I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 418 Encirclement and suppression!

"San Gongzi!"

The two owl heads Elder quickly held Xiao Yao, looking at Su Zhan like fire.


Hate penetrates the bone!

It's no use!

They dare not do it, even...

Don't even dare to reply.

Because they are afraid that they will vomit blood!

The Owhead Clan, one of the three major overlords of the Wumeng Sea, fell silent.

Seeing this, Su Zhan shook his head in surprise: "I was talking to him well, and he actually vomited blood. It can be seen that this person's body is poor, and I am afraid it will not be too late to leave the soil."

Hearing this, the corners of the purple-haired holy demon's mouth twitched.

Talking well?

If this can be considered a good talk.

Then I can be called gentle and elegant...

The purple-haired holy demon slandered in his heart, but he dared not say a word in his mouth.

The demons below are also looking at each other.

Obviously, it was absolutely unexpected that the Xiaoshou clan, one of the three major overlords in the Wumeng Sea Region, would suffer such a big loss.

The auctioneer was very happy.

He didn't care about the conflict between Su Zhan and Xiao Liu.

But the higher the price, the more commission he gets!

After ten seconds, no one bids.

The auctioneer announced that the Chaos Stone was owned by Su Zhan.

The auction will continue.

Not long after, an old man came to Su Zhan's box with a wooden box in his hand, and respectfully said: "This young man, I am the principal of the Wumeng auction, and I specially sent the Chaos Stone to the young man."

Su Zhan took the wooden box, opened it and took a look, and said in surprise: "Does your auction house always let the chief give you things?"

"No, but the son has thrown 40 million and 500 thousand magic crystals! It is almost the largest transaction amount of the Wumeng auction house in a thousand years!"

Although the old man is also a holy demon, but at this time he is very respectful, placing himself in the position of a lower person: "You are a VIP of our Wumeng auction house, of course I have to serve you personally."

"It turned out to be so, by the way, do you know where there is a black soul flower?"

"Black Soul Flower?"

The old man froze for a moment, and then said: "We have it in the Wumeng Business League, and almost all the black soul flowers in the Wumeng Sea are in our hands!"

"How many do you have?"


"I want it all, how much?"

"I want it all?"

The old man’s eyes shimmered: "Originally, it was one million magic crystals, but since the son is so generous, then we Wumeng Business League should also express it, so let’s have eleven black soul flowers, plus Chaos Stone, The son only needs to deliver 51 million magic crystals!"


Su Zhan nodded.

After that, 51 million magic crystals were counted, put into an empty storage bag, and tossed to the old man.

After the old man clicked it clearly, he took out a jade sign, recorded the transaction between the two, and then pointed his finger.

The jade sign flashed, and it was divided into two.

"My son, this is a transaction certificate. It proves that the item was auctioned off by our Wumeng Commercial League. If you have any major questions later, you can contact us."


Watching the old man leave.

Su Zhan was a little emotional.

Unexpectedly, Mozu’s auction house service was so good, completely different from the bloody and violent one he had imagined before.

Except for the appearance and cultivation methods are very different, in other places, the demons and human races are actually very similar!

The auction will continue.

After half an hour.

At the end of the auction, Su Zhan also left the auction house.

Unexpectedly, the acquisition of Chaos Stone and Black Soul Flower was so smooth.

fair enough.

I can go back soon and cultivate Chaos Five Elements body!

Su Zhan was happy, and walked out of this forbidden airspace in the Umong Island domain.

Along the way, I will also look at those shops and stalls.

See if there are any missing treasures or the like.

Soon after Su Zhan left.

Backstage at Wumeng Auction House.

In an ordinary room.

The owner of Island Umong glanced at the old man in charge at the door, and said, "Come in."

"Yes, island owner!"

Entering the room, the old man knelt on one knee and reported: "Island owner, the auction is over. The demons who can't see the history did not continue to auction other things. It seems that he has come prepared for the Chaos Stone!

By the way, in addition to the Chaos Stone, he also bought eleven black soul flowers from our Wumeng Business League! "

"Never mind the black soul flower, there are very few demons that can use the Chaos Stone. Is this person the most powerful race that dominates the demon world in the legend?

However, why should the genius of Xeon Demon come here to auction Chaos Stone?

I really don't understand. "

The lord of Umong Island frowned.

The old man tentatively asked, "Should you send someone to follow that person?"


The owner of Island Umong nodded, and when the old man walked to the door, he remembered something and asked: "The three guys from the Xiaoshou clan, do you have any actions?"

"They also went out in a hurry. It's likely that they are looking for trouble to snatch the Chaos Stone!"


The owner of Umong Island smiled: "Then it will be easy. You can find a few concealed ones and follow behind the Owhead Clan to record what happened. If the Owhead Clan succeeds in robbing the Chaos Stone, I will visit the door myself. Let them take out another 40 million magic crystals. At that time, the auctioneer was probably killed by the Xiaoshou clan a long time ago. We don't need to compensate, which is equivalent to making 40 million yuan in vain, and it won't damage our credibility!

If that person is very strong and defeated the three guys from the Xiaoshou clan, you will come back and report, let me see this person's magical powers, true body, and what the hell is coming from, and then make plans. "


The old man nodded quickly and retreated respectfully.


Two hundred miles outside Umong Island.

Above the sea.

The Yanbing Saint Car suddenly stopped.

Su Zhan walked out of the saint chariot, put away the Yanbing saint chariot, looked at the trio of Xiaoshou clan who had chased him for two hundred miles behind him, his expression calm.

"Master Su, why didn't you leave?"

The purple-haired holy demon was a little surprised.

Su Zhan said: "If these people are allowed to chase the Greystone Demon Island, not only will you suffer from the Three-Eyed Demon Race, but also the spatial channel leading to our spiritual world will be exposed. In that case, what matters will be resolved here. ."

The purple-haired sage demon moved in his heart: "Young Master Su is going to treat them--"

"Be reasonable."

Su Zhan interrupted.


The purple-haired holy demon was a little puzzled.

Can't tell, Su Gongzi is still a person who likes to reason?

And this time.

The three owl heads also surrounded them, sneering one by one.

"Flee! Why don't you run away!"

"Do you know that you can't run through our owl head clan, and want to ask for mercy?"

"Pray for mercy? Humph! It's too late now!"

The three powerful lords burst out, and they all laughed grinningly.

Su Zhan glanced at them and said indifferently: "I have already got my stuff, so I don't want to have more troubles, you'd better not—"

"Shut up! All your things are mine!"

Xiaoyao interrupted Su Zhan's words: "It is no longer on Umong Island. No one can protect you. Do you think you still have the arrogant capital in front of me!"

"Sure enough, as I expected, your owlet clan is ferocious and vicious, and won't listen to my reasoning at all."

Su Zhan shook his head, his eyes were cold, and the imprint of Extreme Thunder Mountain in his left hand was bright.

"In that case, there is no need to talk about it!"

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