I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 375 Twelve Heavens Golden Sword!

Fire Qilin meat!

Pseudo Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier!

Jianxin Dan!

There are also the following ones. Although they have never heard of the names, they can be juxtaposed with these. If you think with your toes, you can also think that they must be some kind of extremely precious treasures!

These treasures.

Even if it is any one, put it outside, it can cause no one knows how many holy realms, and even holy kings fight for battle!

It's not an exaggeration to say that it can set off a bloody storm!

It's this kind of treasure, His Royal Highness, can you get six things once you go out?

Moreover, what is meant by "the supreme holy king's artifact is not as good as it can be basically ignored"?

If you want to say so.

Wouldn't all my wealth add up to be ignored by His Royal Highness?

Tang Liuxue's heart was shocked.

"Tang Liuxue, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Tang Liuxue's appearance, Su Zhan asked in surprise.


Tang Liuxue glanced at Su Zhan a little bitterly.

I have thought about your great harvest, Your Royal Highness Saint Child.

But I never imagined that the richness has reached this point!

It's too outrageous...

Tang Liuxue lamented in her heart, feeling that she had become weaker, poorer, poorer, and helpless in front of the Saint Child Hall...

"I don't want to eat anymore, I want to be quiet."

Tang Liuxue picked up the chopsticks and left silently.

"You have such a big appetite, it's better to eat less."

Su Zhan's voice came from behind.

Tang Liuxue had a meal, feeling that he had been hit by the soul again.

I almost shed tears of disappointment.


As the guardian Daoist of His Royal Highness, his talents are useless. The most important thing is that he can hold it in his heart!

Tang Liuxue thought of it faintly.


The next few days.

Su Zhan also resumed the life of daily painstaking practice.

Five days have passed.

Shengziling sent a message suddenly.

It was sent by Mo Wentian, saying that the Young Master's canonization ceremony was about to begin, so he hurried over.

Su Zhan glanced at it, put away the Saint Child Order, and led Tang Liuxue to drive the Flame Ice Saint Car to the Xuantian Square suspended in the sky!

at this time.

In Xuantian Square, dozens of people were already waiting while tasting spiritual tea on the seats under the high platform of the square.

Emperor Xuantian, a dozen holy kings in Sacred Land in Xuantian Sacred Land, the four major families, and the business alliance...The Xuantian Dynasty, all the big powers are here!

Moreover, those who came were all the heads of their respective forces!

"I heard that this time Xuantian Sacred Land is going to be canonized the young master is a new saint son who has been in Sacred Land for less than a year. It is really amazing!"

"I used to think that the young master of Xuantian Sacred Land should be Yang Qian, now it seems that I was wrong."

"Have you never heard of the name of this saint son? He is a rare genius in 100,000 years!"

"I heard that I have heard of it, but after all, I haven't seen it with my own eyes. The rumors are somewhat credible, maybe!"

"Hey, Brother Ye! Didn't your Ye family deal with this Su Sheng a lot? Tell me!"

The strong men of several big families chatted and turned their eyes to the ancestors of the Ye family who were sitting in the same row with them.

The Ye Family Patriarch's face turned black.

Do you deal with more?

I think it’s so bad, right?

Last time, because of his misinformation, who would have thought that Blood Demon would sacrifice the entire force and kill Su Zhan?

As a result, even if he tried desperately to explain, Tang Wujian still went to the door to make their Ye Family restless, and he had to leave three Spirit Stones veins abruptly!

Anyway, meeting Su Zhan is nothing good!

"Brother Ye, why are you acting like this, don't you hate Su Zhan?"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Upon hearing this, the ancestors of the Ye family stood up reflexively, and hurriedly said loudly: "All the members of the Ye family are grateful to Su Shengzi, there is no other thoughts!

This is what Su Shengzi is—Huh? Su Sheng is here! "

The ancestor of the Ye family immediately became nervous as his gaze fell on the Yanbing Saint Car, and sat down, not wanting to attract Su Zhan's attention, and causing some trouble.

When people from other forces heard his words, they also looked at Su Zhan one after another.

"This is the peerless genius who has been rare in 100,000 years? It really doesn't look like a mortal man!"

"This saint son looks much younger than I thought, maybe he is only sixty or seventy years old?"

"Such a young guy is about to become the young master of Xuantian Sacred Land. That is a more noble status than ordinary holy kings!"


One after another sighs sounded.

Su Zhan put away the Yanbing Saint Chariot, Tang Liuxue found a place behind the square to sit down, and he landed directly on the high platform.

There was a golden carpet underneath, and the beautiful girls on both sides of the ninth-level steps specially arranged to welcome the son were dumbfounded.

Mo Wentian was also taken aback for a while, and coughed lightly: "Ahem, my young master of Xuantian Sacred Land, I am not an ordinary person at first, so naturally I don't take the usual path, and this time it is only to announce the world, my Xuantian Sacred Land The young master is born, and these red tapes are nothing."

With that, he handed the Lingxiang in his hand to Su Zhan.

Su Zhan also followed the steps Tang Wujian told him two days ago and began to worship heaven and earth.

Then drink a special cup of spiritual tea.

Finally, the minor master token is replaced.

The whole process only adds up to about ten minutes.

Seeing Su Zhan accepting the Young Master's order, Mo Wentian was happy: "Su Zhan, since you are my Xuantian Sacred Land Young Master, I also give you a treasure!"

As he said, Mo Wentian palmed his hand, and a mini golden sword about ten centimeters long appeared, and he handed it to Su Zhan: "This is the twelve-day golden sword. It is my Sacred Land Heavenly Dao saint soldier, Xuantian. Imitation of the spirit sword!

It's stronger than the average Supreme Sacred King Tool, and you are also majoring in kendo. This thing is perfect for you! "

Twelve days golden sword?

Su Zhan took the golden sword curiously. Before he could infuse the Saint Yuan, Mo Wentian handed him a roll of Jade Slip.

"The twelve-day golden sword is different from most holy swords. It needs to be matched with a sword formation to exert its maximum power. This is the heavenly golden sword formation. Take it back and take a look!"

"Thank you Holy Lord."

Su Zhan took Jade Slip, Mental Energy poured into it, and checked.

Pseudo Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier!

Most of the people who came to watch the ceremony below were shocked by this name and looked at Su Zhan full of envy.

The first emperor Tianxuan sitting in front touched his beard, shook his head and smiled: "Lao Mo, you are finally generous, but the fake Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier needs to reach the Saint King Realm to be able to use it. Now you are not as good as 1 gift. The next ordinary Supreme Sacred King Tool is even more--he actually directly inspired the Twelve Heavens Golden Sword?

Even if he doesn't reach the Holy King, he can use it, but doesn't he need to sacrifice? ? ? "

Halfway through the conversation, he saw the mini golden sword in Su Zhan's hand transformed into twelve golden lights and shot out, the Emperor Tianxuan suddenly stood up from his seat, his eyes widened, and said in disbelief.

Others were shocked, and some even rubbed their eyes, wondering if they were dazzled.

See this scene.

Tang Wujian and Mo Wentian, as well as the sacred kings of Xuantian Sacred Land, all smiled knowingly. They had known that Su Zhan had obtained the direct use of the Skyfire Fan, so naturally they would not be surprised.

Mo Wentian was so shocked to see Emperor Xuantian, his heart was very refreshed, but on the face, he put on a look that was nothing, and said calmly: "Everyone, my young master of Xuantian Sacred Land, that's even The peerless heavenly arrogant, which is incomparable to ancient mythological characters, can use the pseudo Heavenly Dao holy soldiers without sacrificing. Is there anything unreasonable?

You guys, when you are getting older, why can't you be like me, do not be surprised everywhere, and go with a calm heart-fucking! "

Before I finished speaking, the pretentious composure on Mo Wentian's face could not be maintained, and even because he was too shocked, he subconsciously burst out a swear word!

I saw it.

The twelve golden swords in front hang in the sky, among which the Sword intent unites and the Sword Ray intersects, tearing the sky apart!

Sword formation!

The Lord of Sacred Land, the Heavenly Golden Sword Formation that took twelve years to master...

Su Zhan realized it instantly! ! !

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