I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 409: The Fallen Yang Qian!

"Your uncle!"

Tang Wujian was furious: "It's all here, can't you tell me to go? Alright! You take my sword, and if you are not dead, you don't need to go!"

"Don't! Don't!"

Seeing Tang Wujian really going to kill his own, Yang Qian trembled, afraid, angry, and helpless, and said bitterly: "I'm going, I'm going..."

"This is the responsibility of a holy son!"

Tang Wujian patted Yang Qian on the shoulder.

A glance at the other two Elders: "If you don't want to go, you can also take me a sword. If you don't die, you don't need to go!"

"No, no, we are willing, willing..."

The two Elders trembled and nodded with a wry smile.

Even Shengzi Yanggan was forced to go, they objected to having a fart!

You can only resign yourself to fate!

Seeing this, Tang Wujian nodded very satisfied, palmed his hand, and took out three translucent charms: "Very well, but the Five Elements world is indeed a bit dangerous. These are three wind charms. If you really encounter them Saint King, you stick it on your body. Within half an hour of the magical talisman taking effect, it should be difficult for the Saint King-level Spirit Race to catch up with you!

After you enter the Five Elements world, you have news of Su Zhan. If you find that you can't rescue you, come back immediately. Don't delay, as long as you know Su Zhan's current situation, we can think of ways to rescue! "

"Yes, Don Elder!"

The three of them took the wind magic talisman and nodded in agreement.

Next, King Zhang Musheng took out some information from the Five Elements world and gave it to Yang Qian and others.

After a few instructions, Yang Qian also walked towards the black vortex.

Walking to the black vortex of that space channel, Yang Qian suddenly stopped again, turned his head and said, "Tang Elder, am I doing meritorious service?"

"Forget it! Make a big contribution!"

"Then don't forget to tell my master, let him reward me with a high-grade holy king artifact or something!"

"Don't worry, he won't give it to you, I will give it to you!"

Tang Wujian patted his chest.

"Okay, then I will go in!"

Yang Qian took a deep breath and walked towards the black whirlpool.

But just after rushing out a few meters, before entering it, feeling the fluctuation in the space ahead, Yang Qian stopped again: "Tang Elder, is this space channel unstable?"


"But why do I feel unstable?"

Yang Qian was frightened in his heart, and turned his head and said, "Or I think it will be a few days later, and wait--"

"Waiting for your uncle!"

Tang Wujian finally had no patience anymore, his body flashed before he came to Yang Qian and kicked him in!

Then, he looked at the other two Elders.

The two hurriedly said, "We will do it ourselves, we will do it ourselves..."

With that said, they entered the Five Elements world one after another.

"Tang Elder, don't worry too much. Maybe Su Zhan has any adventures in the Five Elements world, so it's delayed!"

King Zhang Musheng comforted.

"I hope so! Just wait for the news from Yang Qian and the others!"

Tang Wujian hoped.


Five Elements world.

The side of the stream where the water was evaporated by Su Zhantian's fire fan.

Yang Qian and two Elders from the tenth-order holy realm landed.

Just after landing, the three of them all glanced around in unison, Mental Energy released, carefully sensing whether there was any abnormality within a radius of ten miles.

After a few seconds, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"There should be no foreign races in this area!"

"It's also bad, the Five Elements Spirit Clan is very good at disguising and hiding in their own regions."

"Well, let's not scare ourselves."

Yang Qian shook his head: "This spatial passage has not been discovered by those spirit races. We are definitely safe for the time being, but we still need to discuss what to do next."

"Why don't we split up? Go to one of the spirit races to investigate?"

"But this way, it will be even more dangerous...Moreover, with the strength and character of Young Master Su Zhan, he may have made some reputation in the Five Elements world for so many days. It is better for the three of us to act together and grab a higher rank. The spirit race of the world is here to interrogate!"

"It's really good to act together. The Five Elements world is so big, even if we act separately, there are only three people. There is no intention. I still think of a way to catch the spirit race and interrogate it!"

After deliberation, the three of them made a decision and headed in a certain direction.

Soon after they left.

Miles away.

Several small trees that looked very ordinary suddenly flashed light and turned into three wood spirit tribesmen with pale green skin.

"Is it someone dispatched by a divine envoy? Or another human race?"

"I don't know, but their strength is so terrifying, close to the eighth-order spirit race!"

"The high priest ordered us to monitor this place. Now there is a real change. Without confirming the identity of the three people, we should report it to the high priest!"

The three Mu Ling exchanged a few words briefly.

One wood spirit left, and the other two remained under surveillance.

More than ten miles away, on a rocky mountain, several rocks flickered yellow and turned into earth spirits, just like the wood spirits. After a few exchanges, one person left to report.

Not only the Earth Spirit Race, the Wood Spirit Race, and the other three spirit races, they also quickly learned the news that the three of Yang Qian had come to the Five Elements world.

Su Zhan first entered the Five Elements world through this spatial passage. There were dozens of wood spirits who knew about this. After other spirit races bothered to investigate, it was naturally not difficult to find out.

It is precisely because of this that clansmen who are good at hiding are sent to monitor the area here to see if the space channel will be opened again.

The spies of the various spirit races left one after another, some anxiously anxious to convey the information to the high level.


after one day.

Wood spirits, in the mountains and forests outside a big city.

Yang Gan carried a wood spirit in his hand and threw it in front of the two Elders. He was quite proud: "This guy is the lord of this city. The Cultivation Base has reached the sixth-order spirit race, which is equal to the fish-dragon realm of our human race. , It can be regarded as a middle and high-level person in the Five Elements industry. Let's interrogate this person first, and then make plans!"

The two Elders nodded repeatedly.

"The first holy son is worthy of being a holy son. To quietly capture the city lord from such a large city, the method is no less inferior to the holy king!"

"My Xuantian Sacred Land, apart from Young Master Su, I'm the Saint Child! Saint Child, I happen to know some interrogation secrets, so let me-Saint Child, what did you do! How did you attract the Tier 8 Spirit Race! "

Before he finished speaking, the Elder's face was full of horror, looking behind Yang Qian.

Yang Qian was also suddenly startled and looked back.

A wood spirit exuded the pressure no weaker than the holy king, looking at them from a kilometer away.

"This! This is just an ordinary wood spirit! At best, it will alarm the Holy Realm? How can it alarm the existence of the Holy King!"

Yang Qian's pupils suddenly shrank, palms out, and took out the wind charm and pasted it: "Run! It's important to escape!"

The other two Elders were also very panicked, affixed the wind charm, and fled at a faster speed.

But they only escaped more than ten miles.

A fire blasted from the sky ahead.

Another rank eight powerhouse of the Fire Spirit Race!

Yang Qian was horrified: "Change direction!"

Just after changing the direction and escaping for a few miles, an eighth-order strongman of the Earth Spirit Race stopped them again.

"Damn it! Why are there so many Tier 8 spirit races!"

Yang Qian quickly changed directions.

But as soon as he turned around, he saw another Tier 8 Spirit Clan of the Water Spirit Clan coming towards him.

"Five eighth-tier spirit races... five holy kings exist!"

The two Elders in the tenth-order holy realm were desperate and looked at Xiangyang Qian: "His Royal Highness! What have you done!"


Yang Qian's face was depressed, and his heart collapsed!

I just caught a guy in the Yulong Realm. Is it necessary to dispatch the Holy King?

Moreover, there are still five holy kings!

This is so special!

Isn't it too outrageous? ? ?

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