I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 374 Only a little bit!

Break the two boundaries? !

When the other three Saint Kings heard this, they looked at Su Zhan in disbelief, and when they realized that it was Realm of the ninth stage of the Holy Realm, they were all dumbfounded.

It seems that it hasn't been half a month since Su Zhanpai entered the seventh-order holy realm, right?

In half a month, broke the two boundaries again?

Moreover, most of the half-month period was actually spent on the road, that is to say, Su Zhan's true cultivation time is probably less than ten days!

In less than ten days, break the two realms in a row!

This is so special!

Although I knew that this guy is not an ordinary person, is this too exaggerated? ? ?

When I thought that I was dying from cultivation, I had only broken through a realm in decades, and this guy Su Zhan broke through three or four realms in a month.

Mo Wentian is not much better.

After confirming that Su Zhan really broke the two realms, his mind was also buzzing.

Although he has always believed in Su Zhan's talent.

But he never thought that Su Zhan would go out, and within half a month, he would turn from the seventh-order holy realm to the ninth-order holy realm after returning!

Just f*ck is outrageous! ! !

After taking a deep breath, after three seconds, Mo Wen genius barely calmed down, and asked incomparably puzzled: "Su Zhan, what chance did you encounter that you have broken through two realms in a row? It's incredible!"

"It's okay, it's just a fire of Qilin meat at the banquet of the Eastern Wasteland Saint Child, broke a boundary, and then found a Medicine Pill on the sea, swallowed it and broke it again."

Su Zhan said truthfully.

Fire Qilin meat?

Mo Wentian was stunned for a moment, and immediately said: "Fire Qilin contains the blood of the true spirit Qilin. There are so many Spiritual Qi in the flesh and blood. It is indeed possible to break the boundary by swallowing the fire Qilin flesh. Speaking of which, I did not expect the Heavenly Fire Holy Lord to be like this. Generous, even this kind of thing is taken out, if you say this, wouldn't there be many people breaking the boundary at the Saint Child's Banquet?"

"Master, you think too much, just Brother Su alone."

"why is that?"

Yang Qian said helplessly: "Our six top Sacred Land sons each share ten catties, and the other Sacred Land sons only cost one catty. Brother Su has refined 25 catties by himself. Can you not break through... "

One person, refining 25 catties of fire Qilin meat?

Mo Wentian was surprised: "Holy Lord Tianhuo even specially made exceptions to Su Zhan?"

"It's not an exception. It was that Lin Yan and Senior Brother Su were faster than refining, and lost, plus Tang Elder's five catties of Qilin meat, only 25 catties!"

Yang Gan explained.

"Compared with Su Zhan's refining speed... Is this a fool?"

Mo Wentian was a little speechless.

The other three holy kings also agree.

Tang Wujian smiled and said: "Holy Lord, Su Zhan is not just as simple as breaking two realms. With the help of that divine pill, he condensed one hundred and eight divine veins this time!"

"Divine Veins!"

Mo Wentian and the Saint Kings, who had already calmed down, were shocked again.

Shenmai is definitely something more shocking than even breaking through the two realms!

Several seconds passed.

Don't ask the genius and said: "Don Elder, go to the Eastern Wasteland Sacred Child Feast, not to mention breaking the two realms, but also to achieve the divine veins, what have you experienced these days?"

"This is a long story, go to the Great Hall and talk about it in detail!"

Tang Wujian smiled.

"Master, Holy Lord, I will not go to the Great Hall anymore. Once I meet the Holy Lord, I will also go back to Slash Heaven."

Su Zhan said with cupped hands.

"You go back!"

Mo Wentian remembered something, and then said: "According to the rules of our Xuantian Sacred Land, after the Saint Child's banquet, the young master will be appointed. You deserve the position of this young master, Su Zhan!

I plan to hold the young master canonization ceremony in five days. You have a good rest these days. By then, all the major forces of the Profound Sky Dynasty will come to observe the ceremony! "


Su Zhan nodded, turned into a thunder light and left.

"Master, all saint kings, Yang Qian has also left."

Seeing Su Zhan's departure, Yang Qian also bowed away.

at this time.

When Tang Wujian heard that Su Zhan was about to be named Young Master, his eyes rolled and said, "Holy Lord! This time, Su Zhan, with his own strength, obtained a fake Heavenly Dao Heavenly Fire Fan, and all the major Sacred Lands have also The startling conditions were digging him to be his own son.

You are the Holy Lord of Xuantian Sacred Land anyway, and there is no sign of it? "

"Don't worry, I'm ready a long time ago."

Mo Wentian smiled: "Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier is only one piece for Xuantian Sacred Land. We need Zhenzong, but the fake Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier can still be obtained.

I plan to bestow the twelve-day golden sword on Su Zhan at the Young Master's ceremony, which is a surprise to him! "

"Although the twelve-day golden sword needs to be used with a sword formation to exert its maximum power, with the talent of my disciple Su Zhan, it takes only five or six days to master the sword formation!"

Tang Wujian smiled with eyebrows: "With the Twelve Heavens Golden Sword, his strength is bound to be stronger. This treasure indeed fits Su Zhan very well!"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, go to the Great Hall, while tasting tea, while carefully talking about your experience during this trip!"

Mo Wentian waved his hand and walked towards the Great Hall with a few people who couldn't wait.


Cut Tianfeng.

Su Zhan just came back.

Lei Shi Xiaobubai and Tang Liuxue greeted them excitedly.

"His Royal Highness Saint Child!"


Su Zhan glanced at Thunder Lion, pushed the head that was rubbing against him to the side, and threw out a bunch of Medicine Pill and Spiritual herbs that kept pets: "Go back and cultivation, there's nothing wrong with you here. "

"……All right."

Lei Shi put the Medicine Pill Spiritual herbs into the storage ring worn on his neck, and he was happy, but left with aggrieved feelings.

"I haven't had a good meal for many days, Tang Liuxue, make more dishes tonight."

"Yes, Your Highness Saint Child."

Tang Liuxue, who was planning to ask Su Zhan about his trip, gave up this plan and responded when he saw Su Zhan looked a little tired.

Su Zhan stretched out comfortably and walked into the Immortal Cave.

At dinner.

Tang Liuxue couldn't restrain his curiosity, and asked: "His Royal Highness, the Eastern Wasteland Saint Child Feast, but it is a 300-year event! It is said that there will be many benefits!

With the luck of your Highness, the Holy Child, did you get a lot of treasures and elixir this time? "

"A lot of treasures elixir? A little bit!"

Su Zhan thought about it for a moment and nodded.

"Just a little bit?"

Tang Liuxue hesitated: "That's not right! His Royal Highness, I feel that you can pick up a treasure if you just stroll around. The Saint Child's banquet is such a grand event, how can there be only a little bit?"

"It's really only a little bit!"

Su Zhan figured it out.

"Except for some that are far inferior to the best holy king artifacts, you can ignore them.

Fire Qilin meat, fake Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier Heavenly Fire Fan, Jianxin Pill, Hundred Meridian Pills, First Heavenly Dao Sutra, Five Elements Shield, a total of six pieces in total, that's just a little bit. "


Tang Liuxue, who was holding a large piece of braised pork with chopsticks and stuffing it into his mouth, was stunned.

The small mouth was wide open, the braised pork fell back into the bowl, and the chopsticks in his hand also slipped off and fell to the ground.

The whole person is dumbfounded!

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