I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 410: What Did He Do?

Seeing those eighth-order spirit races came around.

Yang Qian was desperate.

Greeted Tang Wujian's eight-life ancestors.

What a shit. Five Elements is a big world, so I won’t encounter it so coincidentally!

It was only a day after this special came down, and he was surrounded by five eighth-order wood spirits!

Yang Qian said with a bitter face: "Two Elders, we are afraid that we will be planted here this time..."

The two Elders of the tenth-order holy realm were also desperate.

If they were just one holy king and two holy kings, they had wind charms, and it was not impossible to escape, but now there are five holy kings encircling and suppressing them!

How to escape?

"If you can't escape, fight if you can't escape!"

"How to say, we are also Sacred Land Elder, even if we die, we must fight to death!"

After the two Elders realized that it was impossible to escape, they took a deep breath, with a look of determination in their eyes.

Yang Qian was stunned for a moment, and then he wanted to cry without tears: "War? How do you fight this? None of us can beat anyone else together..."

Hearing Yang Qian's words, the two Elders were silent.

Just when the three of them were desperate, five eighth-order spirit races also gathered around.

"Three, you came to the Five Elements world but were dispatched by a divine envoy?"

Asked the eighth-order wood spirit of the wood spirit clan.

"Envoy? What envoy?"

Yang Qian was a little confused.

The two Elders were already angrily looking at those Tier 8 spirit races.

"You kill if you want, why bother to talk!"

"It seems that Young Master Su mostly died in the hands of you spirit races. Waiting, the human races in the Xuantian Sacred Land and Eastern Wasteland domains will avenge us and level your Five Elements world!"

When the five rank eight spirit races heard this, they looked at each other.

One of them bowed his cupped hands cautiously and asked, "Is the Young Master Su in your mouth the young man who came to the Five Elements world through the space channel 18 days ago?"

"Yes, what are you doing to Young Master-what are you doing??"

Before that Elder finished speaking, he saw five eighth-order wood spirits, actually kneeling toward them!

Suddenly he was dumbfounded.

Yang Qian also looked dumbfounded: five Tier 8 spirit races were dispatched, and they bowed to us in salute. What is this operation?

"Three, the young master Su in your mouth is the divine envoy we are talking about!"

The eighth-tier fire spirit of the fire spirit clan mentioned the name, still unavoidable some fear in his eyes, and then said: "Three, five spirit kings have been waiting for you to come, discuss the division of territory, please follow me and us. Bar!"

"Senior Brother Su, became a divine envoy? Territory division? What the hell is this??"

Yang Qian was puzzled, but this result was a thousand times better than being killed by these spirit races, so he also nodded decisively.

The two Elders also had no objections.

With the strength of the five eighth-order spirit races, there is no need for any conspiracy to deal with them.

One day later.

Yang Qian and others came to the central area where the five great spirit races were handed over.

In which palace was obviously built recently, the Jinling King, the Water Spirit King, and the three new spirit kings of the Earth Spirit, Wood Spirit and Fire Spirit looked at the three Yanggans who entered the palace. Get up to greet you.

"Three, please sit down and taste the unique spirit wine of our water spirit family first rank."

"It's not enough to just taste wine. This is the fire-flaming beast meat unique to our fire spirit clan. The roasted taste is very unique. Three adults, please taste it!"

"It's the first time that the three meet. These Gengjin statues will be treated as a meeting ceremony."


The five spirit kings expressed kindness one after another.

Yang Qian and the two Elders sat on their seats, and they were immediately confused.

This is the Spirit King?

The most powerful existence in the Five Elements world, a strong man who compares to the Great Heavenly King?

How come our sacred realms have such a posture?

Are they okay with their brains? ? ?

Yang Gan took a sip of spirit wine and asked cautiously: "Five spirit kings, my brother Su, he—"

"My son, don't worry! We haven't forgotten the things God made the adults confess!"

The spirit kings nodded solemnly, and took out the map: "Please look at the son, this is the area of ​​our wood spirit clan, from the Xianyang Valley all the way to Suihe..."

Next, the five spirit kings began to take out the map one by one, Jade Slip, and carefully recorded how to divide the territory on the Jade Slip.

Afterwards, the issue of the amount of resources handed in each year was discussed.

Regarding these, Yang Qian and the two Elders were in a daze, and they didn't know what to say. Anyway, they only knew to nod their heads and give some brief replies.

after an hour.

Yang Qian refused the stay of the five spirit races and walked out of the palace.

The whole person is still a little unconscious, with vain steps and a trance, as if he is dreaming.

"His Royal Highness, we, have we come out safely?"

"The five great spirit kings didn't kill us, but gave us so many treasures, and even divided the territory for us?"

The two Elders looked at themselves in disbelief, feeling incredible.

Yang Qian said, "Don't worry about this! Finally get out, the ghost knows whether these spirit kings will regret it!

Let's go back to the spirit world first, tell Tang Elder what we know, and let him make the decision! "

"It makes sense, after all, it's some foreign race, you can't believe it all!"

"The most important thing is to return to the spirit world first!"

The two Elders nodded again and again, and walked towards the way they came.

Another day passed.

Yang Qian and others returned to the spirit world.

As soon as they walked out of the space channel, Tang Wujian and Zhang Musheng surrounded him and asked urgently: "How is it! Is there news about Su Zhan?"


Yang Qian hurriedly said: "Brother Su is known as a divine envoy in the Five Elements world. According to those spirit kings, Senior Brother Su has already left another spatial passage in the Five Elements world!

That space channel is quite far away, and I know what is going on on the other side of the world, but I understand that it is also the human world, so there is no past, just come back to tell Tang Elder you! "

Tang Wujian was taken aback: "Su Zhan, became a divine envoy? Did he go to other worlds?"

"Yes! Not only that, the five spirit kings of the Five Elements world are all respectful to Senior Brother Su, and they even have to take a large piece of land each for us to use in the human race from the spirit world to the Five Elements world, and, Saying that it is necessary to pay resources every year, it is simply surrendering to our human race!"

"The spirit races in the Five Elements world are not inferior. They fought with our human race hundreds of years ago, and each suffered deaths and injuries. They hate it very much. They look down on our human race, how can they bow their heads to the human race?"

King Zhang Musheng was puzzled.

Tang Wujian was also taken aback for a moment, and said suspiciously: "What the hell is going on? You didn't just go in and make up for a while, did you? Tell me something more clearly!

If it is true as you said, are those spirit kings whose brains are broken?

What reason do they have for doing this? "

"What I said is true! How dare I deceive these things!"

Yang Qian hurriedly said, "Mainly, I was really too scared at the time. Those are the five spirit kings!

There is a saying, non-my race, their hearts must be different, how can I dare to stay more, if they turn their faces, I am not waiting to die!

So I didn’t even bother to ask too much. When I heard that Brother Su was behind, he hurriedly left. As for the specific situation, whether their brains are broken or not, I really don’t know...

But what I said is true! If you don’t believe me, you can ask the two Elders! "

The two Elders from the tenth-order holy realm nodded seriously when they saw Tang Wujian and Zhang Mu Shengwang look over.

"Don Elder, as the Son of God said!"

"These are the golden statues and spirit wood sticks they gave us... These are all they gave us. We don't have them in the spirit world. Even if we have them, we can't carry them in advance, right? We never cheated!"

Looking at the treasures that the two Elders took out except Gengjin, they are rare treasures that are only common in the Five Elements world. Hearing their vowed words, Zhang Mu and Tang Wujian felt that this was really outrageous, completely. Beyond their expectations, but they can only choose to believe it.

"The five great spirit kings, the five overlords of the Five Elements world, actually bowed their heads to Su behead?

You still have to cede land, pay for resources, and why do you call Su Zhan a divine envoy?

Su Zhan, Su Zhan this guy..."

Tang Wujian paused, took a deep breath, and muttered in disbelief: "What the hell did he do in the Five Elements world??"

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