Hearing Su Zhan's words, the group of eighth-order wood spirits Elder who had hoped for it was suddenly stunned.

As long as the people who are blocking them are killed, the city will not be destroyed by itself?

This is so special!

What you said is so reasonable, you can't refute it for a while...


The strong men of the Earth Spirits are not Chinese cabbage, can they be killed if they want to be killed? ? ?

The Elders were speechless for a while.

Seeing them like this, Su Zhan was a little surprised: "What's wrong, don't you think what I said is wrong?"


The Wood Spirit High Priest hesitated for a moment, and said cautiously: "What Young Master Su said is indeed very reasonable, but will this tactic be too difficult to implement?

As far as I know, there are more than earth spirit kings in the third rank wood spirits of the earth spirit tribe, and the earth spirit high priest also reached the third rank of the 8th rank!

Young Master Su, although you are powerful, it is a soil spirit city after all, and the soil spirit tribe can use the power of the city, or should we still adopt the strategy of ambush? "

The third rank of the eighth rank...that is, the holy king of the great heaven.

Although I have never beaten the Great Heavenly King, but the Great Heavenly King shouldn’t be too difficult to be beaten to death, right?

Besides, it really doesn't work. I used the wind and thunder escape technique that reached the peak. The earth spirit, the most cumbersome of the five spirit races, couldn't catch up with me.

Thinking about this, Su Zhan shook his head: "It will take too long to wait for the killing, a waste of time, I will try it first, and you can follow up depending on the situation!"

"Hey Young Master Su, etc.—"

The high priest looked at Su Zan, who had turned into a burst of lightning and shot away, and somewhat helplessly put down his hand.

"High priest, Young Master Su is so reckless, what shall we do?"

Those wood spirits all looked at the high priest.

The high priest groaned for a while, recalling the scene where Su Zhan was overwhelmingly powerful in the Wood Spirit Clan, and said, "No matter it! Keep up!

It's all here, this is also the last chance for our Wood Spirit Clan to comeback, and we must not back down!

Young Master Su is a man from outside the sky, maybe, his supernatural powers are beyond our imagination! "


A group of eighth-tier wood spirits also sneaked towards the earth spirit city.

at this time.

Su Zhan's body had appeared less than five miles outside the gate of the Earth Spirit City.

On the earthen city wall that is more than forty meters high, the earthen guards are on alert.

"Who are you! What are you doing in my Turin City!"

On the tower, a Tier 5 Wood Spirit level guard leader scolded Su Zhan.

"Your earth spirits have done a lot of evil, not only slaughtered thousands of wood spirits, but also robbed others of the holy willow wood heart, let me in quickly, I want to have a good talk with your earth spirit king!"

Su Zhan hovered outside the big yellowish rock formation in Earth Spirit City, and said in his mouth.

If these earth spirits are willing to listen to him, let him in, without having to do it, it is best.

"It turns out to be Mu Ling remnants!"

"That's not right! He doesn't seem to be a wood spirit, but a monster race?"

"No matter so much! Since he is here for the wood spirit, then damn it, shoot him!"

Following the order from the leader of the fifth-order earth spirit guard, hundreds of earth spirit guards on the tower took out huge crossbows at the same time.

There is no arrow, but as the bowstring is pulled, the energy surges in it, and it turns out to be the shadow of the arrow shining with yellow light!


An arrow condensed only by the energy of the earth attribute shoots towards Su Zhan!

Su Zhan waved his hand at random, and a sacred power poured out, smashing those arrows.


That sacred element force bombarded the light yellow formation shield, causing a ripple.

"With this Earth Spirit Clan’s great defense formation, attacks inside the Earth Spirit City can pass, but not the outside?

Or is it that only the attack of the Earthen tribe can ignore the formation barrier? "

Su Zhan glanced at Formation Guangbi in surprise.

On the city wall, the earth spirit guards saw Su Zhan suddenly blast their attacks away, and each one was shocked.

"This person is extremely strong, I am afraid that he has reached the sixth order, and even the seventh order spirit race!"

"The seventh-order spirit race, I am afraid that they will not have the courage to challenge our earth spirit race, I am afraid it is the eighth-order spirit race!"

"Go report it to the general!"


The earth spirit guard gave the order, but he didn't panic. Looking at Su Zhan, he coldly said, "If you go now, there may be a chance to survive. Otherwise, when the general arrives, you will only have a dead end! "

Seeing that Su Zhan did not retreat, the leader of the earth spirit guard then sneered: "I really thought that you can break our earth spirit city by yourself, even if we let you attack, you can't break our defense formation!"

"Then I will try it!"

Su Zhan palmed his hand, and a miniature golden sword appeared in his hand.

The golden sword flew out, flashing in the air, turning into twelve identical golden long swords.

The twelve-handed Heavenly Golden Sword blasted towards the earth spirit city formation.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The power of the false Heavenly Dao sacred soldier erupted, and every sword slash made the moat array flash and whine!

"This person can really shake the moat?"

"It seems that it is probably the second rank spirit race of the eighth rank, plus those extremely powerful golden swords, it is really possible for him to break our great defense formation!"

"Huh! Is it possible that the strong of our Earthling tribe is dead? Will he be allowed to break through the formation forever? Wait and see, he will soon die under our strong men of the Earthling tribe!"


The earthen guards spoke one after another.

It was at this time.

In the Earth Spirit City, a huge Earth Spirit tribe with a height of four or five meters, riding a peculiar beast resembling a lion but with wings under his hip, rushed towards him with a giant axe in his hand.

"Who would dare to shake my Earth Spirit Race Formation? I can't get bored of life!"

The aura of that one has reached the second rank of the eighth rank, and the strength of the earth spirit clan powerhouse is even more than that of the average celestial holy king. There is still a few miles away from the tower, and a voice full of anger has spread.

"The general was alarmed!"

"Great, the general is here, this person is not far from death!"

"After a while, that alien will know what the consequences of provoking our Earthlings are!"


At the moment when the great earthling general appeared, a famous earthling was cheered up and looked at him admiringly.

The fifth-tier earthling leader of the earthling tribe hurriedly greeted him, knelt down on one knee, and reported: "General! This person said that our earthling tribe is evil, and we want to find the spirit king for the wood spirit clan. After refusing, he attacked the city!

I have sent someone to inform the general and other generals, and other generals will be coming soon too! "

The Great Earth Spirit rides a flying lion, hangs in the air, his eyes flicking over Su Zhan, falling on those sky gold swords, feeling the power of the laws rippling from the sky gold sword, there is a trace of greed in his eyes, with a big hand. Wave.

"It's just a stranger who knows nothing about life and death. This general can do it alone! Why wait for others!"

"But General, this person has just shaken the great defense formation! Or else--"

"To shut up!"

The Earth Spirit General Coldly glanced at the little boss, and said proudly: "I have seen this alien Realm, but around the seventh-order spiritual race, the reason why he shakes the big formation is nothing more than relying on the powerful gold. Sword Technique treasure!

But although those Magic Treasures are powerful, they are far from enough to make up the Realm gap between him and me!

I want to take someone's head, like a bag for something! "

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