I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 381 Perfect Siege Plan! (Fourth, big chapter)

Elder is not afraid of danger, and he vomits blood when he is beaten, and he doesn't mean to give in?

The corners of the four Elder's mouth twitched.

He must be able to succumb to that special thing!

Everyone is dead, is he still afraid of a fart? !

at this time.

Su Zhan also turned around and looked at Wood Spirit High Priest.

The high priest's gaze fell on Su Zhan, and he sensed the divine might. The staff in his hand was shining, his face was extremely jealous, and he said: "You four trash! Don't get up!

With the big Elder, and me, against the alien race! "


The wooden spirit who first knelt down and offered the spirit wine was crying: "Big Elder is dead!"

"What! Big Elder is dead?!"

The high priest opened his eyes in disbelief.

"Big Elder was beaten to death by the envoy!"

"High priest, the divine envoy is infinitely powerful. It was sent by the heavens to save our Wood Spirit Race. We still don't want to fight him?"

"No matter what you think, anyway, whoever wants to be against the Lord, I will kill him!"


Several Elder wood spirits took advantage of the loyalty of the big watch, hoping to reduce the chance of being beaten to death by Su Zhan.

"you you you……"

The high priest pointed at Su Zhan and said in disbelief, "You actually killed Elder with a punch?"

Su Zhan's face was calm: "Yes, if you want to avenge him--."


To Su Zhan's expectation, before he could finish his words, the high priest actually knelt down and put on an extremely serious look: "Sure enough, he is an envoy of God. At a glance, he can see that the big Elder is an innocent man. Heinous wicked!

The gods make the gods walk the way for the sky and get rid of the scum like Elder. In order to thank the gods, this holy spirit staff also hopes the gods to accept it! "

His own Elder was killed. This high priest did not take revenge, but thanked me?

It seems that this Elder, the Elder, is really angry, and everyone wants him to die!

Unexpectedly, when I punched casually, there would be one less wicked person in the world.

I'm such a good person by nature.

With some emotion in his heart, Su Zhan put all the treasures into the Cave Sky Ring: "Since you have the intention of repentance, and you have not really dealt with me, I am not embarrassed by you. I heard that your wood spirit tribe has ten sacred willow wooden hearts. , In this way, I only take nine yuan, you can keep the remaining one!"

Ten Saint Willow Hearts?

The high priest was taken aback for a moment, and then his face was bitter: "Enlighten the Divine Envoy, our Wood Spirit Race originally only had nine yuan, but was later robbed of two by other Spirit Races, now there are only seven Saint Willow Wood Hearts!"

Su Zhan frowned: "It's only seven yuan?"

Perceiving Su Zhan's displeasure, the high priest's heart trembled, and his mind turned sharply, and he quickly said, "Although there are only seven sacred willow hearts, there are still many sacred willows. If you want to refine some treasures, the number of sacred willows is sufficient. In fact, it’s not much worse than Saint Willow’s Heart, and seven Saint Willow Hearts should be enough."

"Forget it, seven for seven dollars! Bring both the Holy Willow Muxin and the Holy Willow Wood, this can also be regarded as the compensation for your treachery and revenge for your wood spirit tribe."

"Yes, yes! God made your lord wait a moment!"

The high priest nodded repeatedly, bowed and retreated.

Before long, he returned with a wooden box.

When you opened the wooden box, it was seven spiritual woods with thumbs thick and long, exuding extremely pure wood properties, Spiritual Qi.

"Divine Envoy, this is Holy Willow Wood Heart, and there are 1,600 catties of Holy Willow wood in it, which is almost all of our Wood Spirit Clan's inventory!"

The high priest respectfully handed over a storage ring.

Su Zhan glanced in the ring, and found that it was a large batch of wood similar to Saint Willow Wood Heart, but with much smaller wood attribute energy fluctuations.

Putting away the Saint Willow Muxin and the storage ring, Su Zhan showed a satisfied expression: "Well, I escorted those wood spirits back for the sake of Saint Willow Muxin. Now that the transaction has been completed, then I will also leave. .

By the way, do you have a map of the lair of the other four spirit races? "

The lair map of the other four spirit races?

The high priest was stunned for a moment, and immediately guessed a certain possibility, and his heart moved: "My lord God envoy is looking for trouble with the other four spirit races?"


Su Zhan shook his head: "I heard that the eternal flint of their four great spirit races, the clear glass water, the best gold, and the earth spirit crystal are all very good treasures. I plan to ask them to borrow some."

Go to the lair of the four great spirit races to borrow their treasures?

The high priest was a little speechless, but soon he was uplifted and said: "My God Envoy, our Wood Spirit Race is very familiar with the Four Spirit Races, and we can definitely help you!

However, the Lord God Envoy, the four great spirit races are all brutal and vicious, and thousands of members of my wood spirit race have been slaughtered by them!

From the top to the twilight, to the baby, they will not let it go!

Moreover, the four great spirit races are powerful, and there are no shortage of powerful spirit races of the eighth rank and third rank!

Although the Lord God Envoy is extremely strong, his two fists are hard to beat the four hands. It is better, Lord God Envoy forms an alliance with us. We, the Wood Spirit Race, don’t want any treasures. We only hope that we can get revenge! "

After a pause, the high priest knelt down again, and said helplessly: "Don't dare to deceive the divine envoy. Although our Wood Spirit Clan is very familiar with the Four Spirit Clan, there are not many strong people in the clan now. I am already the strongest. .

It's not so much an alliance, it's better to say that our wood spirit clan begs the gods to help us wood spirits because of the tragic death of thousands of wood spirits of our wood spirit clan and the destruction of countless families...

Our wooden spirit will definitely enshrine the envoy as a god, and we will worship day and night, never forgetting! "

As the high priest's voice fell, other Wood Spirit tribe members also looked at Su Zhan, their eyes full of hope.

Although they also hated Su beheading Elder to death, this kind of hatred is nothing compared with the monstrous hatred of the four great spirit races!

If Su Zhan can really lead them to avenge the Four Spirit Races, even if they are asked to worship Su Zhan as a god day and night, there will be no one unwillingly!


Su Zhan thought for a while, felt that this matter was not harmful to him, and it could indeed allow him to obtain the other four materials faster, so he agreed.

"Make an alliance, just make an alliance! Take me to the nearest Spirit Race lair, I have no time to waste!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Seeing that Su Zhanzhen agreed, all the wood spirits in the Great Hall were in ecstasy, and the high priest said with excitement, "The nearest to this place is the territory of the earth spirits, from here to their capital. , I’m only about three days away at full speed!"

"Well, it's the Earth Spirit Race!"

Su beheaded and nodded: "By the way, don't call me an envoy. My surname is Su and I am a human being, not any of your envoys."

"Yes, Divine Envoy Su! No! Young Master Su!"

The high priest quickly changed his words.

Later, the specific route was discussed.

Su Zhan drove the flame ice holy car, took the wood spirit tribe high priest and the wood spirit tribe's only remaining seven eighth rank wood spirits to set off to the earth spirit tribe realm.


Two days later.

The largest city of the Earth Spirit, outside the Earth Spirit City.

In a dense forest.

Su Zhan, the high priest of the wood spirit tribe, and several eighth-tier wood spirits all looked towards the earth spirit city.

"Although the rock formation of the Earth Spirit City is extremely defensive, it also has fatal flaws. Whether it is activated or closed, it takes a few minutes!

And when it was closed, not only were we unable to get in, but they also couldn't get out!

I think we can first lure the people from the Earth Spirit City to chase us out, and then Young Master Su rushes into the Earth Spirit City when he is unprepared! "

"No, the master of the earth spirit city is like a cloud, and the earth spirit king may be there. I want to say that since we are going to lure the enemy, we must be thorough and lure the earth spirit king out. We will besiege the earth spirit king and kill the thieves together with Master Su. Kill the king first!

Once the earthling king dies, the earthling clan will inevitably be upset! "

"The earth spirits are powerful, we go to lure the enemy, and we may bury ourselves in vain! Why don't we spend about half a month setting up a large array in secret outside the earth spirit city, lie in ambush, and wait for the earth spirit king to attack when he leaves the city!

The space passage leading to the human race realm has reached a critical time, and within half a month, he will definitely go out of the city to that space passage! "

"But what if I can't ambush? Isn't it a waste of time?"


Every Elder argued, all felt that own tactical plan was the best.

"Okay! Don't make a noise!"

The high priest yelled, turned his head to look at Su Zhan, and respectfully said: "Master Su is a person from the outside world. He is very knowledgeable. It is not comparable to us wood spirits. I don't know what kind of good offense Su Gongzi has. City plan?"

"Your siege plan really doesn't work."

Su Zhan shook his head and said bluntly: "Compared with my plan and tactics, it is extremely crude!"


The high priest's eyes lit up: "Sure enough! Young Master Su deserves to be a man from outside the sky. I know that Young Master Su has done a good job of maneuvering, and it is not comparable to us!

Dare to ask Master Su what his opinion is? "

"It's very simple."

Su Zhan glanced at the wood spirits who were holding their breath and looking forward to it, and said:

"As long as I rush out and kill all the Earth Spirits who came to stop me, when they are all dead, no one will stop me, wouldn't the Earth Spirit City destroy itself?"

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