I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 373 Five Elements World! (Fourth larger chapter)


The Holy Lord of Skyfire was immediately dumbfounded.

Kill this side of the world’s strongest myth, and the rest will listen to your reasoning?

This is so special!

It seems there is nothing wrong with it?

But why does it sound so outrageous? ? ?


You said that it is a small goal to have the strongest myth to kill all the practitioners in the spirit world.

This marriage.

Are you afraid that you don't want to end it? ? ?

Skyfire Holy Lord slandered in his heart.

Su Zhan saw that the Holy Lord of Heavenly Fire looked like this and asked: "Holy Lord of Heavenly Fire, don't you think what I said is wrong?"


The Holy Lord of Skyfire said helplessly: "I think, can your goal be a little smaller?"

"I just want a peaceful life, isn't this small enough?"


The Holy Lord of Skyfire held back for a long time, and finally waved his hand: "Finally, do it yourself!"

"Okay, then I'm leaving."

Su Zhan nodded, stepped into the air, and landed on the Infinite Sacred Sword.

Watching the Wujian Holy Sword leave, until the Wujian Holy Sword disappeared and was completely invisible, Su Zhaoyue retracted his gaze and asked, "Holy Lord, what did you say?"

"I asked what his goal was."

"How did he say?"

"He said that he must be able to kill the strongest mythical character in the world... Zhaoyue, I think Su Zhan doesn't seem to mean that to you."

The Holy Lord of Skyfire sighed: "To find such a bad excuse to become the strongest... He may have a chance, but at least it is hundreds of years, or even thousands of years later, right? He is obviously perfunctory!"

"Become the strongest in the spirit world?"

Su Zhaoyue was also taken aback.

Recalling the various experiences with Su Zhan.

Su Zhaoyue suddenly smiled.

"No, Holy Lord, he is serious, and, no matter how long, I will keep waiting."

"Seriously? Forget it, I really can't see through the thoughts of this kid Su Zhan, and I don't bother to take care of it. For young people, let the young people do it themselves!"

The Holy Lord of Skyfire took a deep breath, driving the Sacred Land of Skyfire and leaving with the people of Skyfire Sacred Land.


at this time.

On the Infinite Sword.

Su Zhan remembered about the Heavenly Dao Sutra, the Five Elements chaotic body, and asked: "Master, I want to ask, you know the best gold, holy willow wood heart, eternal flint, clear glass water, earth spirit crystal, Are there any such materials as Chaos Stone?"

"Huh? Why are you asking this?"

Tang Wujian was surprised: "These are all top-level materials in the entire Eastern Wasteland domain. You want to condense the Da Ri Star sword again? But apart from the top grade Gengjin, you don't need anything else!"

"No, I accidentally got a volume of Taoism, in which there is a cultivation method called Five Elements Chaos Body, which requires these materials."

"Five Elements Chaos Body? What is this again?"

"Master, look."

Su Zhan directly took out the Heavenly Dao Sutra and handed it to Tang Wujian.

Others can't easily show this kind of thing, but he still trusts Tang Wujian.

Tang Wujian read two pages, his face changed slightly, and he would return the Heavenly Dao Sutra to Su Zhan first, and said solemnly: "This sutra says that the Five Elements Chaos Body is extremely difficult to succeed, and failure will even damage the physical talents. Moreover, there is nothing at all. People have really succeeded, you have a god-vessel body, and your talent is definitely one of the strongest in the spiritual world. Do you really have to take risks?"

Su Zhan nodded: "I want to try."

"Since you insist, I won't stop you."

Tang Wujian thought for a while and said, "Except for the top grade Gengjin, except for the last time you used it to condense the natal sword, there are some in our Sacred Land, the Ming Jing Liuli Water Holy Lord has in his hands, as for the others...

There is no news about Chaos Stone for the time being.

However, I know where there are three kinds of Saint Willow's Heart, Eternal Flint, and Earth Spirit Crystal, but that place is quite dangerous. "

"Master, but it doesn't matter."

"The place where these three Five Elements spirits are, called the Five Elements World, is another world!"

Tang Wujian said: "About 1,300 years ago, we discovered this world, and it took decades to open up a space channel and enter it to explore.

In the Five Elements world, there is no human race, but it is controlled by five spirit races similar to the human race!

Each kind of spirit race has a kind of rare and insight resource of Five Elements attribute, and has a strong affinity for this attribute!

Our Xuantian Sacred Land's top grade Gengjin, as well as clear glass water, and even the eternal flint that we used decades ago, are all taken from the Five Elements world!

However, as early as a few hundred years ago, we had already closed the five elements space channel idle. "


Su Zhan was surprised: "Why shut down?"

"Because there are holy kings in the Five Elements world, and the strongest has even reached the position of great heaven!"

Tang Wujian sighed: "Our people suffered heavy casualties. We used to modify the space node and change the location of the teleportation, but it was too dangerous.

Moreover, the top Five Elements spirits are all guarded by the Five Elements spirit clan. It is too difficult to spot them occasionally in the wild!

The space channel we opened was not enough for the holy king to pass through. In the end, it was left unused for hundreds of years and was useless, so we simply closed and sealed it, so as to reduce the consumption of holy stones to maintain the space channel. "

"Big Heaven...Although I haven't played it before, I don't think it should be a problem for me to protect myself, Master, how long will it take to reopen the Five Elements space channel?"

Tang Wujian pondered for a moment: "About half a month or so!"

"Okay, please help me open it, Master! Half a month later, I am going to the Five Elements world to find other spiritual things!"

"Well, I will tell the Holy Lord about this, let him summon Sacred Land's Elder who is responsible for building the space channel as soon as possible to unlock the seal and open the channel!"

After confirming the arrival of the five heaven and earth spiritual things, Su Zhan continued to read the Heavenly Dao Sutra, wanting to be more familiar with it.


A few days later.

Xuantian Sacred Land.

Xuantian Great Hall.

Holy Lord Mo Wentian frowned slightly: "Li Ping, send the four-winged light eagle to the Extreme Sun Dynasty!

It stands to reason that at the speed of the Infinite Sword, they should have returned a few days earlier, but now they have not returned. I am worried, what happened! "


Li Ping, who specializes in intelligence, nodded, turned and left.

In the Great Hall, Mo Wentian also began to discuss other matters with the three saint kings below.

But they just spoke.

Li Ping turned back from the outside again, and cupped hands said in a salute: "Holy Lord, Tang Elder's Infinite Sword, is coming towards this side of the sky in the distance!"

"Finally home!"

The Holy Lord didn’t feel happy. He got up from his seat and came to Xuantian Square. He looked forward to seeing the Sword Ray getting closer and closer: "This time the delay is longer than the previous feast. Could it be said, what chance do you get on the way back?

Su Zhan, don't know if he has broken into the eighth stage of the Holy Realm? "

"It should be impossible. It has only been a few days since he broke into the seventh-order holy realm. How can he break the realm so quickly?"

"Indeed, even if Su Zhan's talent is peerless, at least one needs to break through in one month, right?

Now, he has broken through two realms in one month, and he can be regarded as having a special opportunity in the Demon Realm, so he can perform supernormally! "

"It is unrealistic to break into the eighth-order holy realm. It took me more than thirty years to enter the eighth-order holy realm from the seventh step!"

The three Saint Kings who followed Mo Wentian to the square shook their heads.

Mo Wentian smiled: "You don't believe me, but I do!

Su Zhan's trip must have broken into the eighth-order holy realm, I have this hunch! "

Although the other three holy kings felt that Mo Wentian's words were wrong, they did not continue to argue with him.

They were all waiting for Su Zhan to arrive.

It didn't take long for the Infinite Sacred Sword to reach the sky above Xuantian Great Hall.

Tang Wujian put away his sword and landed on the square with Yang Qian and Su Zhan.

"Master, three holy kings."

"Holy Lord, holy kings."

Su Zhan and Yang Qian cupped hands at the same time.

Mo Wentian glanced over Yang Qian and saw that he was not injured, so he relaxed and turned to look at Su Zhan.

Sheng Yuan surged in his eyes, and he saw that Su Zhan Realm had changed at a glance. Mo Wentian was overjoyed and said: "Hahaha! How about several Elders!"

Let me just say it!

Su Zhan can definitely break into the eighth-order holy realm, but he is - wait! "

Halfway through the conversation, Mo Wentian also clearly sensed Su Zhan Realm, his eyes widened suddenly, and he couldn't say anything:

"This, this is not the eighth-order holy realm, this is the Realm of the ninth-order holy realm!

Su Zhan, broke two realms! ! ! "

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