality!

Those things that Heavenly Demon had said appeared in his mind. Su Zhan planned to take care of his condition today and set off tomorrow.

He was originally interested in the blood of the Devil God, and now everything is ready, naturally it is impossible to delay it any longer.


On the second day, she explained the thunder lion and asked her to take good care of her family and don't cause trouble. Su Zhan and Tang Liuxue rode on the ice holy car and headed towards the northern desert.

About a thousand miles away from Zhantian Peak, before leaving the range of Sacred Land, in front of him, a large golden ship that was moving suddenly approached and lay in front of the Saint Carriage of Flames of Ice.

At the bow, Xu Qingmo wore a blue robe, with his hands on his back, his eyes fell on the front of the Yanbing Saint Car, Tang Liuxue who was driving the Saint Car, a touch of surprise appeared in her eyes, and he immediately laughed.

"It turns out that it was Junior Brother Su's frame. It looks like Junior Brother Su is leaving Sacred Land?"

"Senior Brother Xu, there is nothing else, please don't get in the way."

Su Zhan walked out of the carriage, stood at the front of the car, and said somewhat displeased.

"Junior Brother Su, you keep saying that something is going on. It is inconvenient to let me go to the Demon Race battlefield. Now, you are not in Sacred Land Closed Door Training, but you are leaving Sacred Land."

Xu Qingmo said with a sarcasm: "What's your explanation? Cowardly is cowardly, why make so many excuses?"

"Brother Xu, I have raised a thunder lion."


"Her IQ is about three years old. I think she is stupid."

"What does it matter to me?"

Xu Qingmo was confused.

Su Zhan shook his head: "But after seeing you, Brother Xu, I suddenly felt that the Thunder Lion I raised was quite smart. Sure enough, IQ still needs comparison!"

"What do you mean-you are calling me stupid!"

Xu Qingmo didn't react at first, but immediately understood the meaning of Su Zhan's words, and suddenly became furious.

"Yes! Brother Xu, you are so slow even when I scold you, you are not stupid, who is stupid?"

Su Zhan took it for granted: "Moreover, I said that I have something to do and I can't go to the Demon Race battlefield. Now I'm going to do errands. You have to ask me about this kind of thing?

You are not stupid, who is stupid? "


Tang Liuxue on the side saw Xu Qingmo's unconsciousness, but couldn't find the way to refute the words, she couldn't hold back for a while, she covered her mouth and laughed.

His Royal Highness Saint Son is not only invincible in kendo, but also invincible...

Tang Liuxue thought secretly in her heart, smiling happily.

"Su Zhan! You!"

Xu Qingmo clenched his fist, and a terrifying coercion erupted from him!

If Realm is concerned, he is only an eighth-order holy realm.

But as a holy son, he cultivates the best cultivation technique, uses the best heaven and earth elixir to temper his body, martial arts, and occult techniques are the most suitable. There is also the holy king’s careful guidance on the path of cultivation, plus him He is also a divine body, and other talents are also far beyond ordinary people's savvy!

Although it was only an eighth-order holy realm, Xu Qingmo was enough to cross the border to kill enemies in the tenth-order holy realm!

Because of this, this coercion is much stronger than the flame demons and the like that Su Zhan has encountered!

Su Zhan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was about to use Xu Qingmo to try Dacheng's Wuxiang Sword Technique power. Before he could do it, he saw Xu Qingmo being pulled back by the old man.

"His Royal Highness, you forgot, then Su Zhan, we can't do anything against him now!"

The old man hurriedly reminded: "Xuantian Sacred Land is still here! If you let the Holy Lord know, I'm afraid he will punish you again!"

"I know!"

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the urge to shoot, Xu Qingmo looked at Su Zan angrily: "Cowardly people, I don't bother to follow suit!"

After speaking, he turned his head and said loudly to the old man: "Let's go! Don't let the Elders of Tiangu City wait for a long time! After all, fighting against the Three-Eyed Demon Race can be sloppy. If you fail, you will be disheartened!

Of course, some selfish, cowardly guys will not understand! "

Xu Qingmo deliberately said this very loudly, as if venting his anger and deliberately belittling Su Zhan.

"The Three-Eyed Demon... wouldn't it be such a coincidence?"

Su Zhan looked a little surprised when Xu Qingmo steered the golden boat away.

It should be just the same name. How could there be such a coincidence that the place where I was going was the demon that Xu Qingmo wanted to resist?

After thinking for a while, feeling that this incident was just a coincidence, Su Zhan shook his head without paying attention, and continued to drive the Yanbing Saint Chariot towards the northern desert.


A few days later.

A vast expanse of loess desert.

Tang Liuxue exudes a frosty chill, covering the surrounding 100-meter area, resisting the high temperature of 60 to 70 degrees in this desert.

Su Zhan held the Ten Thousand Sword Diagram in his hand, and from time to time communicated with Heavenly Demon in the Ten Thousand Sword Diagram about the details and location, and walked ten meters in front of Tang Liuxue.

Half an hour later, he came to a place that looked very ordinary on the sand.

"Are you sure, is it here? I have made a mistake twice before. If I make a mistake again this time, I might want to cultivate the mysterious technique..."

"Master Su, don't worry! Previously, it was because the place had changed so much. I was imprisoned for hundreds of thousands of years, and my induction was wrong. This time my induction was very strong, and it was definitely here!"

Heavenly Demon's horrified voice sounded.

Su Zhan had no expression on his face, closed the Ten Thousand Sword Diagram, and took out a special spirit pen for depicting rune from the ring of the cave sky. The Holy Yuan poured the spirit pen into it, and began to portray that special space Restrictions in this space.

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